Ck slides (Calvin Klein) pretty good price I bought 3. 1 for me 2 for pressies… free postage if you hit $100 ($21.91 per unit incl. Postage) only sz 43 and 44 left!
Quick quick quick get in there
Ck slides (Calvin Klein) pretty good price I bought 3. 1 for me 2 for pressies… free postage if you hit $100 ($21.91 per unit incl. Postage) only sz 43 and 44 left!
Quick quick quick get in there
Done thank you
May need to edit your heading. Only black one is 19.95
I'll bite
Mini billboards for your feet
I was keen to buy but woah those logos are a bit much for me. Shame as they otherwise look nice
As a kid I wanted all my clothing to have the biggest logos, as an adult I wonder why they have to put massive logos all over.
You get me.
Shady eshay crap RRP $79 for $2 Chinese made rubber
Which slides are the classy, BMW driving, 5 property owning, 300k a year, Ozbargainers wearing?… these ones to match their $300 RM Williams handbag
RRP $1000!? Seems about right for the Ozbargain elite.
Only size 44 remaining. The others aren’t on sale and there one that’s $44
All sizes oos
Sorry should be pretty good not pretty food!