Stage 3 Tax Cuts - Who Will You Vote for Now?

If they pare back the promised stage 3 tax cuts would you:

Poll Options

  • 1147
    Voted labor, will continue to vote labour. It's the right thing to do.
  • 209
    Voted labor but won't anymore, breaking election promises is the wrong thing to do.
  • 116
    Didn't vote labor but will now, he's doing the right thing.
  • 446
    Don't vote labor and won't next time, breaking election promises is the wrong thing to do.


          • @gorgrond: lol Singapore doesn't have a wealth tax. Its a transactional tax on expensive products, which you don't really have to buy even if you're wealthy. Its not a tax on existing assets.

            • @cadwalader: I know. That's the way it should be, IMO.
              Add taxes to products, according to how important they are to basic survival;

              more important ==> less or no taxes
              less important ==> more taxes

              Really rich people don't usually pay that much in taxes anyway. They have several tricks to bypass / reduce their taxes that common people don't know about. Not as easy to do that when buying products.

    • +13

      As someone who would not have benefited from the stage 3 cuts I say tax asset wealth!

      • +10

        100%, I earn 6 figs but highly unlikely I won't own a house like my parents who worked menial jobs.

      • +2

        How do you pay taxes on unrealised capital gains?

        • That's about to happen with super funds

    • -1

      Tax the wealthy more and more


      • And tax jv!! 🤣🤣🤗

        • I already pay tax.

          • @jv: Will have an exclusive bracket for you - wired to comments on ozb

            • @cobknob: Why?

              • @jv: More comments you post more tax you pay - win Win 👍

    • +17

      Why not tax the corporates who completely avoid it?

      • +1

        Why not introduce an 88% tax bracket at 400k or so like the USA did in WWII?

        That should fix the corporate tax problem.

        • +6

          That's individual tax? Which would not fix the corporate tax problem.

          • @brendanm: Oh it would fix it - watch the CEO's and other high paid executives lobby to shift the burden to companies.

        • The top tax rate in Australia peaked at 75% after the war. 40% is too low; bump it up to 50%.

        • Reagan would be turning in his grave haha

        • People earning that amount aren't doing PAYG, they have fancy expensive accountants and family trusts and probably pay less tax than the average Australian.

    • +1

      Define what you think is wealthy.

    • +4

      Btw. Income =/= wealth

      • +8

        You a former Scomo bootlicker are you?

          • -4

            @Almost Banned: That's how the modern left roll - insult because their argument is sh 1te.

        • Don't be hasty - they're anyone but a Working-Class politician!!

      • +2

        Yep, we know how to get the most out of our money.

      • I'm not. I've found out over the years that the majority on here like all the free fruit from Labor's socialist magic money tree. This poll and thread proves it.

      • "I am stunned by the number of Labor voters on Ozbargain"

        That explains the widespread, delusional acceptance of the left wing "catastrophic climatechange" scam on OZBARGAIN.

        YEP, I was previously wondering why … now I know.

    • +15

      Five friends went to a restaurant and the richest two friends, Tom and Jerry, shouted dinner for the other three. The total meal cost was $500. After they paid the restaurant bill, the restaurant realised they were eligible for a 50% discount on their meal and refunded $250, with $125 going to Tom and $125 going to Jerry.
      However, the poorer three friends who didn't pay anything for the meal complained that they didn't receive any money from the restaurant.

      • +2

        If you are trying to compare the original tax vs the revised version, your story example doesnt make sense as people in the low income still had to pay tax but didnt get any tax cut under the initial stage 3.

        • +11

          Those who aren’t beneficiaries of Stage 3 cuts have benefited from Stage 1 and 2 cuts.

          Those people get more other benefits like,

          1. Higher Childcare subsidies
          2. Rental Assistance
          3. Rebates to buy Energy efficient appliances and Solar (state specific)
          4. Family Tax Benefits
          5. Energy Bills credit/discount
          6. Pension on post retirement
          7. Pensioner benefits and discounts on many products and services after retirement

          50% of personal tax revenue of Australia comes from those tax payers who are supposed to be beneficiaries of Stage 3 cuts. So essentially these people paying for the benefits listed above indirectly.

