Where to Get Frozen Squabs in Melbourne?

I used to get them shipped from NSW, but that place is no longer selling them.

And all the places in Vic are showing as out of stock.

Does anyone know where to get them?


  • +7

    From a Chinese butcher….ask for Ho Ming.

  • Coo l

    • +1

      Albos Aves?

    • I looked there before, but it's sold out unfortunately.

      • That seems incredibly expensive. Iā€™d be breeding my own at that price.

      • Worth giving them a call. Could be something they will order in for you.

  • Interesting word, squab. When it came to seats it was originally the backrest part of a padded seat. But somehow it came to mean the base of the seat. The part you sit on. So if you are talking about the squab of a seat in an old car, and a new car, you are referring to two different parts of the seats.

    • Talking about the animal. A delicacy here but cheap elsewhere in Asia

      • -1

        "In culinary terminology, squab is an immature domestic pigeon, typically under four weeks old, or its meat."

        Eating pigeons as a delicacy? Maybe a tradition, respectable and viable. Certainly not special.

        • Delicacy by reference to the price charged here

    • You sit on it, but you can't take it with you is my password hint for my password "squab".

      • This post now makes your password hint ambiguous!!

        This squab can be sat on and, if seated right, can be taken with you :P

  • If you're in Melbourne and craving frozen squabs, here are a couple of options for you:

    1. Gamekeepers of Australia:

      • They offer Squab Pigeon No. 3 (frozen) weighing 300g.
      • You can order online and pick up the next day at their factory in Moorabbin, VIC.
      • Pickup Address: 7 Edgecombe Court, Moorabbin, VIC 3189.
      • Pickup Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 10 am to 3 pm.
      • They also provide home delivery to Metro Melbourne on Tuesdays to Fridays, with some locations in Geelong, Outer Melbourne, and Victorian Country available (delivery days vary) Ā².

    2. John Cesters Prahran:

      • They have the freshest and best range of game birds in Melbourne, including squabs Ā³.

    Happy squab hunting! šŸ—šŸ¦†

    (1) Squab Pigeon No. 3 (frozen) 300g ā€“ Gamekeepers of Australia. https://gamekeepersmeat.com.au/products/squab-pigeon.
    (2) Fresh Duck, Turkey, Emu, Squab, Pheasant & Quail & more. https://gamemeatandvenison.com.au/game-birds/.
    (3) Where to Get Frozen Squabs in Melbourne? - OzBargain Forums. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/832236.

    • Thanks but I think both are out of stock right now.

      • šŸ˜²

        Have you tried a Squab test ?

  • Never heard the term squab before leant at least something today.

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