• expired

$75 off First Month nbn plans (Excluding Opticomm) @ Launtel


Discount is reflected during signup on a per day use.

You get your first 7 days free of charge. Your first daily charge will commence from day 8 and discount is applied for the following 30 days.


Additional $25 credit available with referral signup.

Referral Links

Referral: random (329)

$50 account credit for referrer, $25 account credit for referee. Min $50 to apply discounts.

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closed Comments

  • +17

    Been with these guys for a few years now.Really impressed with their service till date.Also like the ability to adjust your internet speed as needed and pause during holidays.

    • How long does it take to request/apply a speed change and how often can you do it?

      • In my experience, next business day at longest - generally 10-15 minutes.
        No limit to frequency of changes to the best of my knowledge.

  • +1

    i hope this is the start of cheaper pricing or equal to leaptel i would switch!

    • Won't happen due to the cost of what they provide (allow pausing of services etc.)

      This is likely one of the best enticements they will do.

    • +7

      Doubt that will happen, Launtel provide a premium service with a unique offering, which can't be done on low margins.

      • I served my 12 month FTTP upgrade time with Launtel, they were really great, I've since moved to Leaptel - Leaptel are really great too and cheaper !!!

    • Depends on NBN processing time, it can be super quick - you pay for the highest speed plan used on the day.

  • +5

    I've been using Launtel (FTTP) for about a year and a half, pretty happy with their service no complaints so far.

  • +1

    Any issues with churning out to be made aware of?

    • No

    • nope they are really quick

      • +2

        Churning out from them, I mean.

        No 30 day notification enforcement or anything?

        • +2

          They charge per day. You can pause or cancel your service any time with immediate effect. Very easy and flexible.

          • @xers: they charge you $1 a day i believe to pause?

            • @SpeedAU: I think you're confusing that with 'stand-by', some NBN technologies need to have some sort of connection in order to maintain the service.

              When I moved (FTTP) from Launtel to Leaptel I put my Launtel service on pause - it's technically a disconnect and costs me nothing but I can spin up a Launtel connection pretty quickly (NBN processing times dependent) should I need to - great idea imho to have them on pause if you WFH.

        • Only TPG and some other crappy RSPs do that kinda of money scheming stunts

          • +1

            @Turd: exetel

          • +2

            @Turd: Superloop ?

            • @jiancoek: I churned out of Superloop without 30 days notice. I called the retention team less than 2 weeks before my next billing cycle and told them I wanted to leave - they made their best offer and it was only just matching what I was going to go on anyway. I declined the offer and the CSR told me they can cancel my service when my billing cycle would end. Arranged new service to start on the same day and I was never offline. Didn't notice it at all.

              • @Munki:

                Superloop without 30 days notice.

                I'm not entirely sure they count Churning as a Disconnection. I read through the T&Cs thoroughly and arrived at this conclusion. This was after all of the below.

                I had a web chat with one of their reps and tried to give 30 day notice of disconnection which he refused to acknowledge and insisted I had to call the Retention team. At that point I had already spent 1+ hours in the chat queue and speaking with him and the Retention number was out of hours.

                I finally got an email address for service support from the rep. and sent them written notice of my intention to disconnect. Received a reply almost a week later rejecting my written notice of disconnection and telling me to call the Retention team. Which I did not.

                I just churned away 25 days later. A day after churning, and a day before my next billing date, received a acknowledgement of disconnection.

                It may have helped they did not have any way to take payment as my credit card had changed and for months earlier my automated payment had failed and I payed manually each time.

  • +8

    Been with these guys since they started up in Tassie, somewhere - Damien and his team run an incredibly tight service. They monitor their network like no other. I highly recommend.

    • +5

      …since they started up in Tassie, somewhere

      I'm guessing it was LAUNceston?

      • +1

        izzat you JV?
        Where have you been and are you OK?

    • +1

      Completely agree. Been with them since back in the days they only accepted business customers (probably 8+ years now). Best quality ISP I've had by a long shot, bonus points for being local to me too 😁

  • +2

    I used to be with them. They're not the cheapest but their service was amazing. Being able to turn on and off the service between days was useful for someone like me who was out of town for weeks at a time.

  • +10

    these guys are not for ozBargainers that jump ship every few months,
    you get amazing service, best NBN connection, low ping, no slowdown
    im not even salty i dont get this $75 credit ….

    • +6

      It’s not just for new customers I think. You can try going to your account, select Modify Service then enter the code L4UNTEL.

      • hey, that worked, went to $1.40, thx

      • Thanks, this works! They have a very friendly support team and are very responsive.
        That said, if you use NBN everyday, their pricing is not that competitive.

      • I was with them a while ago, they still have my account details, and when I tried signing up, entered the code but it says it's "invalid"…. 😞

      • I cannot for the life of me see where to enter a code…

  • -1

    So cheap, true ozbargainers will jump in for a month, then jump back out.

  • will I get the discount if I am existing customer and have my connection paused?

    • yes just have to enter the code

      • -1

        thanks. that worked. but I don't think existing customer get first 7 days free of charge?

        • Well you already got it when you first signed up.

