• expired

AMINO Z Whey Protein Isolate WPI 1kg $40.49 (28% off) & Free Shipping @ Amino Z


I know that Aminoz is hardly ever sold below $39 but still it is a good deal and cheap too. They are running a Chinese New Year deal.


✓ Australian Product
✓ Australian Owned Brand
✓ 110% Guarantee (info)
✓ 87% less plastic in packaging (info)
✓ Naturally Sweetened
✓ Soy Free
✓ Vegetarian Friendly
✓ Free From Added Colours

Whey Protein Isolate (Whey Protein Isolate, Sunflower Lecithin) (Milk), Flavours, Cocoa, Thickener (Xanthan Gum), Sweetener (Thaumatin)

Mix 1 serve with 250mL of water and mix well with a shaker.


Processed in a facility that processes Fish, Gluten, Milk. These allergens may be present.

Mod: Removed referral solicitation

Referral Links

Referral: random (531)

Referees get $10 off their first order. Referrers get $10 worth of Z Points.

This is part of Lunar New Year Deals for 2024

Related Stores

Amino Z
Amino Z

closed Comments

  • +10

    Thats $200 for 5kg , my sweet spot is $150 per 5kg bulk

    • +1

      They do run that deal of 5kg for $150 with $50 cashback as points. Just wait and see. I am waiting too. Was getting low and bought 1kg for now.

      • that deal usually for 4 kg but yeah with $50 cashback it certainly becomes under $150 for 5 kg.

      • +6

        Thanks @mhc for posting the deal and supporting our brand!

        I can confirm that yes, we do have a new deal coming soon. But the specific details are yet to be 100% confirmed, so I cannot commit to anything specific just yet until everything is finalised.


      • @mhc following up here. I can now confirm that we will be releasing a new major WPI and creatine deal on Monday morning (26 Feb). You may have received the email Vanessa sent out to our prior customers about this.

        Sorry I could not confirm this earlier, I needed to 100% confirm that we could commit to this as there is a lot of preparation involved given how much support we receive (stock levels, staffing, warehouse setup etc). Thanks again for your interest and ongoing support!


        • Yeah, @aminozcomau thanks I got the email. waiting anxiously. The ON protein is also on deal at Costco though. Will weigh up both deals to see which one to get.

          • @mhc: No worries @mhc :)


        • I haven't got the email but looking forward to it.

          • @r3b00t: Vanessa only sent this to newsletter subscribers @r3b00t, that may be why you didn't receive it?


            • @aminozcomau: I'm a subscriber and I do get many emails from Vanessa, but didn't receive this particular one.

              But all good, already aware of the upcoming promotion :)

    • $184 here, but I remember I paid $175 on the Black Friday deal. I'll wait

    • -1

      Is that a single bag of 5 kg? Doesn't it start to taste old and stale after like 2 months getting exposed to air every time you open the bag?

      • They sell bulk but in single bags i e. 5 x 1kg

  • Somewhat on topic, anyone else notice the unflavored is now some sort of vanilla flavored?

    • Last batch I got roughly 2 months ago was fine, still that lovely off-not-milk-but-kinda-milk flavour. Might be a labelling mix up?

    • You sure it is vanilla? Does it taste sweet to taste? Last unflavoured i got from them end of Nov is fine.

      • +1

        Can be no doubt there was a change since the last sale. Different taste different smell.

    • @reactor-au we'll be happy to send another unflavoured if you were unhappy with the one you last got. Could you send through a PM? Vanessa will be able to sort that out for you.


    • +1

      I always get the unflavoured & I can assure you it tastes nothing like Vanilla.

      Actually, without adding your own flavour (i use 3/4 unflavoured - 1/4 flav.) it tastes quite horrid, but the flavoured variants are just too sweet tasting for me hence why i like to mix.

  • +9

    Was waiting for another repeat of 4kg $149.99 Del+$55 Credit deal.

    Just started my bag of choc honeycomb and LOVING it.

    @AminoZ pls

    • @aminozcomau

    • They had a birthday promo in Feb/Mar 2021 and 2023 with the 4kg for $150 plus $55/65 credit. Not sure if they’ll have it this year but worth waiting.

    • +1

      @Jimothy Wongingtons I'm glad you're enjoying he choc honeycomb :)

      I can confirm that yes, we do have a new deal coming soon. But the specific details are yet to be 100% confirmed, so I cannot commit to anything specific just yet until everything is finalised.


    • +1

      Shout out @Jimothy Wongingtons for the forceusa olympic plates. So good!

    • +1

      @Jimothy Wongingtons following up here. I can now confirm that we will be releasing a new major WPI and creatine deal on Monday morning (26 Feb). You may have received the email Vanessa sent out to our prior customers about this.

