• expired

Virgin Money Velocity Flyer Card: 30,000 Bonus Velocity Points with $1,500 Spend Each Month for 2 Months, $64 First Year Fee


This deal has been renewed, H/T @Spazmos who posted the previous deal: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/791824

You can also use @hotdish's tip to get an extra 5,000 points: When doing the application online, don't upload your proof of income documents immediately. They will call you, likely in the next business day, and offer an extra 5,000 points to finish the application. I used this and can confirm that this works. (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/14458411/redir)

Earn up to 60,000 bonus Velocity Points. Receive 30,000 points for each month you spend $1,500 or more on eligible purchases in the first 2 months from card approval.

I asked over the phone for the meaning of "first 2 months". They mean the first two statement cycles (not calendar months), the first statement cycle starts the date the card is approved.

$64 annual fee in the first year, $129 in the second year.

$129 Virgin Australia travel credit.

Minimum Credit Limit: $6,000

Minimum Income: $35,000

Offer is available to new and approved Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card account holders who apply by 4 March 2024. No exclusion period for previous customers.

Referral Links

Referral: random (302)

Referees will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points when they open their first Virgin Money Go Account and meet the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria (1 debit card purchase/direct debits/BPAY transaction in the first 30 days).

Referrer will receive 5,000 Virgin Money Points for each referee who meets the Welcome Offer Bonus Points Criteria, for up to 5 referees in a month.

Related Stores

Virgin Money
Virgin Money
Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer

closed Comments

  • Wemy partner and I churned through 2 of these cards in the last 6 months. First offer was 90k and second was 60k stacked with 20k extra from Velocity.

    • Did you the flight credit from both?

      • +2

        Yes you can ask for it after 2 months of spending.

        • Used my flight credit last weekend as it was getting close to expiry, I think they last 12 months

          But 12 months ago I got 130k velocity points (25k per month plus 30k bonus from velocity) over 4 months so wouldn’t really bother with this deal yet

        • +1

          You don't need 2 months. I requested mine after the first statement and received it.

          • @Autonomic: $129 Virgin Australia Gift Voucher, each year 17,when you make a retail purchase in the 2 months prior to requesting the voucher. I guess you done then. We just did it right towards the closure time to maximise the 12 months validity.

          • +1

            @Autonomic: When I applied after 1 month for $129 credit I got this

            "We received your recent request for a Virgin Australia Gift Voucher. We'd like to help you get it - however something wasn't right with your request and we haven't been able to process it."

    • Was there an exclusion period for the card or did you do one each?

      • Should have wrote it more clearly, one each.

        There were comments on the last post, there might not be an exclusion period. As long as you are a new account holder. Don't hold it against me!

      • +2

        There's no exclusion period for this one

    • How do you get the extra 20k?

      • There was an offer on velocity for first time card holders.

    • Do you still need to have the card to use the $129 credit? Or can you cancel it?

      • +1

        Once added to travel bank you can cancel

        • Thank you!

  • Nice simple card and points promptly issued. About to cycle off it.

  • +3

    I applied for this two months ago. Had a minor error on my playsip. They called and asked for extra document to verify and offered 5k bonus points. I also got 30k bonus from velocity. Total 95k bonus velocity points.

    • How did you get the extra 30,000 points?

      • Velocity comes up with 30,000 extra points stacked with certain cards, like twice a year.

        • Do you remember when they ran this promo? I like this deal right now but if they do a promo at some point I might wait

  • +3

    Just an FYI they're almost certain to close the loophole of closing and then re-opening it soon after. I've had this card twice in 9 months. Won't last. Good card.

    • And you get the bonus points each time?

      I closed it about 1 month ago. Could I open again?

      • Would like to know too

        • +2

          I got declined trying this, as did a few others

      • I closed, re-opened maybe 6-7 months later and got my first month worth of bonus points last week, so it works. YMMV.

        • Yeah, provided your application is successful you'll get the points

        • Can I ask did you 're-open' the old account, or did you apply for a new virgin flyer card?

          • @b0b0: New application and new card

            • @thrillho: Thanks for that. Can I ask when was your latest application? - how long ago was that?

  • Could I apply for this and get points despite getting the last lot of points 2 months ago? Anyone done this on such a short timeframe?

  • -1

    I've had a Virgin Money credit card for several years. Their service and product has gone down the drain ever since the acquisition by BoQ. My recent replacement credit card keeps getting blocked and these fools can't figure out what's wrong. They have so far sent me 3 new cards in the last 3 weeks and I'm not hopeful that it will be resolved.

    Be prepared to be given the run around if you sign up.