      • Where do I enter it on my existing, paused connection?

        • only at signup

        • when you go to unpause your connection and choose a plan, at the bottom there should be a enter code box.

  • +3

    regular price for 100/20 is $3.10 per day! What in the world!

    • +1

      yeah it's rough

    • +1

      What’s wrong with that? It’s on par with Aussie Broadband and Superloop’s pricing without discounts but you have the added benefit of chopping and changing plans as you like, putting your service on hold and getting service and communication that’s second to none.

      Well worth it!!

      • -2

        Well worth it!!

        To you, maybe. I need internet 24x7 and I have a household budget to manage, so I'll stick to something cheaper.

        • +2

          That’s fine but I also assume you’re not on Superloop or ABB’s standard plans given they’re the same price?

          Not sure how a budget ISP guarantees 24/7 internet or what that has to do with Launtel but OK.

  • Is the price on the sign up link a temporary thing, or for the life of the connection? i.e. #FastAF or the 1000/50 @ $1.70/day = $51/month

    Edit: OP had info in post: discount is applied for the following 30 days

    • +2

      Where did you get that pricing from? Most residential 1000/50 services are around $99 to $150 /month (Aussie is $129 /month).
      Are you smoking the good stuff? ;)

      • -3

        Nah at the end of the line them idiots keep selling net tv despite low capacity.
        I had Aussie b4 but they could not meet the speed I paid for. So I was on 5G for a while but that is now also chocked. Still they sell 5G TV packages.

      • +3

        It must be real good stuff

  • +1

    Is there any charge with turning it off? Like a standby fee?

    • No. I do it all the time.

    • No its free to pause your connection, but it is classed as a disconnection on the NBN end I believe so if you pause it for too long I have read of cases where people have lost the connection as NBN have thought the connection wasn't being used and given it to someone else.
      So they recommend just reducing the speed.

  • +6

    Great ISP with awesome customer service, I can't recommend them enough. They gave NBNco a kick up the arse and pulled strings to get a rare FTTP connection fault fixed.

    I was with ABB before that and they failed and couldn't get the problem sorted after months, kept telling me it was my equipment that was the issue.

    Damo, Matt and the rest of the team at Launtel are great down to earth techs that know their stuff.

      • -3

        Matt left years ago. Unfortunately all the good techs are long gone.

        • -1

          Must be a different Matthew I dealt with then, cause I only spoke to him 4 months ago.

          • -1

            @Wish: It wasn't the original one then who has been there since the early days and well known in the community.

            • -1

              @Clear: Lol "the community". It's an RSP, not an alternative lifestyle.

              • @Meconium: They're a big name in a state of 500,000. You'd be lucky to find someone in the Tasmanian IT/Telecom industry who hasn't heard of them.

  • +5

    Normal pricing is quite high. I see people raving about customer service, but it’s sort of not necessary? How often do you need to call them?

    • +3

      Exactly. $93 a month for 100/20? These guys are playing with themselves. I’ve never had to call an rsp and I churn through all the cheap, garbage ones every 6 months.

    • +1

      It's kinda like buying insurance - you don't need till you need it, but then you're damn glad you've got it. If you have no issues then you can bask in the great feeling of problem-free Internet access, but if you need assistance it's really nice to know quality help is not far away.

      • 100/20 is $69. So you are paying an annual insurance premium of 34%.

        If you develop a fault that's so bad on the line just connect to an ABB or so and get them to sort it out.

    • exactly - if you need to constantly call customer service - maybe its not so great

    • +1

      if you work from home, paying bit extra for good NBN is a must and TAX deductible

    • I see people raving about customer service, but it’s sort of not necessary

      Correct. You only need that when you have problems. In the early days of Launtel when all the local companies were getting free internet in exchange for raving social media reviews they had significant downtime all the time. Like every week complete outages. These days not so much.

      • What's the downvote for? Grudge against Matt?

        • For a former employee? No.

    • -3

      You don't need custom service unless you're a Muppet. If their service is inadequate you churn and it takes minutes. This constant reliance on support is great for jobs and driving up the price.

      • -4

        Sure…if you understand baud speed, latency, QOS settings, can configure DNS or NAT, know the difference between jitter and framerate, how to untangle VoIP from your vLAN…you know, all that network-y computer-speak stuff. But, the vast majority of the population don’t, hence the need for support staff. It’s there for a reason, not a charity make-work project.

        • +1

          Even a prosumer doesn't need to worry about baud rate, QoS, jitter, framerate, and doesn't run VoIP. What you're describing is an enterprise business with a dedicated IT team on a six figure salary.

        • Most if not all ISPS ship a Muppet proof modem/router which has all that preconfigured, some won't even give support without the preconfigured device. QoS, lol, do you want them to come and clean your house too?

