That the best price I saw for brand new Apple product.
$11 cheaper than Apple online store.
You have to call stores for stock.
That the best price I saw for brand new Apple product.
$11 cheaper than Apple online store.
You have to call stores for stock.
For Apple product that the best I saw on release day itself (from Aus retailer)
I think the iPod Shuffle was cheaper than this on it's release day.
what is this ipad mini? is this meant to be a ipad merged with an ipod touch?
7.9" ipad.
with the specs of the now outdated iPad 2….real innovative
talk about specs on paper isnt helping much. I've tried it in person yesterday. it's great.
NEVER in your life try to RETURN something made by Apple to jb.hifi. just thought i'd share that tip so you all enjoy your iPad mini experience.
As per usual big w is the cheapest price
and target will be only $1 more than big w's price
Please tell us about your experiences to validate your tip.
did you open it and then try and return it?
i've never had a problem doing it - have done it twice with absolutely no issues, two different stores. Both items were open and used also.
just checked, target is selling it for $359 :)
I can vouch for this claim but for something else. My laptop. They said i can get warranty for my laptop if i just bring it in the store. As the time came within a year. They gave me an address to post it at my own expense and told me their not responsible for paying. I send it to america… At the risk of getting it lost in the post. Dicksmith though although is dodgy, they got a good warranty system.
Nexus 7 or this? Which has better resolution an ebook use?
if you are just comparing resolution for reading ebooks then the nexus
Nexus 7
Nexus 7 FTW……..awesome tablet……much more fun than iPad……
i love my nexus 7
in here, you are almost certain to get one predicted answer. You may want to seek other inputs from whirlpool.
implying Reddit doesn't love Apple
don't worry n1. I understand you were being sarcastic. hahaha
“we [won't] make a 7-inch tablet isn’t because we don’t want to hit [a lower] price point. It’s because we think the screen is too small to express the software. As a software driven company, we think about the software strategies first. This size tablet is pointless unless your tablet also includes sandpaper, so that the user can sand down their fingers to around one quarter of the present size.” - Steve Jobs
don't worry, apple devotees have selective memories lol
"640K ought to be enough for anyone." - Bill Gates (allegedly)
technology changes, as do ideas and opinions..
/insert non-fanboi factoid
also, if you see the 'lost interview' doco recently on Jobs he admits he doest mind being proved wrong, and many times has said one thing to be shown that it is/was/possible to do the alternative
"Gates said that 640KB limit was caused by the processor design and that he had pushed to increase it."
it's 7.9" so technically its 8"
Can't wait to touch and feel this in-store!!!
Whoa! Calm down….touchy, feely? :P
When can we touch and feel in stock?
wow this is awesome. its only $30 more than the RRP of the ipod touch. why buy ipod touch (unless u need something small) when u can have an ipad mini?
iPod touch's smallest RAM is 32GB.
You mean 32GB of flash memory.
Maybe for its Retina display. When I figured out the resolution of iPad is same as iPhone 3GS, I picked up an iPad instead of iPad Mini.
Not bad price.
Sure, in the US. It's $369 here.
$369 = AUD335.45 plus GST. US price is USD329 plus state taxes.
we get these comparisons all the time. people forget about sales tax in US.
and if you have access to a 5% discount wish gift card, will be down to 340.1
Price match it at Bing Lee and use the $30 AMEX credit.
My boss went to an apple store this morning to pick one up. Didn’t pre order, just walked in at 9am and brought one, no queue at all.
I wonder if apple were right that the typical apple customer doesn’t want a 7" tab? Or did their marketing stuff up? where was the hype?
I don’t believe that the typical apple customer would get put off by it being more expensive and possibly inferior to the competition.
Yeah … all went to buy Nexus 7 for $249 in store :)
The price isn't right. That's why the demand is so low. The Nexus 7 sells for near cost price and it packs a way better spec overall, so Apple is producing a tablet that is already outgunned and out priced from day one.
How do you beat someone who makes a better product AND manages to sell it for less?
Better getting an alternate 7" tablet as this one has a low res screen and less features, plus it's more expensive.
Apple messed up with this device and they'll probably try fix it soon with a better one.
They'll try to fix it, but theres always the possibility they might dig a deeper hole…
I'm willing to bet that in about a year it will get replaced by a retina version with a quad core chip at the same price, making all the current users feel like chumps once it releases.
how are they chumps when they got use 12 months in advance?
because they should have never insulted customers by releasing something that is behind the curve at time of release
Compare to nexus 7, i don't think ipad mini worth $100+ more. This Only for the people prefer iOS and don't mind non HD Screen.
Reviews have been overall positive for the iPad Mini. I think I will need to see and feel it in my own hands to decide if it is worth the price.
Tried today at JB the screen is better than I expected but for that price I won't buy it.
Apple has a pretty good reputation for its after sales service. The extra money may be worth that. Plus the apps ecosystem.
A lot of hate for the screen though…Particularly given the relatively high price point. I would definitely agree: try before you buy.
great price but i think for $100 more 9.7" ipad is much better value.( bought another ipad3 for $467 at HN couple of days ago). i have 7" tablets but for me screen is just not big enough.
For the same price, I'll get the Kindle Fire HD 8.9
I went to Apple store at Chadstone and gave it a try. It is actually quite good. It is similar to Ipad 3 except in a smaller form factor (thin and light like an Ipod touch with a bigger screen).
i bought the nexus 7 when it first came out and paid $300. even with the price drop i still would of bought it. and its not a whirlpool thing. i love the feedback u guys give on this site, it has helped me a lot in decisions.
is it just me or have big w stopped listing the ipad mini on their site? no chance to get price matching :(
next cheapest was Target at $359 for 16gb wifi >…
I have seen brand new products for cheaper :D