• long running

[WA] Free Public Transport: for Primary & Secondary School Students M-F Til End of School Year / for All on Sundays @ Transperth


Free travel information

The Cook Labor Government has today announced its latest cost-of-living relief measure, with free public transport to be provided for school student travel and for the entire community every Sunday.

× Students travel free on public transport from next week

× Free public transport to be provided for everyone, every Sunday

Cost-of-living relief policy could save more than $500 each

The Ride to School Free Program will be specifically for travel to and from school Monday to Friday and will be available to those who hold a valid Student SmartRider card, while the Fare Free Sundays will be available to everyone with a valid SmartRider card.

The Ride to School Free Program will commence on Monday February 5 while the Fare Free Sundays will begin on February 4.

Families who have two children travelling to and from school daily on public transport could see savings of up to $560 across the school year as a result of the change.

The Ride to School Free Program will benefit every student that rides the bus or train to school – with around 300,000 students currently holding Student SmartRiders.

The new initiatives come on top of existing supports provided by the Cook Government to make travel cheaper for Western Australians including:

the free School Bus Service in regional Western Australia;
doubling the conveyance allowance for families that cannot access the free School Bus Service;
two-zone fare cap for travel on public transport in metropolitan Perth;
the Regional Airfare Zone Cap scheme; and
free public transport for seniors during off-peak.

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Government of Western Australia
Government of Western Australia


      • +2

        Concession (student) travel isn't free in Victoria

        Student Passes
        Choose your pass.
        Pass validity dates – all from date of purchase until:
        Victorian Student Pass: Half Year $374.00 Year $720.00

  • +1

    How do they verify your student status do you know

    • +5

      a student smartrider is required afaik. usually issued through schools.

    • +1

      You are either given your transit card by your school if they are participating in that program (those schools usually print your school student ID onto a SmartRider card) or you need to fill out a form and submit it to the card distribution company.

      The form requires details of your enrolled school, the school has to sign it and provide their stamp, and TransPerth usually do another verification check with the school itself before the card is issued.

  • +5

    NSW government should learn from this

  • +6

    NSW Trans: BRING BACK ALL DAY $2.50-$2.80 ON SUNDAY

  • Need a cheaper fare for everyone and especially for OzBers.

    How is the price comparison between the states? And against other countries?

    When will the buses be replaced by battery ones? Will the price go down nah?

  • +1

    Will save $7 per week, for 10x student tickets. Around $500 for us, with 2 kids in 2024. Nice.

    • Wow, imagine if someone has like 5 kids.

      • -2

        Can't escape the gape at that rate mate, once you open the gate too late you've sealed your own fate

  • Do students also get to travel free all day everyday? So now they have more freedom to explore the state, very nice for students.

    • There are great value family tickets available

    • -3

      So now they have more freedom to explore the state

      LOL You must be new and never visited WA…. This is basically free travel in Perth only. They don't do public transport out of the Perth area.


      • They get to explore the whole five stations in WA

        • -2

          That they do! Some of those stations on that map are 'future' stations too!

  • Great idea to give free transport for students. Less cars on the road around school drop off and pick up is a good thing. In addition to cutting costs for families.

    Given students won’t be paying, the students should be offering seats to paying users when the bus or train is filled IMO.

    • Great idea to give free transport for students. Less cars on the road around school drop off and pick up is a good thing

      Compared to what VIC did and offered statewide travel to anyone for $5/$10/day? They have removed far more cars off the road than giving kids a free ride in the morning.

      If people really cared about removing cars off the road, then they would support free PT for everyone.

  • Good for students, probably help air pollution as well, but I am not expert. Only Sunday I guess as title.

    • -1

      I think not so much as it's limited to students and Sundays only. Plus the change to battery cars is more influence.

  • What’s about university students?? Fingers crossed this applies to us too!

    • I believe any one with a registered student concession on their smartrider is eligible, uni students (I think have to be full time) are eligible for student concession.

      • +2

        No, this is for school students (70c fare) not tertiary students.

        • +1

          Ah yes damn, primary and secondary only confirmed in the FAQs

    • It was certainly considered, but one look at this poll showed it wasn't needed at all. - How Much Should a University Student Have Saved by The Time They Graduate?

      • The pool in 2020 is a completely different story to the era of inflation. An updated pool should be:
        How much will a uni student be in dabt by time graduated?
        How many hours a uni student work to pay off the rent?

  • Great country 👍🏿

  • -1

    But students pay like $70c way I think? Hardly savings.. If the gov real wanna save ppl money, they should save money for the parents..

    • Yeh exactly, I remember student price was like 50c…. but the government is like hey lets spin this free travel idea for students which cost us nothing anyway…. meanwhile prices of everything else go up by 20%.

  • Cook Labor Govt.:

    Up next…

    Housing Crisis resolved!

  • so it’s only too n from school? in nsw most kids that live far enough away to have to travel on public transport get free travel to school ..doesn’t WA offer that ?

    • +1

      You can live on the edge of the zone for your public high school and still be up to 5km away so no. If you are made to go out of zone by the Education Dept then I think it might be.

      • yeah u have to live 2km straight line from school or 2.9km walking distance to get a free pass if in high school nsw

  • This is very cool, NSW should listen up!

  • This "free transport" really needs a warning.
    "Every Sunday, travel is free for all SmartRider holders. Tag on and off as you normally would but notice that your fare is free no matter how far you travel.
    Free travel is available on all Transperth bus, train and ferry trips from first service until last service.
    The free travel does not apply to late night services after midnight on Saturday.
    If you are travelling without a SmartRider you will need to purchase a cash ticket."
    If you travel "for free" without tagging on with your SmartRider card, the transport officers will give you a $100 infringement.

    • Told you so…
      "Transit guards slapped Perth commuters with almost $400,000 in fines for failing to buy a bus or train ticket during the State Government’s fare-free travel period over the summer.
      Fresh data provided to The West Australian by the Public Transport Authority shows guards handed out 3943 infringements for travelling without a valid ticket over the five-week period between December 24 and January 26.
      That equates to a $100 fine every eight minutes."

  • Miss the Sunday $2.60 all day in NSW

  • Bus and train to and from school was free when i was growing up in NSW? Has it since changed?

  • Taking the attention away from the real issues, like you know housing affordability?

    • Better petition the state govt. to reinstate the previous 3+ zone system and charge people $10+ p/day then!

  • +1

    Good initiative cuz election are coming. I won't fall for this Labour Liberal monopoly again. We can't afford these big companies getting off for free without paying tax. Time for someone else other than these two. Either greens or independent senators

    • -1

      Christ don't vote Green. They're even worse than the other 2

      • Well they never came in power, so I am thinking, let's try them or independent senators. But for sure not labour or Liberal.

    • Which election? Both are happening in the next few months

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