          • +2

            @adam149: I like to use cars as an analogy because many of the concepts translate well. Probably 95% of drivers don't want to know how their car works under the bonnet, all they want is the engine to start when they turn the key, the accelerator & brake to work when pressed, and the wheels to turn when moving. But, if someone has a flat tyre you'd be astounded how many have no idea how to change it (or, more worryingly, where the jack & spare can be found). Or, if a headlamp blows how they'd change the globe - and heaven forbid should it be one of those with the weirdly offset bayonet tabs. What about changing the oil? I once met someone who didn't realise they needed to do that from time-to-time and was still running the same oil that was in it when they'd purchased the car three years previous (after draining the sump the kindest description I could give it was 'chunky'). For anyone with a reasonable understanding of care maintenance these are really basic tasks yet so many people have no idea how to do them and would need to depend on 'car support' (i.e. roadside assistance, mechanics, etc) for help. Tech support can be very much the same - what is simple & clear for some is just beyond comprehension of most others.

            On re-reading my earlier reply I realise that was a little over the top, but as someone who has done tech support in many organisations, from very large government departments to small less-than-a-dozen startups, I know firsthand that the majority of people are, in fact, 'Muppets' as you describe when it comes to technical things like this. You can design the most basic idiot-proof hardware/procedure/configuration you can possibly think of but someone will always invent A Better Idiot. Yes, ISPs go to great lengths to make things easy for customers, however I think you'll find the good ones will also have top-notch support as a backup, and that does, unfortunately, come at a cost. Found a better deal elsewhere because you're willing to do some of your own support? Go you! But, please don't throw shade on a company for trying to give good support to their customers, even if it's a bit more expensive.

  • +1

    Love how the owner lives in the sticks and can only get Starlink.

    Such a down to earth person

  • +4

    Great ISP; I have been with these guys for a few years, sensational ISP. One of the best deafferentations with these guys over other ISP's "Per Day Billing" this may seem meh but one really nice feature with this is the ability to scale your Link up and down, you could sit on 100/20 Mbps and scale up to 1000/400 mbps (If on relevant NBN Technology FTTP etc) and pay the difference in your daily charge usually a few bucks, smash out that download and then bring it back down the next day… I have done this many times and speed change has been realised in 3-5mins

    Tech support is like Aussie BB in the very early days very personal, small team feel and often get technical updates from the boss when there are issues (which there are very few)

    Can pull up to 950Mbps on 1000/40 anytime a day… Give them a go!

    • -2

      3.50 x 365 / 12 = Your paying too much

  • +5

    Do wish they were cheaper, but I've been with them a couple years now and their service and support has been pretty good.

  • I had a paused connection with Launtel. Re-connected with the promo code and connected within minutes.

    • Did you have to change plan speeds?

    • of you can just click modify service, enter code and off you go

      • Not working for me unforetunately. Im getting 'sorry, discount code is invalid' when i try to modify service.

        • weird…you used L4UNTEL

        • I can confirm it works for me with "modify service". Any chance you typed it incorrectly or copy/pasted it with a spacebar before/after the code?

  • Really like these guys, the ability to pause/restart the service is so handy as I am constantly away for work.

  • +1

    Very good reviews and I like how they charge by the day. Ended up going with Leaptel though for $99/m 1000/50. ABB can stick it where the sun don't shine. No difference in service quality.

    • +1

      I'm with SL and will go back to Leaptel too same plan. SL 6 month discount but need to give 30 days notice.

  • Has anyone had any luck extending their discount code? I'm either getting it extended or leaving after being with them for over a year because $3.10 a day is ridiculous.

    • +2

      I left, no extension with discount. Was better off paying $109 with ABB for 1000/20 rather paying $94 for 100/20

      • New customer deal?

        Having a quick look at available plans

        • $95 - 100/20
        • $105 - 100/40
        • $119 - 250/25
        • $129 - 1000/50
        • Yes, ABB was offering $109 for an year a month back.

          • @b0nd: Trial month? Still attainable?

            • @ihfree: No idea, worth checking with ABB support chat if they can offer, else it’s $75 referral for first month.

    • What is ridiculous on it? $3.1/day is about $93-96/month which is on par with most other providers. It is not the cheapest NBN, but far from "ridiculous".

  • Doesn't appear to be for Opticomm.

  • -1

    Not sure if this has changed since I last checked a few months ago, they also charge you for opting out of cgnat. Something to consider if you play online games.

    • +3

      $0.15 per day for a static IPv4 address. Or $100 deposit and no daily charge. The $100 is fully refundable when you no longer want/need the static IP.

      • +3

        This is one of the reasons I love them. Pay a one-time, fully refundable fee and you get a public, static IP that you can move between multiple services at a whim. Moving house? Start a new service, switch that exact IP over to the new one and you don't have to update any DNS records.

  • +2

    I've been with these guys for a year in which I had 3 trips totaling 5 months. So basically instead of paying for a whole year I only paid for 7 months… It's more expensive if you compare to shitty providers like TPG on month by month basis, but in the end it still cost me much less. Also, the service quality and the speeds are far better than any other FTTP and if I need a speed boost I can have it for a day and go back to "internet browsing" speeds.

  • +3

    Im with Superloop atm, the selected payment card failed and they sent a message saying "because it failed, we will slap a $10 charge on the next bill" like wtf lol. Ill switch to Launtel and then exetel (still superloop, but like the boost days).

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