          A person on $100k income pays $25k tax (25% avg rate)

          A person on $200k income pays $65k tax (32.5% avg rate) - So this person paying higher portion of his income towards tax and gets least benefits from the system except Medicare/NDIS

        • +2

          Not true.
          People on the lowest tax rates pay basically zero NET tax when transfers are taken into account.

      • +3

        I love these made up stories that would never actually happen in the real world.

        • +2

          Exactly! Like, Tom would have been eating a stick of dynamite well before the dinner was over. Jerry would have had to pay the bill for everyone.

      • +2

        Five friends went to a restaurant

        Let me answer your story with a story:

        Centuries ago there was a village of people, living happily.

        One day one of the blokes, let's call him Ugg, conspires with a couple of his buddies and just kills a bunch of other blokes - murders them for no reason, just wants their stuff. He then says "I'm the king now!" and assaults all their wives and enslaves their kids.

        He wasn't smarter, or stronger, just lacked empathy and the courage to admit the cold hard fact that other people like himself deserved life liberty and happiness as much as he did. A nasty little thug.

        He called his murderous buddies his "lords and nobles" and the gang went around murdering more and more people and stealing their wealth.

        This happened all over the world, creating what we now call an upper class. Sometimes a brilliant artist or merchant would amass enough fame and wealth and join it, but much of today's upper class is still descended from these thugs. Some of them no longer exhibit violent tendencies, instead seeming rather fancy - they had the fanciest nannies and nurses and teachers, after all - but their wealth is originally a product of vicious unjust violence and crime.

        After many centuries, society gradually advanced despite them; laws and democracy and science and economics were invented. Much of the upper class survived these steps towards a better fairer world; they invented their own political parties, now called the "right wing" of politics, and controlled the media, so they could still rule despite democracy.

        They used their stolen gold to buy business interests, so they could make money in more respectable ways than killing and stealing (though many still own arms manufacturers, or steal in more roundabout ways - like buying a reputable company, swapping the quality product for cheap crap that looks the same at first, and selling off the assets once people eventually realise and stop buying it).

        Their wealth bought them fawning lackeys, who came up with good stories explaining why their lords should stay in wealth and power, twisting the narrative. For example, they co-opted the very important and true idea that those who work harder and smarter and create and invent things should be rewarded in society, and pretended THEY were entreprenaurs, instead of the decendants of thugs.

        And that anyone who wanted a level playing field was "lazy", and "jealous", because the kids who could afford the best food, and education, and homes in leafy suburbs with clean air & less crime, and every other advantage in life, didn't really have an advantage at all, so any efforts to make things fairer were unfair.

        And that's why, despite free markets and capitalism and democracy and efficiency being absolutely important key cornerstones of the modern world, and government waste/redtape/corruption being bad, it's still not unreasonble to have free public health care, free quality education, disability pensions, and… progressive tax systems where higher earners like me pay a few grand extra to pay for all that stuff.

        • -2

          HMMM … a typical fairy story we've become used to from our Marxist friends, unable to get ahead in a capitalist word, but afraid of emigrating to Marxist "utopias" like Nth Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, China and losing their comfortable existence in in a so-called "capitalist hell".

          Solzhenitsyn & Putin Warn the West About the Evils of Socialism & Wokeism
          ‘Modern society is hypnotized by socialism. It is prevented by socialism from seeing the mortal danger it is in. And one of the greatest dangers of all is that you have lost all sense of danger, you cannot even see where it’s coming from as it moves swiftly towards you.’
          Russian novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
          Little noticed in the Western media, last month, Russian president Vladimir Putin made an important speech in which he explained what was wrong with us:
          ‘We are surprised by the processes taking place in countries that used to see themselves as pioneers of progress. The social and cultural upheavals taking place in the United States and Western Europe are, of course, none of our business; we don’t interfere with them.’
          ‘Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake,’ said Napoléon.
          But while Putin might enjoy watching us err…he continued with his helpful analysis:
          ‘Someone in the Western countries is convinced that the aggressive erasure of whole pages of their own history — the “reverse discrimination” of the majority in favor of minorities, or the demand to abandon the usual understanding of such basic things as mother, father, family or even the difference between the sexes — that these are, in their opinion, milestones of the movement toward social renewal.’
          Been there, done that, said Putin:
          ‘Looking at what’s happening in a number of Western countries, we see with amazement our own practices, which we thankfully have left behind, hopefully, in the distant past.’

