Cashback tracking
Cashback is available only if you visit the BWS website via our platform.
BWS can only confirm to us that an order is recorded if you accept all cookies that appear on their pages.
Your Cashback may be tracked at a different rate initially and adjusted to the correct rate when we confirm the transaction details.
Cashback tracking tips
Always return to this platform and click through to BWS for every new transaction. Make sure the link on our platform is the last link you use to visit the BWS website.
Don’t click on any third party links or extensions or use any adblocking software, as they could result in your Cashback not being tracked. Some examples include: Facebook ads, Google Ads, other loyalty or cashback extension links.
For BWS, always clear your cart before using the link from this platform. Items already in the cart when you visit from a link on our platform will not be tracked for Cashback.
If you encounter payment errors during your purchase, you should re-start your visit to the BWS website from this platform to ensure that your Cashback continues to be tracked.
Special notes from store
Extension tracking does not work for BWS, please click through from ShopBack to ensure that your Cashback is tracked.
Transactions paid using WOW Rewards or Woolworths Dollars are not eligible for Cashback.
Cap per member or per transaction