• long running

NAB Qantas Rewards Premium Card: 60,000 QFF (+10k after 12m) ($2,000 Spend in 60 Days), $150 1st Year Fee (Then $250) @ NAB


Better than the Qantas Premier Platinum Card deal.

60,000 bonus points when you spend $2,000 on everyday purchases within the first 60 days of account opening and 10,000 bonus points when you keep your card for over 12 months.

You’ll also enjoy a reduced annual card fee (from $250 to $150) for the first year.

If you’re already a NAB customer you could be eligible for additional credit card offers such as reduced annual card fees, bonus rewards points and more by applying through the NAB app or NAB Internet Banking.

Points will be awarded on a tiered basis - 60,000 bonus Qantas Points will be awarded when you spend $2,000 on eligible purchases in the first 60 days. Bonus Qantas Points will be credited to your points balance within three months of meeting the spend criteria, and 10,000 bonus Qantas Points after 12 months, credited to your points balance within the 13th month.

This bonus points offer is not available to existing customers who have received or are entitled to receive NAB Qantas Rewards Bonus Points for a new personal NAB Qantas Rewards credit card in the 18 months prior to the opening of a NAB Qantas Rewards Signature Card or a NAB Qantas Rewards Premium Card (increased from 12 months prior to the opening for accounts opened before 30 November 2022). This advertised offer of bonus points is not applicable or valid in conjunction with any other advertised or promotional offer.

please note its 18m exclusion period

Original deal post

Can someone check if there's a further reduced fee if you are already a NAB customer? Similar to WBC deal.

Per @douglasac10 comment, existing NAB customers can get:
$150 for the life of the card with the same points deal if you apply via the link at www.nab.com.au/4cards

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National Australia Bank Group (NAB)
National Australia Bank Group (NAB)


  • So if I held the NAB velocity card that just got cancelled a few months ago, I can still qualify for this deal?

    • This bonus points offer is not available to existing customers who have received or are entitled to receive NAB Qantas Rewards Bonus Points for a new personal NAB Qantas Rewards credit card in the 18 months prior to the opening of a NAB Qantas Rewards Signature Card or a NAB Qantas Rewards Premium Card (increased from 12 months prior to the opening for accounts opened before 30 November 2022). This advertised offer of bonus points is not applicable or valid in conjunction with any other advertised or promotional offer.

      Honestly, i'd risk it. Save the page and the page's T&C and apply. If they don't give it to you, straight to AFCA

    • +2

      According to DustyAfternoon, they got the Velocity points on the NAB Rewards while their NAB Qantas was 7 months into churn cooldown.

  • +2

    Can someone check if there's a further reduced fee if you are already a NAB customer? Similar to WBC deal.

    $150 for the life of the card with the same points deal if you apply via the link at www.nab.com.au/4cards

    Seems to be long running as they sent something to me about it ages ago despite me being a fairly infrequent customer of theirs - only have their free account for the rare times I get given cash as I can digitize it at the ATM, or if I need to write a cheque to an organisation that's stupid enough to both accept cheques and annoy me.

    • Bummer, only saw this after I applied via the other link.

      • Hi Mate,
        After you applied for NAB CC, ie. after you click submit did you get an email confirmation of the application?
        Just checking , not sure if I put my email correctly. LOL thought of asking before calling them up.

        How long before you got approval?

        Same here, LOL should have search OZB first before I applied, missed out on this 150.00 for life!! sigh.


  • +3

    Obviously if you want QFF over Velocity points, then go for this one. But if you're picking between them like me, the Velocity points is much better value!

    Card NAB Rewards Platinum NAB Qantas Rewards Premium
    Points 60,000 Velocity 60,000 QFF
    Spend $1,000 $2,000
    Fee $95 $150
    • These wouldn't go close to having a fee a couple of years ago. There is a 100k (50k Velocity) points card with a $45 fee.

    • Qantas you get Points Club Plus though if over 350k pts, which is worth an extra $500+ retail

      • $500+ retail

        Please explain how you get $500+ out of point club plus

        • The retail cost of Qantas Club is $600/year

    • Thanks. What is the best way to covert V points to cash or similar?

  • +7

    I'd personally go for the NAB Qantas Rewards Signature Card for 120,000 points for $295 and $3k spend requirement.
    Application and lockout period means chasing highest points for me

    • +3

      Agree. As the credit card market has consolidated in Australia (most obvious example being NAB swallowing Citi), there are fewer sign-up bonuses going forward. If you're a proper churner, you need to maximise each bank's 12/18 month slot by going for the highest bonus possible.