    • So not Citibank any more?

      • +3

        Mate, it's a Russian nested doll: Virgin Money<Citi<BoQ<NAB

        • BOQ's credit card operated by CITI/NAB?

  • Just applied and got declined immediately. I’m a typical credit card churner but don’t have any credit card accounts active at the moment. Haven’t applied for Virgin Velocity card products for a while. Do you think they decline people based on frequency of credit card applications? I know American Express does that. Don’t think my income would be the issue (in fact got a meaningful raise recently). What’s going on with Virgin?

    • I got declined the first time I applied (March) and they reassessed and approved me after calling up.

    • I got declined twice now. I had this card until I closed it last August. I reckon something in their system has flagged me for auto rejection. Because I'm earning more than last year and yet they deem me a risk now?

    • +1

      I got auto decline by Suncorp and virgin, both times asked for reassessment and both times got approved

    • i got declined after closing the card about 6 months ago too. maybe systems auto-declined frequent churners now …

  • Chasing up the flight credit was a real dick around. Did not work when I applied through the form (which was when I actually needed it).

    Followed up months later and they eventually fixed it but jeez, why is it not automatic?

    Also the app is bad and their online banking shits me (uses the same platform as Citibank shudder). Every single action you take triggers an MFA prompt. Super clunky too. Very poor design.

    • I don't think anyone stays with them long term. They are more eof a churners paraside who don't care about the portal as much.

    • Obtaining the flight credit was totally seemless for me. Filled in the form and a couple of weeks later had the credit.

      • +2

        Good to hear, but yeah plenty of people also saying they've had trouble with it.

  • +1

    This vs the Amex one? Which ones better? Don’t really churn but haven’t applied for a points thing in a while and trying to rack up Velocity points for domestic family travel

    • Planning on taking a domestic flight this year? Amex. Need cheap points? Velocity Flyer.

    • Long term? Amex
      Short term Virign

  • whats min the time frame you need to allow if churning Citi/NAB cards

    • would like to know too. thinking about opening up another credit card once ive closed this one

  • +2

    Cancelled this a week back after juicing all the points and flight credit, how soon after can one apply again?

    • Did you get any annual fee refund?

      • Cancelled mine a week ago and asked for the annual fee waive. Confirmed today that it would be refunded.

        • How many times did you have to call them to get the fee waived?

        • +1

          What possible reason would the waive the fee for though?

      • +1

        Yep, just have to ask

      • Honestly not sure how you guys can get the full refund but my exp was bad, they even prorated the annual fee after i canceled my card for the 1st month(just personal reason). Maybe my last name is not Smith 🫤

    • Same, got the 90k velocity points and just canceled the card l, great offer especially getting $128 travel credits too

    • +3

      Hey mate - I cancelled mine in Jan-24 after milking and 90k points and flight voucher. Just went through application again now and got auto rejection decision.. maybe need to wait at least 6 months before reapplying :(

      • Cheers for that, guess I'll be waiting

      • @Crowing did you apply for the same credit card?

        • Yeh exactly same card as the one I closed in jan24

      • +1

        did you have to call up to cancel the card?

        • I think you can cancel in app or online but I called to cancel and request for refund on annual fees.

  • +2

    I know this is a "me" problem, but I disliked this card, it's just too easy to overspend on it. I wouldn't use it again in my rotation unless it was used in addition to a typical new card. For my particular use case, I would have been better off partnering this card with a higher spend requirement card such as Westpac 6k 120 days. Hit the $1500 spend in month 1 & month 2 respectively with my pre-defined big ticket items and any overflow spend goes on the Westpac to ensure the spend is working toward something.

    • It's just too easy to overspend the $1500 per month requirement, any additional spend is a wasted opportunity that on a straightforward 3-6k spend card would just accumulate.

    • The points don’t show until the statement is issued meaning your holding time is dragged out a bit.

    • The Virgin Money app wasn’t great and can be a bit of a manual process to work out your current spending.

    For some more context on my use case, I’m taking a big holiday to Europe this year so every fortnight I’ve been paying for hotels and travel. We’ve been churning through credit cards like crazy opening and closing them once we get the points. Between my wife and I we’ve been rotating cards and just the timing of this card left me in a bit of a lurch. I blitzed the spend, opened a nab card, and met that spend but because I paid my cards off in full and had to wait a full month to close the virgin card I didn’t want to open a 3rd card until I had closed it. So it affected the velocity (lol) of keeping the wheel turning.