          • +3

            @Gekov: Sounds like you might be happier in Russia.

            • @jackspratt: "Sounds like you might be happier in Russia"


              Mistaken identity!

              Does my post really indicate to you an endorsement by me of socialism?

              • +1

                @Gekov: is Russia even socialist anymore? The Soviet Union was communist. Currently Russia seems to be an oligarchy at best and a kleptocracy more likely.

              • @Gekov: More like an endorsement of Putin.

      • This should instead be about the food inspector and roads that got the food there.

    • I have a better option, let fully implement Karl Marx idea Grimface

    • How do you incentivise people to work hard and create wealth when more wealth equal more tax?

  • It is the exact same thing as a cashback site is doing: hijack a $200 cashback and distribute $2 bonus to 100 customers.

  • +92

    Policy was decided years ago at a different time.

    Economic conditions have changed, and it's good that the government can adjust accordingly.

    News corp propaganda is already in full swing, don't fall for it.

    • +18

      Economic conditions have changed, and it's good that the government can adjust accordingly.

      Yet stamp duty remains unchanged and an absolute money spinner for the gov.

      They aren't "adjusting due to economic situations" they're adjusting to what's best for them

      • +7

        Governments of all colours would love nothing more than to tax your property every year instead of just when it's bought. But they also realize it's an instant election loser to implement.

        • +1

          If the stamp duty were to be spread out over a longer period (up to 5 years), no one will lose out over the medium/long term; this will ease cost of purchase for first home buyers which in turn will increase the buying pool. Since our supply will never match up to demand anyway, prices will shoot up and none of this would matter. Wait, did I just disprove my own point. This is the way.

        • +5

          Property is already taxed every year at the local government level.

          Source: $4000 p/a in council rates…

      • +9

        Have you been walking around with your eyes shut? The entire media landscape has been at the ALP's heals telling them to scrap these tax cuts, cos the media knows the ALP will get strung up and flayed for removing the tax cuts.

        So, the ALP and Albo, in their infinite wisdom, have outclassed the media and the LNP yet again by minimising the tax cuts overall cost, whilst also giving some tax relief to those who most need it.

        • +5

          I would be VERY surprised if this were a recent decision. Guaranteed they had the plan ready at the election, just in case, but always designed to be dropped closer to the upcoming election to be a bounce and be able to say some shit about economic management.

          The ALP isn't too worried about the media - the media manage to sling shit no matter what the ALP does.

          • +1

            @foursaken: Oh, yes, I completely agree with you. I have always thought they'd pull something like this at a critical moment, to use to their best advance.

            • +2

              @ThithLord: Although I am for spreading the cuts, making it broader will add to inflationary pressure and rates will probs increase by another .5%.

          • +1

            @foursaken: Yep this. They might as well just do what they think is best at this point, because either way they're going to cop it from the outrage machine.

      • spot on.

      • 100%, they are trying to please voters.

        If it was about economic conditions and whatever then they would also be addressing the fact that the 180k bracket has remained unchanged for 15 years. But they won't do that because as more and more people fall into this bracket it means more income tax they can collect.

    • +1

      I hate to link to this source, but look at this:

      According to those dates, he did a 180 in a week?

      Policy was decided years ago at a different time.

      So for the last year were they indicating that this policy was old and that conditions were changing and there was a possibility changes could be made?

      No. They doubled down that no changes would be made. Waited until less than 6 months until they were planned to be implemented and then this.

      New rates were already in . For anyone planning their finances based on these changes, this is quite volatile leadership.

      • -2

        If anyone begun to make plans on something not fully implemented announced was already taking a risk.

        • +5

          What do you mean? It was already legislated!

      • +34

        John Howard's lies, broken promises, and more lies. Per @AaronDodd: >

        The Lie:

        “It is our policy, without qualification, to retain Medicare … Not only does Medicare stay but so does bulk billing … They are the fundamentals, the underpinnings of the policy.” and “Medicare will be retained in its entirety.”

        The Truth:

        The Howard Government abolished the dental plan and bulk billing rates declined by more than 12 percentage points after the Coalition took office in 1996.

