Manual Expense Tracker App

Hey Guys, I use an Excel file to track my expenses.

Is there any Android app that can upload my Excel file and I can track from that app?

I don't want this app to access the bank account directly…I just want to track expenses manually.




    I've been using this for a few years. I enter my expenses manually as well - I also don't want apps to access bank details so I do it all manually.

    However I'm not sure about excel - but I think it has that feature. Might need some tweaking done to your current excel file.…

  • I'm not sure how common external data import is available on those apps, but if you wanted a way to track on the go with your phone and then export the data back to your Excel file you could do it in that direction, so you'd have your running records on there.

    I've been using 1Money for years (although this has no option to import data, only export as CSV):
    and more recently MoneyLover, but that also seems to have CSV and Google Sheets exporting options only, no importing.

    Dime has data importing on a very basic level, but its iOS only unfortunately.

  • free edition can import CSV or QIF manually. I think it only allows two accounts but you can massage the files before upload to look identical. The automatic rules are great, saves you categorisation of similar entries in the future. There are apps too to see your charts.

  • I just want to track expenses manually.

    So what's wrong with Excel? What is it that you want the app to do that you can't do in Excel?

  • +1

    You know there's an Excel Android app right? There's also Google Sheets that might run better on Android

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