Posted before but it's now available again and even cheaper :)
Previous deal
Posted before but it's now available again and even cheaper :)
Previous deal
Not the product I expected wen I saw Rabbit and discreet.
this will make you wet according to reviews
I didn’t know it took batteries.
Thanks op, just need to wait for a 30-40% BWS deal now and put some whisky in the flask. 👍
Damn, was chasing something that is 215mL
In case it helps, I put mine in the sun all day with the lid closed and managed to get it pretty close (214.97mL)
What do you put in the sun all day?
Hmm showing up as 15.43 for me.
and $11.29 del
I thought that was one of thse smart A/C remotes.
how is a clear flask discrete?
lol I swear QSuper give these away free as part of their marketing material
$11.29 Expedited International Delivery