[POLL] Do You Like Domino's Pizza Assuming $8 for a Traditional Large: Yay or Nay?

Saw the Chicken Parmi deal at Domino's and read some quite vicious comments; a lot of you really hatin' on Dominos!

Assuming that you can get a $8 traditional pizza for pickup, do YOU like Domino's?

I have chosen $8 Traditional based on what I recall being a fairly achievable price with coupons and if I actually wanted a pepperoni, I'd be more likely to make cheese on toast with salami.

Poll Options

  • 72
    Hell yes! I'll gladly wolf it down with a big smile on my fat stupid face!
  • 60
    Hell no! You couldn't pay me to make YOU eat that slop!
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  • +2

    I don’t hold such strong opinions to answer that poll

  • +2

    Why Does Ozbargain Capitaise Every Word in a Poll Question?

    • +1

      It suggests capitalization's for every deal/forum post title and I just go with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • +1


      For some reason I read this in my head like mayonnaise and now I can't undo it.

  • +10

    Do i like it? Meh…
    Do i eat it? Yeah…

    Why? Because an $8 meal is a solid bargain.

    • +1

      Legit - I find an $8 pizza keeps me full more than a maccas large Angus burger meal with the $11.95 24 nugget pack where I feel hungry again in like an hour.

      • +3

        Went to maccasa drive thru last night for first time in a while. They had a screen adjacent payment window where you can view your order. I had used 5000 points for two hamburgers and $1 frozen coke. My order screen disappeared and due to congestion the next car's order came up before I moved. $84.20, ffs

        • 84.20

          I’m still a bit pekish…

        • Bet you’re glad you didn’t say “I’ll pay for the next car’s order as well” 😳

    • +5

      I think Dominos pizzas are amongst the worst of the pizza options out there - but the price!!! Hard to beat.
      And you know what they say - pizza is like sex. Even when its bad, its still pretty good.

  • +1

    Their thin and crispy vegetarian isnt half bad, especially if you're trying to pretend to watch the weight

    • For vegetarians.

  • Ozb almost become WP, most now prefer Tesla plus $25 gourmet Pizza from coner Pizza shops.

    • +1

      The next pizza I get is gonna be from a corner store near me, it's gonna be ~$37 but it's 18 inches. Pretty much just walked past and saw it, now I can't stop thinking about it…

      And thanks to your comment, I really want cones…

      • Lol but im full with one $9 (half priced) dominos premium pizza 🍕

        • I'm not gonna eat it by myself even if I pay for whole thing. Besides, cold pizza the next day is almost as good.

    • a lot of tesla fan boys everywhere, most were born too early to know what elon did with paypal and the multiple class action law suits

      the guy has been a grifter for decades

  • +2

    I rather spend few more $ and go to a local, and i do

  • +2

    Bad pizza is still pizza. …even when it's bad it's still pretty good.

    Can't go wrong for $8 but pretty much anything is an improvement on it.

    I'm either way on the poll. I wouldn't go out of my way, but if I felt lazy and it was available, I'd do it. Main problem with Dominos is you feel hungry again fairly soon afterwards.

    • I have been making home made for a while, I have had some shockers, not bad enough to go get take away though and id say it more correlates to how hangry you are

  • -1

    If only little ceasars was still around. :(

    Far better pizza than domino's, and a reasonably good price.

  • Btw immodium is on special at chemist warehouse good if you have a bad batch of kfc or domino's.

  • -1

    Frozen pizza is better and cheaper.

    • +1

      Usually needs extra cheese and meat.

    • +1

      I've never been able to cook them at home and have them come out decent, the closest I've come was with a pizza stone and had to have it in the oven by itself for like half an hour before putting the pizza on it.

      • I've never had a good pizza from Domino's. Frozen pizza with a bit of extra cheese and meat is a safer bet.

        • I grew up in an era where frozen pizza in the microwave hit the spot when you have the munchies which carried over to adulthood.

          Its the sugar in the sauce. People go on and on about a pizza if I use half crushed tomato/basil/garlic with a frosting of bbq sauce. Im going to experiment next time and just use whatever $2 bottle of tomato sauce we have in the fridge along with bbq sauce and see if the reaction is the same

  • $8 is definitely tempting for a pizza, but I've never really liked Domino's pizzas over Pizza Hut's, they seem to use really cheap ingredients and I'm not a fan of their recipes.

  • at $8 pizza (or even cheaper if use some deals !!!!) … really can't pass it up.

    but as to OP's title … personally, I'd rather pay and extra $4 and get a proper pizza (that won't leave me the next day - feeling like I've had a knife stuck in my gut).

    Just saying.

    You really DON'T need to go into premium $25+ range to be able to find good quality pizzas … many can be sourced for around $12-$14 mark for a large,

    • +1

      $12 - 14 for a large from an independent pizza shop? The ones around me seem to be $20 min.

  • Its ok, but I wont pay $8 per because I can achieve better results with the same amount of time/money making my own (on a store bought pizza base).

  • Dominos always leaves me feeling sick and with the runs the next day. It's cheap for a reason.

  • -1

    Check out the SALT CONTENT of this JUNK FOOD.

    Once I discovered the HUGE amount of salt they pile into this shit, NEVER AGAIN!

    One Domino’s Traditional Supreme Classic contains 6,917mg of salt.

    A teaspoon of salt is 6,000mg!

    You could cook your own pizza with much less salt.

    I now do my own cooking and can make virtually salt-free or very low salt meals such as
    fried SALT-FREE pasta (no I don't add salt when boiling the pasta) with curry sauce or
    stir fried SALT-FREE frozen vege's with curry sauce or, if I want totally SALT-FREE, I just stir fry the vege's in sesame oil. DELICIOUS with boiled rice!

    I choose low salt curry sauce options such as Woolworths Coconut & Lime Red Curry sauce which contains just 994mg of salt per serve. VERY TASTY!

    • salt is OK, just dont over do it

      I think its even more beneficial in summer because of the amount we loose via sweat

      still a good reminder how much salt is in junk food, it keeps longer, tastes better and makes you buy a drink

      • "tastes better"

        Doubt it.
        Maybe if you've been conditioned to a high salt diet.

        I find low salt home cooked meals to be tastier.
        … and i use UNSALTED BUTTER on my toast coz I think it tastes better!

  • Fascinating how people here consider Domino's pizza as trash, but continue to consume it just because it's "cheap" …

    not so cheap when you consider the health consequences!

  • … gladly wolf it down with a big smile on my fat stupid face!

    Poll option not biased at all …

    • I wrote those options and I wanted it to sort of exclude the, "meh, $8 I'll eat but not happy about it" crowd.

      I also voted yes.

  • -1

    For those of you wondering why they suffer from high blood pressure and then compound the problem by taking prescription medicines to reduce it, here's a fun fact …

    Did you know that on average the higher a person’s sodium intake, the higher the person’s blood pressure?
    By limiting sodium, everyone can help lower their risk for developing hypertension, cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure and chronic kidney disease (CKD).
    People with normal health need only a small amount of sodium to maintain fluid balance and transmit nerve impulses in our body.


    • It is well known that stress is the real killer.

      Anything else is optional.

  • It's on the cusp at $8

    Not willing to pay more.

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