Tried to get a new FTTP installed, rep talked me into this because they don’t know if my address has been planned for the upgrade unless I have an active connection. Just paid $1 and set the activation date to align with the date when the modem arrives. It is Feb now, so if you hold off a couple days you get a slightly longer month ;) Return the modem if you choose to cancel and no minimum notice period (do it the day before the cycle?).
Might help someone else 🥰
Premium plan — nbn 100
Typical 7-11pm speed — 100Mbps download, 17Mbps upload
Ultimate plan — nbn 250
Typical 7-11pm speed — 250Mbps download, 22Mbps upload
Free FTTP upgrade available at eligible premises. Check your address here.
What is the minimum speed plan you can order from a participating ISP to get FTTP?
FTTN to FTTP: Home Fast (100/20).
FTTC to FTTP: Home Superfast (250/25).
You signed up, have no idea what you're getting but it's some how a deal? Sounds like some sage boomer advice right there, especially since it's Telstra.