      Sorry I could not confirm this earlier, I needed to 100% confirm that we could commit to this as there is a lot of preparation involved given how much support we receive (stock levels, staffing, warehouse setup etc). Thanks again for your interest and ongoing support!


      • +1

        Awesome! I need some more complete pre workout and maybe creatine this time, on top of the usual protein order

        Are the bags any better now? I had to chuck my non stim mango preworkout as it had all gone clumpy even though it was sealed with the zip lock and then put into another zip lock bag on top of that…

        I already got my complete pre replaced once by Vanessa last time as same issue. And she sent me a couple of proper screw top containers but mannnn it was a mess trying to load pre workout into it. The powder is just so fine if you even slightly start to pour it just creates a crazy cloud lol

        • +3

          Most of the bags are onto the better versions now thankfully. There are a few exceptions, but it looks like we have gone through most of the old bags that were causing all the headaches. The new bags landed about 6-8 weeks ago and we have been frantically making stock with the new pouches.

          If you do have any problems please reach out. I know its not ideal, but we can replace or sort something out on our end for you at our expense. I admit we have really let you and many of our customers down with the old bags.

          I know exactly what you mean with the pre workout, it is so fine. So sorry about this.


        • Crazy cloud is an understatement.

          BCAA, Pre-workout, Creatine — all of them make a mushroom cloud when trying to get them out of the ziplock.

          • +1

            @dottydotdot: haha i got probably 1/3 of the pack in with great difficulty , tried pouring, scooping etc gave up in the end but at least i will have SOME Of it relatively safe from clumping for more than a few weeks…

  • +3

    My favourite protein brand!

    • Thank you so much for the support @batrarobin!


  • +1

    lets go Jay. We are waiting.

    • +1


      We will have a big one coming soon, details are yet to be confirmed just yet though.


      • Can you say when the other deal is coming (and if it will be an open offer or just for existing customers)?

        I'm trying to decide whether to pull the trigger on this or wait to see the other offer.

        • @Robbed I cannot yet confirm an exact launch date as there is a lot of preparation that goes into these deals and things do change last minute. We could be looking at in the coming weeks, so if you can hold off a little you may wish to wait.


  • I see AminoZ I like

    Sometimes the flavours are a bit hit or miss (you'll never know till you try) but their 110% guarantee is great for that purpose.

    • Thank you so much for the support @penguiniman!


  • I'm due some wpi. I normally buy VPA. This stuff is good?

    • What do they do with returned used product

      • +2

        Quote from them (they dispose of it)

        @Jasonissm we don't get too much returned, but if a customer reports a particular issue that we wish to investigate we will ask to ship it back (at our expense) and then we undertake testing, depending upon what the reported issue was. This is extremely rare due to the quality measures we take during the manufacture process, but we believe it's good and necessary practice to identify any potential issues immediately.

        Any product that is returned is either quarantined or disposed of after testing.

        The vast majority of protein isn't returned to us (eg. if someone doesn't like the flavour) as part of our 110% Guarantee. As I mention in my video, I believe the onus is on us to produce great quality product. So if you receive something you're unhappy with, we (generally) won't ask for it to be sent back to avoid further inconvenience.

        I hope this explains.


    • Yeah

      I was previously a bulk nutrient consumer

    • -1

      Have been using VPA since 2021, last year tried Aminoz because VPA was expensive, if you’re switching from VPA, you’re gonna be disappointed, their WPI is far superior than Aminoz. Back to VPA now, only a $6 difference if you buy 3 KG.
      You can still give it a go, YMMV.

      • @StealSeeker sorry to hear that you weren't happy with our range.

        Could I ask what specifically you didn't like about the WPI? This would be greatly appreciated so we can take on board this feedback and further improve.

        Also, any chance we can send you some replacements to give a go if you were unhappy?


        • I just feel it’s not consistent. Doesn’t mix well and doesn’t feel smooth when drinking and gets a weird taste and smell after a while.
          Also the packaging is so bad, all the packets I received, had the seal thing got broken after a couple uses.
          Sorry it’s just didn’t suit me, however Aminoz’s customer service is second to none.

          • +1

            @StealSeeker: Thanks for sharing this @StealSeeker and I'll take this feedback to the team.

            The packages we have had a tremendous amount of issues with, but we are now (finally) rolling out a far superior package. But the offer is always there to send out a replacement if you would like to take us up on it.

            Thanks again for taking the time to write back.


            • +1

              @aminozcomau: Jesus Jay. There are other brands I want to support (or at least try) but you make it impossible with your customer service.

