• expired

$200 CB Health Insurance e.g Bupa/AHM 4 Wks Free after 30/60 Days, 50% CB Travel Insurance via Compare The Market @ TopCashBack


Some decent deals here.
The Gem is that Private Health Insurance for Hospital only / Hospital + Extras has $200 Cashback. It also stacks with any applicable bonus offer directly with private fund displayed on signup

For example:

  • AHM combined hospital/extras 4 weeks free after 60 days continous cover + $200 TCB cashback

  • Bupa combined hospital/extras 4 weeks free after 30 days continous cover + $200 TCBcashback

Other CB rates below:

Comprehensive Car Insurance $110
Third Party Property Damage (TPPD) $40
Third Party Fire & Theft (TPFT) $40
Home & Contents Cover $100
Home Cover Only $65
Building Cover Only $65
Contents Cover Only $50
Landlord Building Cover $65
Travel Insurance 50%
Private Hospital Cover $200
Hospital and Extras Combined Cover $200
Health Insurance Extras $60

Referral Links

Referral: random (4053)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

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closed Comments

  • Cashback will be confirmed after your product/service has been active for at least 30 days. Payment could take up to 50 - 90 days after validation.

    • +1

      Standard for deals like this as cooling off period is 30 days for insurance products

  • -3

    10-4 Good buddy

  • +1

    Is it just me or has there been a lack of anything but X weeks free from health insurance for a while?

  • is the limit $200- e..g if i get car insurance home insurance and private health insurance?

  • Signed up to Top Cashback and bought car insurance using Top Cashback app. It’s been more than an hour and it hasn’t been tracked. How long does it usually take track?

    • +1

      It could take 24-48 hrs sometimes

      • Thanks.

        @TopCashback AU Rep can you please confirm if multiple policies bought on separate transactions are eligible for Cash backs as I am thinking of buying a few policies? Also is using Top Cashback iOS app is the best way to track the purchases as mine has not tracked yet (more than 15 hours)?

        • +1

          Hey @kelasen, yes you would be eligible for cashback on mutiple policies - please just make sure you click from our site before making your purchases. Both our site and app should allow your transactiosn to track. If you do use our site, please ensure you clear your cookies and uninstall any ad blockers as this may affect your tracking.

          It can somtimes take up to 7 days for a purchase to track, so don't worry if it hasn't just yet. Feel free to drop me a DM if you need a hand with anything.

  • @TopCashback AU Rep is there anyway to check click through's are working? Fingers crossed my CB is tracked soon for health insurance.

    • Hey @Pleasure Paulie, you can check your clicks here: https://www.topcashback.com.au/account/earnings/clicks/ If your transaction hasn't tracked within 7 days, please drop me a DM

      • Hi @TopCashback AU Rep, mine hasn't tracked and I purchased it over a week ago, I have sent you a PM but haven't heard back? Thanks

  • @TopCashback AU Rep: T&C said cashback wont apply if using promotion code. Bupa has 6 week free for new corporate customer as advertised on their website. Can you confirm this offer stack with 200$ cashback?

    • Its whatever product shown and you signup using comparethemarket search engine. If you buy a different policy, it will void the cashback

  • Just made my first purchase with TopCash. How long should it take to log/track the transfer into my account?

  • +1

    Thank you @easternculture for the post.

    Great timing for my Travel Insurance purchase

    • do you need to register for top cashback then register again to compare the market before purchasing travel insurance? thanks

      • Register topcashback, then click the link from the deal

  • How do you get AHM / Bupa showing X free weeks using compare the market? I just did a search (33yo, male, NSW) and I see AHM for $117.65/month (Bronze), no free weeks and Bupa for $121.80/month (Bronze+), no free weeks.

    AIA Health $122.57/month (Bronze) is showing up to 6 weeks (4 weeks if you hold until July 1st 2024, and then 2 extra weeks if you hold Silver until April 7, 2025).

    Can't see anything else - is it just the $200 CB that's the deal, or am I just not eligible based on my circumstances.

    • I think you need to buy combined for free weeks unless free week offers have ended since i posted the deal

  • Note: this deal end in 5 hours!

    • I just clicked on the link. it looks like it's still active for travel insurance

  • Purchased Health insurance (hospital + extra) yesterday. It hasn't been tracked yet but I am hopeful. Does anyone know if it's possible to see click history similar to Shopback and Cashrewards? Sorry I am quite new to Topcashback

    • Did it track eventually?

      • I also purchased hospital + extra back in mid-March and it did not track - opened a claim and submitted screenshots of payment - awaiting a reply (been 2 weeks)

        • Same thing happened to me . 3 weeks now hasn't tracked yet.opened a claim no reply

          • @spav99: Received reply today that they are in touch with insurance company - Generally we find it takes around about 12-16 weeks to get a result for claims like yours.

  • Is the travel insurance any good? Ie. Anyone made a claim through the providers?

    Q2 - Any referral bonuses out there (on top of the random referal code here)?

  • +1

    Is it possible to still receive the cashback if I start the transfer now but it doesn't start for a month

    • I would like to know this too.. set start date for about 30 days away?

  • Thanks, Eastie! Just signed up with NIB for my latest PHI churn. Free PHI for 4 months (free 8 weeks promo + $200 cashback, more than enough to cover 2 months of basic cover).

  • be sure to check compare the market to topcashback linked compare the market.

    quote for home insurance ctm virgin: 667

    and from tcb ctm virgin : 710 with 65 cashback making it 645.

    quote from virgin home insurance website 680

    not worth the hassle as cashback may not tracked for whatever reason and I would end up paying more. Really only worth it if you have nothing to lose eg tcb ctm and ctm were of equal value and cashback was just a bonus. In saying that, topcashback have been great so far, nil issues, one cashback didnt trace which was from Amazon, but topcashback were great in getting Amazon to cough up the verification of the transaction

  • It seems AHM offer ends soon:
    Offer ends 15 Apr 2024

  • Has anybody got their CB as payable yet? Mine is just sitting as confirmed.

    • Same, not sure what 'Confirmed' means and for how long it's going to sit in this status :(

      • where is the rep?

      • Cashback will be confirmed after your product/service has been active for at least 30 days. Payment could take up to 50 - 90 days after validation.

  • Signed up 5pm yesterday, still hasn't tracked yet

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