As the title suggest I'm looking for a cheap tablet with wifi and bluetooth so I can use it to upload information to the internet from my sma solar inverter continuously.
Looking for Android tablet below $100 with Wi-Fi & Bluetooth

$56 shipped from HK
basic tablet but wifi + blue tooth…
you probably dont wanna hear this but the cheapest unit that is usuable and not a waste of money is probably the Ainol Fire/Fire II… or the upcoming Ainol Venus… and there are caveats in this these and yep… they are ~$150…
t the cheapest unit that is usuable
If you read the OP's post, he said it was going to be used as a device purely for uploading data from a solar inverter. It's not going to be used for games or web browsing.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will have a look. It won't be used for much else as I already have an iPad, however it may be suitable to keep my son entertained (almost 2 years old) without worrying about smashing the thing like the iPad which e isn't allowed near.
you can buy the MINI U30GT on lightake with retailmenot code will get you a good tab for $125aud shipped. Basically, it's the brother of U30GT.
Whoops, this model doesn't have bluetooth
Good specifications for the price, but no bluetooth.
:( missed that bit
Would of been perfect if it did, thanks for trying
Maybe a cheap android phone would suit. I've got an LG Spirit I picked up for $50 that would probably do what you want.
kMart has one for $99. Its not particularly special but I'm pretty sure it has wifi. low resolution but maybe worth checking. Could be good if thats all you want it for. be warned though, they have been running out the door and maybe too late for you.