              • +1

                @Wolfenstein98k: LOL @Wolfenstein98k I appreciate it greatly. Honestly it's Vanessa and her team who absolutely kill it here.

                But may I say, I understand that there are key areas of our product range that without doubt require improvement. I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate working with us while we overcome these challenges. Some can can take a very long time with lead times, MOQ's etc. (just look at the packages that we have struggled with for too long - and it's not from a lack of trying I promise you).

                Ultimately the onus is on us to fix up these issues and that will come out of our pocket, not yours.

                Suffice to say, we have amazing supporters. Thanks again!


  • Is there a reason why Amino Z is so loved on here when Bulk Nutrients is cheaper year round even despite rarely having sales and not offering free postage?

    I've used a range of products from both, and the only AZ product I preferred was the non stim pre workout.

    • +7

      i dont know but i love their products but hate their bags.

      • +1

        ..but hate their bags.

        is it because the powder gets stuck to the inside of the bags due to static charge?

        • +6

          My zip locks on all of my bags are effective for about 1 week then become useless, I have to squeeze the lock together and put a clip on it

        • My fave is when the static transfers to the scoop, and as you pour from it the powder sprays everywhere.

      • I transfer into clip lock containers.

      • +2

        @magnitude I empathise. I don't know if there is anyone here who hates our old bags as much as me LOL

        We have now introduced our new zip locks which are being rolled out and are infinitely better than the old ones. They are the ones with the red zippers - they seal consistently and no knife/scissors are needed to open the packet (you can just pull it apart).

        We are almost through the old pouches, but of course if you run into any major issues please just send us a message and we can sort something out.


    • Because of store credit

    • +6

      Very preference based but I find AZ products taste better, their communication is better, their x bags for y with credit back deal comes around often enough to always be stocked up, and at least back when I started buying they used non soy lecithin for people who try to avoid soy. Never had a bad experience with AZ personally, have had to return 2 bags to BN so it's an easy choice for me.

      The one thing that is annoying is their fake deal spam emails, I wish they would focus more on a "the price you see on the site is the price you pay" model with occasional deals rather than having to comb through whatever current coupon is active when you want to buy something.

      • Thank you! I agree that AZ has amazing communication and customer service which is why I originally gave them a go. I unsubscribed from their emails pretty quickly, and ended up setting up alerts on OzB instead as they seem to post here when it's actually a good deal.

        I love the whey* protein flavours AZ has, but unfortunately the vegan options are limited and I find BN's vegan protein options taste better.

      • +2

        Great feedback @kbw and thank you for sharing this. I will definitely be taking this on board in terms of price transparency. We do run regular promotions with smaller discounts, alongside the more rarer big promotions that we run here on OzBargain. Very valid points raised.


        • +1

          My general rule of thumb is if a "discount" comes around often then that's just the real price and anything in between is a ripoff, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. I have sent a few people IRL your way when I see them with overpriced WPI from elsewhere, but I always warn them that you're one of those stores that runs bogus "discounts" 24/7 and not to pay full price on the website. It does reflect poorly on an otherwise completely above board reputable business IMO when you run a pricing model that would make a House manager start furiously writing down notes.

          • +1

            @kbw: Great feedback and thank you for being so candid with this @kbw

            You raise some very valid points. This is certainly not the impression we want to be giving out and this is something I will be reviewing, as we do plan to be doing a full review of our marketing strategy.

            Thank you again, this is really valuable feedback and insight.


      • +2

        Also @movieman @megaalc @diddypc @TruePursuit @Etherkai @SpainKing - thanks for upvoting this. That really stresses to us that we need to take a serious look into this and improve how we're going about our promotions. I truly appreciate the assistance to help guide us toward a better overall offering so we all win.

        This will be very seriously considered.


        • Feel free to DM / email through when there's an actually great deal (happy if it's only occasional).

          In the interim I'm also planning to unsubscribe from the emailed "deals" as there's too many, and none have been phenomenal value in the past 2 months.

          Great to see an owner wanting to take direct feedback onboard!

          • @movieman: Thanks @movieman

            I'll also DM you now about this, just if you're willing to provide some more info on this. It will be very helpful as we are planning to do a full review of this.


    • so loved

      Because of the 4kg $149.99 Del+$55 Credit deal

      23.50/kg assuming you use up the store credit

    • +1

      Bulk Nutrients is nicer with better product range but Amino Z comes out a bit cheaper if you stack all their credits and wait for deals. I find Amino Z protein too sweet and the bags are annoying but it's still pretty good

      • Thanks for sharing, this feedback is great @Ononono

        I left a comment above about our new pouches finally being rolled out. The old ones were very annoying to say the least, but if you have issues please feel free to send us a message and Vanessa will look after you.