    This won’t affect everyone the same but if you’re in the market for churning cards I would still recommend a second card in addition to this one to allow overflow spending to accumulate as this card is a FULL 2-month period holding time and you won't get your points until the statement is issued several days into the next billing cycle.

    • +1

      I get what you mean - I've always had a two-card system when I've had this which helps. But you can't really complain for 60k points (90k when they had the bonus) for eff all annual fee.

      • Yeah I know just a bit salty I got caught out in the rotation haha. Live and learn!

    • +3

      My strategy is put everything I can on Afterpay, then right before the end of the month I pay the earliest due date Afterpay payments early until I hit the spend requirement, then the rest can be rolled over into the next month of payments or rolled into the next card.

      • Doesn’t afterpay charge you credit card processing fee?

        • +2

          Not for Visa/Mastercard payments at least.

  • I applied four month ago for the 120k point offer. But I didn't remember there is $129 virgin credit available. Is the $129 credit generic to the card or a bonus offer?

    • Generic to the card, you get the flight credit every year. Haven't tried to claim it yet but if it's like Westpac's velocity credit it will be sent to your Velocity account and you will be able to close the card and still have a year to use it.

  • Got this last year to access the 30k Velocity bonus, so 90k all up.
    One less well-known feature is the free 12 month balance transfer. They'll BPay to any credit card or loan account, so you can pile cash into existing cards, then won't have to pay them off until the anniversary date of the card (at which point you should probably close the card to avoid the fee).

    • Do you have to provide the proof of balance of the other card or can you put as much as you want onto it?

    • "No interest free days apply to purchases while you have a balance transfer."
      The $3000 spend requirement to earn the 60k points would accrue interest at the "Purchase Rate 20.74% p.a."

      • Yep. So you do the first month's spend, wait until second month to do the $1500 spend. Then pay it off, and start the balance transfer fun. You'll end up with 9+ months of free cash (i.e. return of 4.5%+ for mortgage holders).

    • When signing you can choose bonus offer points or balance transfer offer… not both

      Can you add the balance transfer after signing up with the bonus points offer?

      • +1

        Yes…12 months with bonus offer. 24 months is the no points offer.

  • where do you get the travel voucher?
    i've already been paid out points for the card previously and still hold it.

    nvm found it

  • The terms on the website are contradictory. Is it $64 for first year annual fee, or free for the first year?

    T&C #38 down the bottom on the website

    Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card half annual fee offer is available to new customers that apply by 4 March 2024. The annual card fee is $64 for the first year, then $129 will be charged on the anniversary of your card account being opened with Virgin Money. Annual fees are subject to change. Effective 5 March 2024, the annual fee is increasing to $149 per year.

    T&C #39,

    Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card no annual fee waiver offer is available to new customers that apply by 4 March 2024. The annual card fee is $0 for the first year, then $129 will be charged on the anniversary of your card account being opened with Virgin Money. Annual fees are subject to change. Effective 5 March 2024, the annual fee is increasing to $149 per year.

    • They are two different offers for the same card. $64 if you use the points offer, $0 if you use the balance transfer offer.

      • Got it, thanks for clarifying

  • +1

    Just closed my card and they offered pro rata refund on the fees (via cheque). Dont forget to ask for refund when closing!

    • Did you call them to close the card? Or, if you closed the card online, I'd be curious to know how they offered the refund.

      • +4

        Called and asked them to cancel.
        1. Get $128 travel credit
        2. Make sure you have $0 owing
        3. Call and ask them to cancel the card because 'you dont need it anymore' (keep it simple)
        4. On the same call ask them if they offer refund (they will say yes). Ask them to double check your address in the system
        5. The the pro rata refund cheque in your mail in 4 weeks time

  • I dont know why but I am atomatically declined. This should be a low tier card and I am confused. I do have a 20K credit card open. But I used to have 30K credit limit across 2 cards.

  • +1

    Hi all, there is a new promotion starting today, you could select either 30,000 more points or 200 status credits. The trouble is I applied yesterday and got approved today BEFORE I saw this promotion. Due to timing, i don't think I'm eligible for either 30k points or 200SC. Looks like a straight cancel and reapply?

  • I'm new to the reward cards. This or the amex card with 120000 points? Plan on backpacking for 6 months in july. Thanks

    • -1

      Amex. The fee is offset by a return flight, plus you'll get Amex lounge access leaving Melbourne or Sydney, and two Virgin lounge passes in addition.

      • Thank you

  • Applied last night, didn't upload docs. No call today offering extra 5000 points, but did get a text asking for the docs :)

    • Same, applied last night and got a text and an email. :( I'll give it till tomorrow night

      • Any call today? I've left my application. got the email and text

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