Best Loss Leaders to Abuse


What are your favourite loss leaders for businesses and services that you like to abuse?

Loss leaders are products or services sold at at or close to a loss to create traffic for their business or service.

Costco and ikea food
Boost cashbacks
Free trials and other promos that can be repeated or abused with new emails or phone numbers (e.g. free guzman gomez burrito, uber eat promos, ubercarshare promo, welcome vouchers)


  • +9

    ikea sells food at a loss?

    the hotdogs maybe…and although my standards can get pretty low they are pretty damn average at best…

    • +3

      Costco and Ikea probably just selling the hot food at cost (minus labour etc).

      Also Costco makes most of it's profit from the memberships, but their food isn't exactly cheap unless you have an oversized family or business.

      • Does it really cost price = 8 bux for the costco pie

    • +2

      "pretty damn average at best…"
      nah, they are just fine (I had two on Monday lunch time)

      • i usually have 3-4 if i go ikea, prefer that over the current meatball offerings in the cafeteria area.
        i find i need to drown mine with sauce otherwise its a bit flavourless.

        • +1

          I was there for a pickup, no time for a sit down
          one was finished before getting back to the car

    • +5

      They bumped the hot dogs from $1 to $2 not too long ago. They're also small, and given Ikea's economy of scale, they're unlikely to be losing money on them.

    • +2

      Indeed! I've no idea what it's like over East, but here in Perth, IKEA food prices are ridiculously high now. Used to be great value, but they've recently hiked prices to ridiculous levels….a shame, 'cos I've got some sort of weird addiction to the meatballs!! But, can't afford that luxury anymore.

      • i only have meatballs if i buy them frozen at ikea and cook at home - they dont even taste anywhere as good as they used to fresh from the cafeteria i found now.

  • +8

    Not now, but during the first 18 months of Covid I was ordering those 40gb Kogan simcards for $2, using the data on them as my home internet connection but also using each phone number to abuse Uber Eats $15 off your first order promos (Uber did catch on eventually and banned me) Good times.

    Now just jumping from power providers using their initial $100, $150, $200 off your first bill (s), the odd giftcards and back again.

    Topcashback but only when the cashback is like >50%

    • +3

      Some providers have caught on (not just power, private health, NBN etc), and now spread out your sign-on discount over a few months to a year so you have to stick around.

      • +1

        I've noticed this too.

      • Oh that sux

    • They banned your address?

      • I actually think it was my payment details because they wouldn't let me use regular Uber either.. This was before I had discovered the one time use zippay virtual credit card.

    • When you swap in out and back in can you get the same initial value of first bill again

      Or are that method excluded?

      • You have to read the fine print with them. Some are 'new customers' and 'returning customers' some are not. Also as mentioned above some of the suppliers have cottoned on and aren't giving the discounts if you return straight away. Best to just wait until a new promo arrives.

        • Thanks mate

          I was sort of asking like what is considered a "new customer" to get the initial value of first bill again

          For eg

          For boost yearly sim i heard that if you port out for a week and then port in again you are considered a "New customer"?

          Oh your comment meant some companies allow the intial value of first bill for "returning customers" aswell, mentioned in their t&c's?

    • Yeah got some of the $0.75c boxes (~14kg each box). They're green, but by golly that's cheap!

  • +1

    Do free games on Epic count?

  • +1

    What is the opportunity cost of doing someone productive instead.

    • +4

      What is the opportunity cost of doing someone productive instead

      and with the food stuff: What is the opportunity cost to your health?

    • +1

      Depends how long you're doing them for and what way you're doing them

      Like some stuff is extra

    • +6

      sir, this is ozbargain. The average member will spend dozens of hours swapping sims and electrical plans to save a few dollars.

  • Free fruit at my local Woolies for kids as I’m a big kid.

    • I don't see this catching on.

  • +1

    7 eleven and Coles coffee was alright. Not so good value anymore.

  • The Maccas & HJs, ice cream cones on a road trip. Not sure they are still a loss leader though unless you count the service/facility as well.

    • +4

      it's $1.30 for a cone now.

  • +5

    Costco roast chickens. $6 and twice the size of a woolies one. Go buy 8-10, use them strip the meat and freeze it. Carcass good for stock.

    • Can you buy them without membership?

      • +1

        You can't buy anything without membership.

        • you can if a friend with membership takes you there

          • +1

            @Inzo: ie. you need a membership lol

    • twice the size of a woolies on

      So twice the steroids? Not sure i think this is a good thing for Costco….

  • +1

    New release books at Big W are loss leaders that I get. Rarely buy anything else.

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