  • which flavors are good?

    • I like Chocolate. Not too sweet.

    • +5

      aussie choc malt and matcha green tea are amazing

    • matcha and strawberry are quite nice

    • mango sorbet’s great tho under review

    • I enjoyed the pandan coconut one, taro, choc honeycomb, and the choc malt. Coconut ice cream was soso.

      Choc and vanilla ones were ok - pretty hard to stuff up the basic ones

    • i like choc mint and choc banana. the creme caramel is also good (esp if you put in overnight oats or something similar)

      i do find that (what I'll call) the "vanilla"-based flavours foam up and get really bubbly after a shake, and even if you wait for a little while there's a layer of foam(?) at the top of the drink like a perpetual latte type thing - have found this with vanilla, creme caramel, and the pandan coconut flavours.

      tbf this might just be a me problem in that i don't like the foam/bubbles. still a big fan of the products and the service these guys provide

    • Depends on what flavour profile you like. I sorta split it into vanilla-ish or chocolate based flavours. I'm more of a chocolate person and loved the choc mint and choc malt so far.

      Taro not the biggest fan as it's more a vanilla based. Although if you like taro/vanilla then I'm sure you'd be a fan. Currently trying to get through the bag.

      Still yet to try choc honeycomb and matcha green tea though from my previous orders.

      Edit: Just found the descriptions of each flavour at the bottom. Crap… I bought two bags of matcha which is vanilla based lol

  • +1

    I've never purchased, but tried a scoop of a few flavors from a colleague.
    This stuff is way too sweet imo.

    This was the first protein powder my colleague has taken, now anytime I let him try the stuff I buy (ON, Musashi, INC) he thinks they taste awful and not sweet enough lol.

    • +1

      I'd rather sweet than sand in my mouth tbh

      • I suggest you don't eat sand then

    • +5

      just add abit more milk/water

  • No PayPal option

    • +2

      @asa79 we scrapped PayPal a long time ago due to their fee structure, as our primary focus is in keeping prices down. We do accept Visa/MC/Amex/Afterpay/Zip/Bank Transfer.


  • +1

    Any recommendations for hydrolyzed protein?

    • @ellave I'm afraid I cannot help you there within our current range. This is something we will be exploring, but for now we are focussing on our WPI as a straight whey isolate.


  • Does that stack with $10 referral?

    • -1

      No you can either use the code Dragon or a Referral.
      The promo code section will only accept one code, either referral code or Dragon, not both

  • +1

    How does this compare to ON whey gold standard?

  • Where is Jay

    • @vikramhkumar right here :) I woke up and saw this deal unexpectedly!


    • +3

      I can’t comment on the cause and effect in your partner’s case, but you do need to hydrate well whenever taking protein powders.

    • I'm terribly sorry to hear about your partners experience with kidney stones @BubbleIce

      Please feel free to send through a private message with your order details and I'll ensure Vanessa will take care of you.

      FYI, shipping is free for all Amino Z branded supplements (except when only ordering samples). But you're right, in case you're only purchasing another brand and your order is under $150, then Z Points cannot be used on the shipping component.


    • +6

      I am not a doctor but I find it very difficult to believe that kidney stones could have formed in two weeks.

    • +1

      Unlike the above polite commenters I WILL comment on cause and effect in your partner's case - there is absolutely no chance this product caused kidney stones in your partner. There's nothing in it that could do so, even if your partner ingested the whole bag in two weeks.


        • +1

          Did you read that your link? Carb restriction (causing ketosis) led to ketosis, which is associated with higher risk. That's it.

          Your missus didn't get kidney stones from two weeks of whey powder, even if she had five scoops a day.

          Plenty of bodybuilders eat the equivalent of ten scoops a day in protein for years and aren't getting kidney stones.

  • Anyone tried their neopolitan ice cream flavour?

    And how does Coffs Harbour choc banana differ from their old chic banana?

    Not sure whether to try one of the above or go back to strawberry?!

    • +1

      I don't know how Coffs Harbour Choc Banana compares to the old choc banana, but I like it a lot.

      The Choc Cherry is also pretty good.

    • +1

      @fookos our old choc banana was, in my opinion, inferior to our new Coffs Harbour version. Of course if you order this and don't like it, we will back it with our 110% Guarantee.


  • This isn't the best deal on 1kg amino Z.
    The best one I've seen was 25%off+$25% store credit. That is around $41/1kg +$14 store credit.

    • Do you have the link?

      • They email you the code from time to time. They said the code is account specific and for 'loyal' customers, not available to the public.

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