        The Lie:

        "Howard promised that his Government’s policies would “lead to reduced premiums” for health insurance.

        The Truth:

        Howard's Government approved increases in premiums totaling 21% over the term of his PMship

        The Lie:

        “I can guarantee we’re not going to have $100,000 university degree courses.”

        The Truth:

        16 different degrees cost at least $100,000 at the end of Howard's term

        The Lie:

        “We have no intention of introducing a loans scheme with a real or indeed any other rate of interest.”

        The Truth:

        Debts accrued under FEE-HELP were indexed to CPI & a fee of 20% was applied to FEE-HELP loans for undergraduate courses of study.

        The BIG Lie:

        “No, there’s no way that a GST will ever be part of our policy.” Journalist: “Never ever?” John Howard: “Never ever. It’s dead. It was killed by the voters in the last election”.

        The Truth:

        "a GST that was levied at 10% and started in July 2000.

        The Lie:

        “The GST will not increase the price of petrol for the ordinary motorist”

        The Truth:

        Price of fuel rose 10.4% in the September quarter following the introduction of the GST, and was 23.6 per cent higher than at the same time the previous year.

        The Lie:

        “There’ll be no more than a 1.9% rise in ordinary beer.”

        The Truth:

        The price of beer rose 4.8% in the September quarter following the introduction of the GST, and was 8.5 per cent higher than the same time the previous year.

        The Lie:

        "I can promise you that we will follow policies which will, over a period of time, bring down the foreign debt"

        The Truth:

        Foreign debt was $361B at the end of September 2003, an increase of 90 per cent on the September 1995 level.

        The Lie:

        “Children were thrown overboard, and until I get Defence advice to the contrary I will maintain that position”.

        The Truth:

        Defence advice: >No children were thrown overboard.

        The Lie:

        “Iraq still has chemical and biological weapons and that Iraq wants to develop nuclear weapons.”

        The Truth:

        There were no WMD or nuclear ambitions in Iraq

        • Yep, politicians are full of shit, many such cases.

          • +5

            @brendanm: Don't bother "both-sides-ing" me, unless you have definitive examples.

            • +2

              @ThithLord: If you don't think they all lie, I have a bridge to sell you. And no, I don't vote liberal, I have an equal hatred for both of them.

              • +6


                If you don't think they all lie, I have a bridge to sell you

                "All politicians lie" is extremely lazy. I did not say, nor insinuate, that "they" don't lie.

                And no, I don't vote liberal, I have an equal hatred for both of them.

                I've listed the many reasons one party is far, far better for this country in other comments. If you can look past that to your libertarian party, go for gold.

                • @ThithLord: They haven't done shit for me so far, same as the liberals when they were in. The place gets more and more crowded, services get worse and worse, quality of life goes down. Hurray for the current party they are doing such a great job 🙄

                  • +4

                    @brendanm: Oh man. Widdle Brendan doesn't get to see any benefit to detriment of Australia, stop the press…?

                    Nothing they've done has benefited me directly, either, m8

                    • +2

                      @ThithLord: Nothing they've done has benefitted anyone, everyone is worse off, year after year. Median rent is now $601 a week. Median before tax is $1300. Price of power through the roof. Price of food through the roof. Doctors booked out for weeks. Hospitals ramping like it's going out of fashion. Traffic at standstill everywhere. Government imports even more people to further exacerbate these issues.

                      Yep, they are doing an incredible job.

                      • +4

                        @brendanm: Nice goal post change - first it was nothing benefits me now it's nothing benefits anyone when that is demonstrably false.

                        • +1


                          They haven't done shit for me so far, same as the liberals when they were in. The place gets more and more crowded, services get worse and worse, quality of life goes down. Hurray for the current party they are doing such a great job 🙄

                          The first sentence was for me personally, the subsequent ones for the country in general.

                          it's nothing benefits anyone when that is demonstrably false.

                          Ok, what is currently better than it was 5 or 10 years ago?

                          • +11

                            @brendanm: Sure. Here:

                            Created more jobs in the first 12 months than any other government

                            Better Medicare, so much work required here.

                            Cheaper PBS Scripts.

                            Added new Medicines to PBS for Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, Diabetes.

                            50+ Bulk Billing clinics.

                            Ban on single use vapes.

