The R.M.Williams Briefcase is crafted from full grain leather, this premium men's accessory is both practical and stylish.
It was on sale a month ago. See the old post:
Everywhere else, it is around $600.
The R.M.Williams Briefcase is crafted from full grain leather, this premium men's accessory is both practical and stylish.
It was on sale a month ago. See the old post:
Everywhere else, it is around $600.
Problem is, it doesn't hold a lunchbox.
Not with that attitude.
RM gave me that attitud3
Not in this economy
If you put the crumbed cutlets back to front you can fit more in for the eye fillet
Put you Fruit roll ups and crackers in there.
Looks like some sort of girly handbag to me.
Its european.
a real fancy-boy
I think the animal it is made from was
Lol. Probably
enjoy plastic
I think you mean 'not made of petroleum'
Vegan leather disintegrates and starts shedding millions of little micro plastic bits after a few years of use. Then you need to replace it every 2-3 years. This will harm many more creatures in the long term than one leather bag that will last a decade with proper care.
Don't trust everything that is on there. double check the resources he is referencing.
I checked the UN guide he mentioned and out of the 110g of CO2 emissions 50% is from methane (Natural cow emissions) 30% is from fertiliser use which is essential obviously for feeds, planting etc 6% is from chemicals and 4 % from tanning.. The last 10% is not specified on the UN document
So unless cows cease to exist the 80% process is normal cycle of having cows.. and 20% of 110 if we count the 10% for chemicals and tanning. that leaves 11g of CO2 emissions which then becomes less than the 15g he mentions for vegan leather…
This is the problem if you refer to videos without doing the research yourself, you are lead to believe that the information provided is solely factual when by default there is a bias.
I can appreciate information sharing, but just take those videos with a grain of salt and delve a little deeper and do your own research.
The lifespan of leather will out surpass vegan leather so you would have to factor in repeated purchases if deciding to go vegan leather… which is really a bad choice.. stick to good fabric i reckon.
Anyway. choose leather over vegan leather, but if vegan choose fabric over both.
@maverickjohn: Yeah we would have to deep dive more and fact check but most of the information is pretty reliable and wouldn't make it up. Probably a lot of factors but we should agree that the normal robot going on about plastics and how leather is automatically better aren't looking at the whole picture.
Appreciate you checking it out I want to be educated too.
@G-rig: It's all good bro. And honestly I'm not here to change anyone's opinions as I feel everyone has a right to follow the path they feel is best. I am just always sceptical of all these youtubers as they are more in it for click bait and for followers.
I trust the journals without any conflicts of interest
@maverickjohn: All good. I think you'd have to prove otherwise in that case but people will justify it either way.
At least is a not for profit and they do the research for us. I'll believe them and mic when they have plenty of studies referenced (randomised trials etc), but people will still pick it apart without providing anything to counter except anecdotal claims.
@G-rig: There's no doubt in my mind that it's a far healthier diet. (I feel we are veering topics now) but again I feel that is a decision that has to come from a person's conviction to choose the lifestyle.
Watched the video for about 8 minutes, saw the bias and stopped watching. That was hardly an impartial source. Stuff like this is not doing your own research. It's just listening to one side of the story. Every PU shoe or bag I have had has literelly disintegrated after a year or so, and it does so by shedding thousands of these tiny plastic bits, while the leather items just tear or split and a lot of the time are repairable, so no I will never buy a vegan leather piece of clothing.
You know what, I know. And don't quite care if corps get the same treatment as my recycling bin…so if they pay 50 bucks for their waste as I have to for being (profanity) colour blind then we're square
Using the whole animal including its hide for leather is good for the environment. Avoiding leather is bad for the planet.
Worth watching the link above I posted - it may clear up some of the BS assumptions people seem to parrot.
Some great un-biased points that many wouldn't have considered and you may learn something.
Take note of the dying of leathers and chromium, and they cover the point about leather being bi-products of the meat industry fallacy too.
Used to work at an Abattoir. Leather is definitely a bi product. In what world is this a fallacy.
Leather is definitely a bi product.
raw product, yes; final product, no. That’s why cows are slaughtered and consumed in Australia, but tanneries are overseas.
@AlexF: There are definitely tanneries in Australia. Some in fact work in conjunction with the meat producers to get skins for tanning.
I visit them in person to buy leather.
Look up Austanners, Packer leather, Greenhalgh tannery just to name a few.
@G-rig: Sure, can I buy meat for cheaper directly from the abattoir?
If you're trying to put me off eating meat, my boss hunts deer and enjoys sharing the whole process in great detail.
There are definitely tanneries in Australia….
Does R.M. Williams source leathers from them?
@AlexF: Kangaroo leather I would say most likely (the kangaroo tannery I bought from mentioned RM visitors were touring), crocodile leather no idea, bovine leather possibly… I bought some RM Williams clearance leather last year when they were getting rid of a whole bunch - there was premium italian and american leathers, as well as NZ leather. Lots of unlabelled leather as well so not sure where the rest came from.
@Whippersnipper: How did you enjoy that? Would still be having nightmares no doubt.
I don't want to start a whole thing but it's been mentioned.. think of cows like a dog or a cat.
BS assumptions people seem to parrot.
I suspect it’s more to justify own preferences.
