This was posted 11 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 $3.15, Red Alert 3 - Uprising $2.45, C&C3: Tiberium Wars / Kane's Wrath $3.15 @ Steam


EA seems to have wordlessly revised the prices for Command and Conquer 3 and Red Alert 3 down to practically nothing.

C&C 3 Tiberium Wars $3.15

C&C 3 Kanes Wrath $3.15 (requires base game to play)

RA3 Uprising $2.45

Good if you want to add to your Steam collection and not wanting the C&C Collection on Origin

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Command and Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight is also affected by the price changes but can't be bought directly from Steam, you can add it to your cart apparently via SteamDB's browser extension though:

    • +3

      Nice 20% User rating. …..

    • +1

      Hmmm, I tried that but my cart shows:

      "There was a problem displaying this item
      d is undefined"

    • +15

      C&C 4 is a pile of garbage that neither looks nor plays like any actual C&C game. It was outsourced to a bunch of hacks who slaughtered the game on the cheap & never finished it's development before release. As a percentage of those who purchased & then refunded the purchase, It's one of the most refunded Steam releases of all time.

      • +1

        I agree. It was an absolute letdown. Similar to Supreme Commander 2.

        • +4

          Unpopular opinion, I loved SC2

    • 20.48% positive rating. I mean why bother doing it bruh

  • +11

    I remember clearing the games when they were current at the highest difficulty. Now I can't no longer do that.

    :( Aging sucks. I am only mid 30s.

    • +3

      I finished C&C remastered on the hardest difficulty. I forgot how brutal C&C1 was.

    • By any chance do you drink or smoke?

      • No at all

        • That's strange, I'm in my 40s and still play same as before!
          I play a lot of puzzle games, as they help train your brain, that what probably likely helps! Unlike brain dead fake games like fortnite and mobile bullsh!ts and obviously alcohol/cigarette…

  • +17

    Used to LAN it up with mates back in the late 90s playing the original c&c and ra2. It was the bomb.

    • +3

      "A-bomb launch detected"

    • +2

      We used Hamachi to create a virtual LAN on dialup to play

  • Thanks OP.

  • +21

    Shame there was never a remaster of RA2: Yuri's Revenge. Far and away the best RA experience iut there.

    • +3

      agree, love this game, still got he box art somewhere

    • absolutely

    • +3

      I'm still holding out hope… in the meantime, you should try the Mental Omega mod. It's seriously good.

  • +12

    How long until we see a generals remake πŸ˜…

    • +4

      I played generals while at Uni in a lecture theatre on the big screen. I felt like a military mastermind and loved calling in air strikes.

    • -1

      Loved playing as the ME faction.

    • +1

      Such an underrated game

    • Can’t sell in China

      • One title that EA would have to carefully consider how they could re-release it.

  • +1

    I loved C&C 3. Was indifferent to the expansion.

    RA3 + Uprising is just silly fun.

  • +9

    ayo anyone else remember those pinups of the girls of red alert 3 - dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmm - many a nut was busted back in the day as a teenager.

    • Ayy Jimothy something to keep to yourself maybe πŸ˜‚

      • +4

        Not ashamed - anything to up my engagement algorithms

        • +1

          Deffo some top notch totty on display there but you'd have break out the waterboarding equipment to get any sort of confession outta me

        • +8

          Just don't let the future partner know or it might start messing up engagement algorithms

    • +5

      Gina Carano & Ivana Milicevic for the win.

      • I was watching it and wondered why she looked familiar. I had just finished watching star wars.

    • +3

      Sir, this is not Reddit.

    • OMG no wonder this is a great game.

  • +3

    I miss the first RA, great game for the time!

    Those videos with comrade Stalin, ah the good old days

    • +1

      EA has remastered it. You can find it on Steam and EA.

  • +2

    All great games. I was so pissed off when Westwood shut down.

  • +1

    Will this work on Apple silicon Mac?

    • Windows only. Sad for me, too.

  • Only the original C&C rocked. DOS version only. Being so zoomed in felt entirely different to play and you were always pounded harder because of how much less you could see on the field and map

    • +3

      you were always pounded harder


  • I wonder what the guy that played Yuri is doing now days

  • ageing ungracefully while waiting for the remake, and wearing out panzer general 2, railroad tycoon 2, and imperialism 1 and 2?

  • +2

    red alert is the best of the command and Conquer series 2 and 3 were my favorite red alerts :D if I had to choose though RA2 FOR SURE!!
    don't bother with C&C 4 though its a rubbish EA just screwed that game.

    • +1

      Yuri Revenge was my all time favourite

    • For mother Russia

    • Red Alert 2 took away so much of my childhood. LOVED IT!
      In comparison to the more modern games, I appreciate the simplicities of it, at least for my rookie gameplay.

      • the days the mulitplayers :D over dial up loved those days

        • had to use 2 CDs to install the game
          I had a fright during the installation process, believing I had been targeted by the US intelligence LOL. Good time

  • -1

    Got RA3 for $5.99 in Nov, tested for an hour and decided to refund as it's not like RA2. Steam rejected the refund lol.

    Any current game that is close to RA2? Looking for a whole new upgrade but similar gaming tactic. Hope to see a coming RA4 or similar just as AoE4.

  • I remember when this first came out, the idea of a "download-only" DLC (without a physical release) was very novel. I remember they had planned on releasing more than 1 DLC but it never happened.

    • Also the idea of a stand alone expansion pack, not requiring the base game, was still a new concept in 2009.

  • If it's this cheap when not on sale just think how cheap it will be during a steam sale.

    Also wonder if they are preparing for a delisting?

  • +3

    Beats me why EA have not done a new game on this. HAS MILLIONS OF FANS WORLDWIDE, even if it's just a one off purchase, they'd make a killing

  • I've only played generals and the original c &c.

    Which is the best buy here?

  • Joke's on you EA, i already bought these years ago for a much higher price and never played them…

  • ok guys I did a quick search there are people that do the multiplayer for classic games like red alert 2

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