                            National Gun register.

                            Far Cheaper childcare.

                            Gender Pay equity included in the Fair Work act.

                            Closing the loopholes bill.

                            Same Job, Same Pay bill.

                            Criminalised Wage theft.

                            Ban Engineered stone (world first, I believe).

                            Updated the Car Emissions standard - Australia was just a dumping ground for shitty cars before this.

                            3,000 more Centerlink staff.

                            Increased rent assistance.

                            Price Caps on Gas and Power.

                            Expand Parental Payment leave.

                            10 days Family/Domestic Violence leave.

                            Ensure there are protections for women who persue sexual harrassment claims, shielding them from adverse cost orders.

                            Women's workforce participation is now at Australia's highest it's ever been, 62%.

                            Implement Kate Jenkins Sex discrimination commissioner report recommendations.

                            Legislate that larger companies have to publish and report on their gender pay gap.

                            Apology to all thalidomide victims on behalf of the Aust government.

                            Confirm a heap of Aussie sports are locked into Free to air TV.

                            300,000 additional FEE-FREE TAFE courses, jfc what a win.

                            Have finally curbed inflation.

                            Nurses in aged care 24/7.

                            Aged Care nurses are getting better pay, resulting in a 66% increase in applications.

                            Robodebt Royal commission, forgot about that one?.

                            Addressing the multitude of issues with NDIS, saving $6B straight out the gate.


                            Lower the tax on Electric cars.

                            National Reconstruction fund.

                            Freed the Biloela family.

                            Addressing ID theft.

                            2% deposit gauruntee to purchase home.

                            HAFF (major win).

                            Fixing the NBN, upgrades.

                            Secured funding for ABC/SBS for Five years.

                            Made unfair contract terms between small and large businesses illegal.

                            Wholesale power prices down 50%.

                            Mended plenty of our relationships with international community.

                            China's trade relationship fixed.

                            Security agreement with PNG.

                            • @ThithLord: For some reason I can't copy and past all of that to comment on each one.

                              Jobs - they didn't do anything, the jobs were needed after the economy was destroyed due to the prior morons shutting the country down, and destroying peoples livelihoods during covid.

                              Medicare - they have done nothing, the double script thing is the only thing of value, meanwhile most doctors no longer bulk bill, and you can't get in to see one anyway.

                              Gender pay gap etc is a joke, women doing the same job get the same pay already.

                              The NDIS is run in such a poor fashion, all it does is make scammers rich and F over the poor people who need it, and the taxpayer.

                              Ban on single use vapes - lol, I'm sure that will work.

                              NBN - more expensive than ever, hurray

                              Freed the Biloela family - lord only knows how this benefits the other 25 million Australians.

                              They also wasted half a billion dollars on the voice referendum, then albo just never mentioned Aboriginals again.

                              The rest is.just meh that the vast majority of the population couldn't care less about, when they are more worried about being able to buy food or buy their kids school uniforms.

                              • +4


                                Jobs - they didn't do anything, the jobs were needed after the economy was destroyed due to the prior morons shutting the country down, and destroying peoples livelihoods during covid.

                                ABS's Labour Force Figures stated the below

                                • Total employment is at a record high of 14.1 million people.
                                • Australia’s participation rate is at a record high of 67 per cent.
                                • Youth employment is at a record high of 2.2 million people
                                • Unemployment is at 0.1% above the record-low of 3.7% (so it's at 3.8%)

                                Medicare - they have done nothing, the double script thing is the only thing of value, meanwhile most doctors no longer bulk bill, and you can't get in to see one anyway.

                                I dunno, speak for yourself. I have been seeing two different GP's with no issue seeing them. Medicare has a lot of work to go, sure. They've open the promised 50 urgent-care clinics. I have a very close friend who is a GP who says this is a fantastic initiative and really helps his job.

                                Gender pay gap etc is a joke, women doing the same job get the same pay already.

                                Sure. All they've done is made sure it's reportable, mate

                                The NDIS is run in such a poor fashion, all it does is make scammers rich and F over the poor people who need it, and the taxpayer.

                                You missed how, str8 off the bat, Bill Shorten went to work on it as soon as he was handed the reins.