  • +2

    If you are existing customer and apply from NAB app, you will get 70k points after 2K spend for platinum and 120k points after 3K spend for signature. Also reduced annual fee for life.

    • +1

      Check the members application URL (if a member has it). Non members could use it. I did this for a Westpac card (noticed the only difference was a code in the URL. Added the code on to the non member URL, and it worked. Reduced annual fee done.

  • +3

    NAB has updated thier policies to not to refund the Annual fee if you decide to cancel before 1 year. Not even pro-rata. Talked to two agents trying to get my annual fee back. But they declined ao strongly.

  • I still haven't found a rewards card that does better than the Coles Rewards Mastercard for both annual fee, point earning rate and value for points (2000 = $10). Anyone out there know of a better one?

  • How frequently is too frequently to be flipping between cards for these kind of offers?

    • I got the last ANZ Black offer in November last year I think. Did my minimum spend in 2 months, got the points bonus and then cancelled in early January 2024 and asked for a pro-rata refund of my annual fee and the agent just said he'd refund the whole amount. They were really nice about it. Kudos to ANZ.

      • Damn you did well, they did this twice for me, but the 3rd time I tried they wouldn't budge, wouldn't even refund pro rata. I haven't heard of anyone getting a refund recently from ANZ

    • +2

      I did 6 cards in an 18 month period, no issues

      • Was there a big hit on your Credit Score?

  • not bad if you want to dip your feet in the waters of churning cards for no cost

  • https://www.nab.com.au/4cards
    Although not the same
    32 month interest free no bt fees and no annual fee of very unique

    Enjoy 0% p.a. on balance transfers for 32 months on a new NAB Low Rate CardView Disclaimer1

    There’s no balance transfer feeView Disclaimer1

    Enjoy no annual fee for the life of the card (usually $59

  • NAB offer a virtual card while waiting for the actual card to be sent out?

    • No virtual card but you can add it to Apple Pay etc.

      • So you get the card number/ expiry etc before its posted?

        • No, you won’t get card details until you receive the card in the mail.
          However before it arrives I was able to add it to Apple Pay on my device through the app and use it in store, and online where Apple Pay was accepted

  • Can’t wrap my hand around the wording…

    I opened this account 16/8/2022 and closed it 3/2/2033. Does it mean I have a 12 or 18 month exclusion period?


    “ This bonus points offer is not available to existing customers who have received or are entitled to receive NAB Qantas Rewards Bonus Points for a new personal NAB Qantas Rewards credit card in the 18 months prior to the opening of a NAB Qantas Rewards Signature Card or a NAB Qantas Rewards Premium Card (increased from 12 months prior to the opening for accounts opened before 30 November 2022).”

    • +2

      18 months…

      • Thanks, I can’t quite wrap my head around why they are mentioning 30 November 2022…

        My brain wants it to mean because I signed up before this date I get a 12 month exclusion instead of the new 18 😂

        I signed my partner up a couple of weeks ago, she closed hers 12 months ago. I signed up via the app as an existing customer for the 70k points and didn’t read anything about 18 months exclusion so will wait and see if she gets the points and update the post. She closed hers November 2022 and applied again last month.

        • Where are you reading this T&C? I am looking into this card now, and I can’t find any exclusion which makes you ineligible for bonus points if you held a card in the last X months.

          • +1

            @ts13: Follow OP’s link, right at the bottom of the page expand “Important Information”

            2nd last paragraph under clause 2

            I also want to confirm that NAB didn’t automatically pay the points, when we enquired they informed us it was because she had held the card in the last 18 months. Didn’t realise their systems would be able to pick up on it so easily, I genuinely thought it was a 12 month exclusion period too.

            Made a bit of a complaint regarding how they “tricked us” into signing up as they promised us the points in the app and they paid it as a once off good will. We got 70k points straight up too not just 60k.

            YMMV of course I wouldn’t do it again

            • +1

              @Brick50: Thanks for quick reply. Not sure how I missed this so many times.
              They’re changing the AF structure to be more similar to CBA’s.
              For the Signature card for example, they’re killing annual fee and replacing it with $24/month charge, waived if you spend $5,000/month.
              Imagine paying the AF and then getting slapped with a $24/month charge immediately after. Not sure how existing card holders will be impacted.

  • Do they generally transfer the 60k points as soon as you satisfy the requirements or do they keep postponing it till the last moment

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