Hey Guys,
There is a lot of formal wear on stylefix at the moment, perfect for gifts, the races or just the party season.
Mens Silk Ties by Gianfranco Ferre for only $20
Watch and Jewellery Sets by Pierre Cardin from $24
cai Men's Oxidised Silver Jewellery up to 55% off
& heaps more!
In the stylefix outlet, which ships much quicker, we also have Robert Robert Shoes, Swarovski Jewellery and Luggage! Check it out.
Not to sound too critical, however, the definition of 'style' in mens ties is to say at best from the 1960's, the limited selection of ranges of other products (including the dresses - a whole 3 to choose from) is also pretty 'out there'. I would also suggest removing the forced having to sign up prior to browsing.
Needless to say I think the website needs a 'stylefix' ;)