                                This was what they found already, and that was 9 months ago:

                                Shorten has already set up a “fraud fusion taskforce”, which he will reveal has “38 investigations under way, involving more than $300m in payments” and that received 1,700 tipoffs last month.

                                Pleny of work to unf^ck ten years of the Coalition.

                                Ban on single use vapes - lol, I'm sure that will work.

                                You can't hand it to them for trying to nip this in the bud, fairly early into it's lifetime? It's going to be far more affective than, say, the measures they take with smoking. Vaping is fairly new in the zeitgeist.

                                NBN - more expensive than ever, hurray

                                Labor have ensured that there is FTTP to 3.5m homes. That's 1.5m more than the coalition, of 4.1m in total on the NBN. Fantastic result.

                                I am not sure what you are moaning about, cost wise.

                                Freed the Biloela family - lord only knows how this benefits the other 25 million Australians.

                                The cost to the taxpayer was reaching $1.4m a year to hold this family (reaching a total of over $6m). You wish that continued? Righto.

                                They also wasted half a billion dollars on the voice referendum, then albo just never mentioned Aboriginals again.

                                The ALP promised they would take the Voice to referendum. This has always been in their broader agenda. Literally had nothing to do with Albanese.

                                The rest is.just meh that the vast majority of the population couldn't care less about, when they are more worried about being able to buy food or buy their kids school uniforms.

                                You ok, mate? Where are you hurting? Seriously Where does it hurt? What, exactly, is your pain-point?

                                You try and make it out like woe is these hard-done by families!! but on the other hand, you bemoan all the family-orientated initiatives the ALP have undertaken to enrich families lives.

                                • @ThithLord:

                                  You ok, mate? Where are you hurting? Seriously Where does it hurt? What, exactly, is your pain-point?

                                  Why is it that the one eyed supporter is always so "attacky"?

                                  You try and make it out like woe is these hard-done by families!! but on the other hand, you bemoan all the family-orientated initiatives the ALP have undertaken to enrich families lives.

                                  They haven't done squat to enrich lives. Non of those scumbags have. Overall, the country is worse off than it was 5-10 years ago. None of the inconsequential bits and pieces you mention above go close to offsetting this. All they are capable of doing is enriching the lives of themselves and their families/mates, and wasting taxpayers money on shit.

                                  • +1


                                    They haven't done squat to enrich lives. Non of those scumbags have. Overall, the country is worse off than it was 5-10 years ago. None of the inconsequential bits and pieces you mention above go close to offsetting th

                                    Siri, play What about me? by Shannon Noll

                                    • @ThithLord: I'm doing fine, I have a house, I have a decent job,, my kids don't need medical care. Anyone who isn't lucky is getting forked more and more every year. Prior to the last 12 months, I had never seen people living in makeshift campsites on the sides of the road.

                                      • +6

                                        @brendanm: Yet you're here, whinging on a thread about Albo breaking his election promise, which will actually put more money into the pockets of 80% of working Australians. Saying they don't do anything for the less-fortunate. Even though I already listed many things that they have done, that does improve the less-fortunate people - which you hand swept away as but how does that help me?

                                        • @ThithLord:

                                          which you hand swept away as but how does that help me?

                                          Lol, no I didn't.

                                          Yet you're here, whinging on a thread about Albo breaking his election promise

                                          Incorrect, I'm whinging about politicians in general.

                                          many things that they have done, that does improve the less-fortunate

                                          They don't.

                                          • +2

                                            @brendanm: Not gonna play into your wilful ignorance. Good day.

                                            • -5

                                              @ThithLord: Okey-dokey. Your replies remind me of the meme with the dog standing inside his house while it's on fire.

                                            • @ThithLord: The difference between the labour parties talking points and the reality of life is massive ,
                                              Homeless people of all stripes living under my local Centrelink building and in local overnight campsites by the newly ‘grey nomads ‘ .
                                              Take a look out into the new world , it’s a fn hard place and getting harder .
                                              Labour might be trying but they’re out of touch .
                                              Check out Michael West media on YouTube for some truth on underlying causes of the hot mess known as the Australian economy .

                                              • @beach bum: Have been subscribed to MWest for a few years now, m8y. Was a Patreon for a lot of that time, too

                                                • @ThithLord: Ok , now check out Macrobusiness , for the other side of the coin , and get back to me when you have an opinion to talk through .

