Anyone Have a Panasonic Ventilated Bathroom Exhaust Fan?

Interested in getting one of these fans, has anyone tried them? it seems pretty cool a motion sensor with run on timer and super efficient with great build quality from the sounds of it.…

I would like to know if anyone had experience with these their thoughts etc?

It seems like the install (from the manual on the bunnings link) of these is a bit tricky, according to the manual you have to build a wooden frame to mount it or use a bracket to mount it below the wood rafters in the ceiling i think? I am going to pay an electrician to do it, but would they even do this job if its this tricky?


  • but would they even do this job if its this tricky?

    anything is possible..for a price :D

    also looks like wooden frame is the only way to go- the frame (fv-kb021c) doesnt even look to be available in Australia lmao

    • you actually can get the bracket from amazon japan…
      its not even expensive with free delivery so thats not issue, I just dont understand how it installs?does it mount to the rafters above it? how do you even know if it will line up with the hole where you want the fan?

      • looks like there is some 20mm adjustment on 2 planes that should help…

      • I haven't read the instructions, but it likely still screws into the gyprock, but uses a metal strap/rod to take the main weight of the unit.

  • +1

    Onlyfans is all I need in my bathroom

    • +1

      I love the ones that start sucking as soon as I walk into the room without asking.

  • Low Noise Design

    So everyone can better hear you pooping?

    • +1

      Maybe it get louder as it has a motion detection

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