I placed a special order from Sydney Tools in December for some Thorzt icy poles. So basically not in stock but they advertise "non-stock items are not in stock but can be sourced typically within 72 hours". I wasn't in a hurry and anticipated for a few weeks delay. They then advised that it would be a 2 month delay and I politely asked for a refund which they refused saying special orders cannot be refunded. Whatever I'll wait. Today they told me of another delay and the new estimate is late October which is going to be 10 months. A chargeback was already initiated today but is it just me or is that kind of unreasonable for them not to refund an order?
Sydney Tools Refusing Refund after Minimum 10 Month Delay

Last edited 19/03/2024 - 11:52
Related Stores
Should have just bought Zooper Dooper from Woolies.
or Coles… Whoever currently has them for 50% off…
looks like the thorzt icy poles seem to be just a rehydration type of icy pole - why not just get the more commonly available hydralyte options?
Because we would have missed out on a Post on OZBargain
has been some time since any real drama on ozbargain forum
The Thorzt ice blocks are seriously the best tasting out of any I've tried by far
must be next level if you were prepared to wait the original 2 months delay..
now im tempted to special order from sydney tools to suss how good these could possibly beHave you tried Sqwincher? I remember my work used to have another brand on contract but the mining guys always put in a free text order for Sqwincher as they didn't like the other brand
zooper doopers arent the same.
like comparing apple juice and hydralyte
Lawyer up.
OP’s username doesn’t check out.
Certainly that would be grounds for a refund. If they won't budge then perhaps do a chargeback?
How much are we talking about here?
Their delay is unreasonable. I think you do have grounds to ask for a refund.
Just a couple weeks ago I had to deal with these clowns. Placed an internet order for items that were supposed to be in stock. Two of the items were out of stock, so I politely asked for the order to be cancelled and refunded. Was told to contact my local store to arrange refund. Contacted local store and was told to contact home office in Sydney to arrange refund (the same people that told me to contact my local store). So I went to Paypal, opened up a dispute saying I haven't received tracking information for my order and that I had requested a refund. Surprised when three days later my order was shipped and tracking information provided. You have to be careful dealing with these guys.
Doubling number of outlets in fours years… I wonder if they will survive with that amount of growth and associated debt etc, especially if there is a downturn in construction …
Same deal. I mentioned to the online outfit that I didn't purchase through your nominated store, I purchased online so why should I need to contact them to process a refund when I've already established with them that they do not have stock.
I've really had my fill of retailers advertising products and not divulging known stock shortages or non-stocked completely during checkout. The ACCC needs to put a broom through this practice.
Thread closed…………
You must be fun at parties
You'll never know because you don't get invited…
You only know because you are the tray person handing out the nibbles.
You go to parties ?
I have heard of this stuff happening with Sydney Tools quite often, I avoid them for this reason as I don't want to deal with that sort of headache. As others have mentioned, time to initiate a chargeback and call it a day, provide evidence of whats going on if you have to.
time to initiate a chargeback
According to OP, "You must be fun at parties" 🤣
Ah yes, I too directly correlate charge backs with being fun at parties
Quite the opposite. Doobey didn't expect the thread to close after his comment.
keep us updated op - will be interesting to see how this ends considering the posted special orders policy advertised on website.
Definitely not acceptable.
I'll keep it in mind in future with Sydney Tools. Their stock levels for consumables is sketchy but cheap if it's available.
Better hurry and chargeback before time limit.
I haven't had issue with sydney tools and I have purchased dozens of things from there. I always pay with credit and go in store to take receipt of the item.
sqwincher ice blocks infinitely better
Not acceptable
TIL that you can buy electrolytes from a tool shop.
I literally thought that "icy poles" must be tradie jargon for some special piece of equipment.
Yeah like WTF. Am I missing something here…
What is a tool shop doing selling icy poles?On back order for months?
Cool, tasty treats just in time for Winter.
Should have just bought Zooper Dooper from Woolies.
Just start a chargeback.