                                                  • @beach bum: Macro Business? I know who they are. No thanks.

                                                    • @ThithLord: Just the echo chamber then ?
                                                      Maybe open both eyes _

                                                      • @beach bum: In what realm am I "Just an echo chamber"? That doesn't even make sense.

                                                        • @ThithLord: I give up then.
                                                          Try reading the whole exchange again .
                                                          Find the context for yourself .
                                                          But your on your own now ,
                                                          You’re too much effort .

                                            • +1

                                              @ThithLord: You're a legend.

                                    • +1
            • -1


              Don't bother "both-sides-ing" me, unless you have definitive examples.

              Albo alone has broken at least a dozen pre-election promises already: lowered cost of utilities, lower inflation/interest rates, lower mortgage repayments, higher real wage growth, lower tax burden for the middle-class, no changes to superannuation taxes, removing franking credits for capital raisings/share buybacks, no industry-wide IR bargaining, health care reform in aged cared (specifically having 24/7 on-call nurses in every aged care facility), complete failure of "The Voice" referendum to achieve anything, etc.

              If you objectively look at the last 10-20 years of Australian politics and don't reach the conclusion that regardless of leadership, the country has pursued virtually the same homogenous policies and political platforms with very little deviating and thus hasn't meaningfully changed the lives of ordinary Australians for the better, well… you're the definition of insanity.

              If you want to engage in petty point-scoring and cheerleading for your little tribal political affiliation within the completely obsolete left-right paradigm, that's cool but just remember, the house always wins.

              • +1

                @Miami Mall Alien: Can you show me on the ABC's election promise tracker what you're referring to? Genuinely. I can't really engage with broad conjecture.

                I don't do "left or right" teams, big brain. Keep being despondent, LNP loves that.

                • -1

                  @ThithLord: You don't still blindly believe the ABC? I thought we'd been through their quality reporting about the "thousands" of robodebt suicides.

                  • @brendanm: Old mate was referring to promises broken, the ABC love to get the ALP on a broken election promise. They have conveniently consolidated all of the ALP's promises.

                    I do not blindly believe the ABC; they are inherently anti-Labor.

                    • +2


                      I do not blindly believe the ABC; they are inherently anti-Labor

                      They critique the government's actions, as any decent state media outlet in a free country ought to.

                • -5


                  I don't do "left or right" teams,

                  "I've listed the many reasons one party is far, far better for this country in other comments."

                  Can your opinions stay consistent for 30 minutes?

                  Can you show me on the ABC's election promise tracker what you're referring to? Genuinely. I can't really engage with broad conjecture.

                  Can you read and write and use a search engine?

                  I'm suddenly reminded of the quote: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

                  Anyway, back into the mud pit you go to sling your mind-numbingly predictable "muh two-party preferred system" garbage. Feel free to check back in around 2030 when Australia is even worse off by every conceivable metric and still nothing has improved for the average person; I'm sure you'll have another politically-expedient scapegoat lined up by then and a totally original take on why things haven't changed: "iT's aLwAys tHe OtHeR tEaM's FaULt yOu gUySsSSsS!!!1!".

                  Keep being despondent, LNP loves that.

                  Keep huffing whatever hopium props up that house of cards for you and remember: War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

                  • +2

                    @Miami Mall Alien:

                    "I've listed the many reasons one party is far, far better for this country in other comments."

                    Can your opinions stay consistent for 30 minutes?

                    Ahhhh, I understand now. You're so basic that you think of Labor as "Left" and the LNP as "right". Man, ignorance is bliss.

                    Anyway, back into the mud pit you go to sling your mind-numbingly predictable "muh two-party preferred system" garbage. Feel free to check back in around 2030 when Australia is even worse off by every conceivable metric and still nothing has improved for the average person; I'm sure you'll have another politically-expedient scapegoat lined up by then and a totally original take on why things haven't changed: "iT's aLwAys tHe OtHeR tEaM's FaULt yOu gUySsSSsS!!!1!".

                    Your entire comment is one long rant void of any nuanced assessment.

                    Albo alone has broken at least a dozen pre-election promises alread

                    Telling that you say this without an iota of any example. Truly big-brained stuff

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