My eyesight is starting to get bothered by the various LED panels I have,
IPS, LED, TFT, etc…
on the desktop computer, different laptops, portable monitors, smartphones.
It's about time I upgrade some of my monitors.
I got a OLED portable monitor and it's really pleasing on the eyes,
because my old 15" ASUS LCD portable monitor, was starting to get washed out colours.
I'm going to change my smartphone to an OLED screen too.
Now, for the monitor, I see that there are gaming monitors which are OLED,
and then there's also 4K Monitors (OLED, and also LED).
The 4K OLED monitors are expensive right now, and mostly for gamin.
I'm wondering whether I should just stick to a 34" 4K monitor
or should look at just a 34" OLED monitor.
I'm just looking for objective thoughts about what is 'better' or pleasing to look at, 4K or OLED (non-4K).
I'm not into games, video editing nor graphics work.
I just need something that is pleasing on the eyes,
with the odd movies, basic Photoshop, etc.
and I need something going into the next 5 - 7 years,
so 4K resolution? or OLED?
Let's just assume, money is not a barrier (it is, but I don't want that to cloud my decision-making for now, at least).
Should I just go to a JB Hi-Fi and look at them, with my own eyes?
(Are they even on demo?_)
No oled phone yet?
Even an obsolete Samsung A20 looks better than a midrange lcd.
For long pc work use something matte with eye strain control.
As for resolution with 28" or above get 4k.
Of course movies are more dramatic on oleds.