Years ago we used to call them faux or imitation leather. They were used in knock off products and were a lot cheaper than real leather. Then for some reason now they use the term "vegan" leather and make them cost about as much as real leather goods. Ridiculous.
Vegan is cool
I don't care for those pop up businesses trying to cash in on that. A lot of stuff is vegan anyway.. bread, Vegemite, spaghetti, avos, bananas, Nike runners.
It's nice that companies actually care and trying to make an effort and do the right thing. Most Aussies are selfish pricks, glad I don't have kids or grand kids that will enjoy the shitty planet in the future (that I know of).
Leather never goes out of style my dude.
Anyone know if this is purely bovine leather
I went the feline leather.
If it aint made of human hide. Why bother?
cue: goodbye horses
It is a great work bag. Have had it for a couple of years and still looks great.
This is a great price.
quick question, can you fit a laptop and like a 500ml plastic bottle of water in it?
I have one of those square style water bottles. They are so much better for briefcases.
I have seen those bottles often, and after all this time, it never occurred to me that it would fit better for these type of bags. Jesus Christ I feel so dumb.
There's a separate pocket for the laptop so you can put the 500ml plastic bottle easily.
To give you an idea, I usually carry my lunch box in it daily along with an umbrella and sometimes a jumper (along with usual laptop, phone, mouse etc).
awesome, thanks agentsmith
Can you fit a 15" laptop in it?
It's like Mary Poppins' carpet bag.
How thick is your lunchbox?
My buck fifty Woolworths green bag does the trick
I’d love to see you rock up to a professional corporate meeting with a WW green grocery bag 🤣🤣🤤
Why do you need to take a bag to an interview at all
I didn't see interview mentioned anywhere in this comment
That's exactly some labour MP were thinking when they got ALDI bags…it means business time
Prefer the aldi version for 1/10 the price
Can you share a link to said Aldi bag, please?
No. I’ve got an aldi bag similar to this deal. Great quality too.
No link sorry. They release it once a year. Usually around autumn. Keep an eye out on their site.
I'd be super keen - will keep an eye out.
Joey: Really? A purse?
Rachel: It's not a purse! It's a shoulder bag.
It's not a man purse it's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one.
It’s a European carry all.
Or a pickup/ute
This or the messenger bag…? Both half price..
I've got the messenger bag and it's great. It has heaps of space, lots of compartments including a zipper compartment, and the flap has magnets which makes it really easy to open and close. Only downside is that it doesn't have a handle.
lost me at "Imported". If it was at least made in Australia I would seriously consider paying this price for a quality product.
Made in Italy. Probably old stock as Twiggy is starting to bring back manufacturing of their products to Australia since buying the business.
Made in Italy these days isn't much different from made in China…
An article from 2008?
You should look at 'made in China' products differently depending on how much you are prepared to pay and what the factory is like. You can't expect quality stuff when you are only willing to pay Kmart prices.
Just FYI, lots of the Prada sunglasses are made in mainland China and they pass Prada's quality control and are sold globally.
@willz: Yes, the youtube link I posted above is interesting, and covers 'fast fashion' too. Just because something is leather doesn't make it automatically better than the alternatives and both may fall apart if made to a cheap price point (and end up in land fill).
I would still support a local company who makes most of their products(shoes) in Australia and has a great reputation of delivering quality products and good service.
Agreed. Even at 300 aud, there would be a huge profit margin.
@supercool said they're made in Bangladesh - just stumbled upon this:…
Nothing intrinsically wrong with manufacturing in Bangladesh but when you see "RM Williams," you expect Made in Australia. Gonna see a lot of these in the capital cities lol
negging a deal because it's not made in australia? lol
At least they did it on their made in Aus phone :)
Do you neg all products not made here? A noble gesture, can sometimes be misplaced. However, kindly note that if this product was made in Australia, the cost of it would be far higher, unfortunately, due to greater local costs of production, labour costs, etc, when compred to overseas counterparts. Having said that, it does beg the question, if this bag was indeed made in Australia and posted to ozbargain, would you then be negging that product because the price would be too high? I refer you to the old addage, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.
I refer you to the below link for a leather briefcase from Saddler and Co, which is made in the fine city of Dubbo. A quality and locally produced bag, to be sure. The pricetage is $1,250. I wonder if hypothetically this bag had the same discount of 50% (although extremely unlikely, but kindly humour me for a moment) bringing the price down to $625 (incl. GST), you would upvote the deal and follow through with the purchase yourself? Or would downvote this due to the much higher price when compared to OP’s deal. I am slightly curious as to your choice. But if I was a betting male, I would hope you would remain consistent with your logic and make the purchase, however I am inclined to deduce that you would unfortunately neg that deal as well, due to the price. I do hold a string of hope that you would remain consistent and supprt the local product.…
@Mahogany Granger but your statement begs the question what if you are not a betting male. What if she was a he and he was a she then what would you be??
Thank you so much for sharing this. This is truly a gorgeous item and worthy of the $1250 price tag. At $625, they would likely be making a substantial loss in terms of labour and materials (again, full-grain so top shelf leather).
I genuinely don't think people who cast such criticisms do so in good faith over here. It's more of a "sour grapes" situation where they fabricate reasons to hate a product which they can't afford/do not see value in.
Fancy looking lunchbox