Hard drive in my (OZB Budget PC of choice) Lenovo ThinkCentre M700 Tiny appears to be dead.
I will replace the SSD.
There appears to be more choices with NVMe M.2 than SATA M.2.
Will a NVMe M.2 work with the Lenovo ThinkCentre M700 Tiny PC?
Hard drive in my (OZB Budget PC of choice) Lenovo ThinkCentre M700 Tiny appears to be dead.
I will replace the SSD.
There appears to be more choices with NVMe M.2 than SATA M.2.
Will a NVMe M.2 work with the Lenovo ThinkCentre M700 Tiny PC?
Thanks for confirming.
Some results online for the M700 say yes, some say no.
I don't have a NVMe to test it out with my M700 so will stick with SATA.
These ones have SATA interface only: https://psref.lenovo.com/syspool/Sys/PDF/ThinkCentre/ThinkCeā¦
M.2 SATA disks are still hovering a little over $100/TB, but the 2.5" ones are more around $80-$90 for reputable brands.
If you've been using an HDD, then upgrading to even a SATA SSD will be like night and day.
Pretty sure my system has either SSD or M.2 SSD.
OK, I opened up the PC.
Inside there is a 2.5" SSD so to have the hassles, I'll buy a 2.5" SSD. Which opens up my options because M.2 SATA isn't that popular.
Thanks everyone.
I have one of these running few Hyper-V servers. As I remember it is SATA M.2 only. I am using a SATA SSD (not M.2).
No, if it comes with a SATA m.2 (or lists a SATA M.2 port, which it seems to say from the spec sheet) then that's all you can replace it with. The two aren't interchangeable.