Receiving Mail (eg. Linkt and Fines Victoria Letters) for a Previous PO Box Renter - RTS to No Avail - What Should I Do?

Long story short, I transferred PO Boxes (Completely different LPO) around mid-last year due to receiving receiving other people's mail (Multiple people). Coincidentally, I'm now receiving someone else's mail with the new PO Box but this time it's Fines Victoria Speeding Fines and Linkt Fines (Same name across all of them, so it looks like I'm only dealing with the 1 person this time).

I have done the following:

  • Reached out to Linkt, they have informed me that their system pulls information from VicRoads so the person in question needs to update their Postal Address on their account and there's nothing they can do.
  • Reached out to VicRoads, they won't divulge or speak regarding someone else's VicRoads account unless I have authority to act on their behalf (Which I obviously don't)
  • Reached out to Australia Post (Via their Customer Service and via their Post Office) and was told to RTS (Return to Sender) the fines.
  • Reached out to someone of the same name as the addressee on Facebook (Only one in Melbourne) but they have yet to see the message. I have sent them multiple follow-up's.

I have yet to ring Fines Victoria but I'm a little concerned whether they will try to grab my details and then incorrectly pair my details with the offender's fines, or think the offender is trying the good ol' 'You're sending them to the wrong address'

Until now I have been sending them back as a RTS but alas they keep coming.

Transferring PO Boxes again would be an option, but given that the last 2 times have resulted in receiving other peoples mail, I can't be 100% sure it won't happen again. It seems this PO Box is receiving one other persons mail, so if I can get this sorted then it should be fine.

I find the whole situation a little amusing as ultimately it's not my problem that this idiot hasn't updated his Postal Address and keeps getting Speeding Fines and Linkt Fines, and in a normal circumstance I wouldn't care, but I figured I could atleast try to prevent this guy getting late fees, or getting a summons to appear in court due to racking up some value worth of fines (Which would come to me, lol). Whether I have done enough is the question.

What would you do in my situation?

Edit: Thanks everyone - As suspected, I figured the only course of action would be to keep doing RTS but alas it has done nothing. lets hope that eventually someone expedites the address update on their system (wishful thinking) or 'Mr Offender' gets pulled over and finds out the hard way (Not my problem).


  • +40

    Write "not at this address, return to sender" On the front and stick them in the nearest mailbox.
    Don't screw around with government departments, it often doesn't end well.

    • +3

      I do exactly that, I write 'RTS - No Longer Renting this PO Box' but alas it has done absolutely nothing thus far

      • +14

        Government departments are like that, just keep rts ing them and they'll figure it out eventually. Otherwise it's between the former box owner and them, no need to get involved.

      • +3

        Make a privacy breach complaint. VicRoads is violating the privacy of the fines recipient by repeatedly sending you letters.

        • make a complaint about a potential privacy incident by contacting [email protected]
        • If you have made a complaint, but you are not happy with the response or handling of the matter, then make a complain to the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner under the PDP Act (1300 006 842) or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner under the Privacy Act (1300 363 992).
        • +5

          Nope, it’s just a sealed letter, and OP doesnt even know the content (without unlawful conduct).

          • @WreckTangle: Correct, but I'm quite confident it's Fines Victoria letters (fines) and I get quite a few Linkt letters for them to be innocent EOM Statements or something else from Linkt (eg. advertisement, promotions etc). I get about 4 of them a week, less so with the Fines Victoria mail but I'm sure we all know that when Fines Victoria send you something it's unlikely to be a 'Hey, how are you?' letter

    • +3

      Yep, I had this issue when I moved to a new home. It took a year of N.A.T.A - R.T.S (and putting a cross over the address window) before the letters finally stopped.

      Don't bother calling if the letter is about dept owed. They won't believe you and they are desperate to find someone, anyone to fine.

    • Bearing in mind the fact that not responding to a fine means it will incur substantial court costs, the fines will grow significantly larger if you hold on to the mail for a few months before sending them back with RTS - that way, you are meeting your obligations under the law, yet the authority, Fines Victoria will become more responsive. They will investigate and then update their database following the review, in turn you will get fewer misdirected mails.
      The traffic offender who left this mess at your PO Box address will be ultimately chased down by the Sheriff who will clamp their car until they have paid those fines or settled in court.

  • -3

    Just write RTS on it and pop it in the next Post Box you see or throw it away.

  • +2


    • TRS RTS

  • +3

    I don't get why you're becoming so embroiled in this (or why you even opened mail for someone else in the first place).

    Just RTS and move on.

    • +4

      I didn't open their mail, the 'Return Address' on the front of the envelopes when reverse-searched in Google reveals Fines Victoria and Linkt.

      • -8

        Sure, but it's really none of your business who is sending mail to that other person…

        • +2

          Yes and no, the fines aren't my business but them coming to my PO Box (The PO Box I pay for) is my business and I have the rights to investigate where they're coming from (Who the sender is) so I can attempt to reach out to them and put a stop to it (As I have attempted to do, to no avail).

          • @Empharand:

            I have the rights to investigate where they're coming from (Who the sender is) so I can attempt to reach out to them and put a stop to it

            Yeah, nah, no such right. Just send it back.

            • +1

              @DashCam AKA Rolts: There is the potential to have numerous letters in your box that it outnumbers your own.

              I experienced this myself for every letter addressed to me i had ten for the previous owner and even the owner before them it took nearly 6 months before that number dropped 4 years later i was still getting the odd one when i sold the property.

              In some locations in Australia the nearest mail box is not right there to place the letter with rts on it but potentially hours away.

              A simpler solution should be made available perhaps a one time stat dec to the post office declaring that person doesnt live there.

          • -3


            but them coming to my PO Box (The PO Box I pay for) is my business and I have the rights to investigate where they're coming from (Who the sender is) so I can attempt to reach out to them and put a stop to it

            As per my original point, you seem terribly embroiled in something pretty trivial.

            I mean, I detest calling VicRoads when it's about my own issues, you're so eager to call them about someone else's issue. Have you just not ever received other people's mail before?

            • +4

              @p1 ama: Yes, I have received someone else's mail before, what kind of question is that?

              While yes, returning the mail via an RTS seems to be the only option, but at the time it didn't hurt to think outside-the-box and consider other options to attempt to rid myself of the annoyance at the source (The sender) by calling the various entities and making a line of enquiry, obviously I didn't realise how cumbersome of an effort it would be (Now I know, lesson learned).

              Please ease up with the condescending and patronising tone.

              • +3


                Please ease up with the condescending and patronising tone.

                Just being frank with you. If you want to waste your own time, nobody can stop you.

                • +2

                  @p1 ama: There seems to be no end to the RTS loop. Any effort OP makes to end the loop, if successful, is future time time saved. Sounds like a good investment to me.

    • I get it. I've pretty much got rid of all snail mail, so if something's in the letterbox it should be an exception. Nope, I spend far more time checking someone else's mail than my own, and then having to go out of my way to RTS.

      My wife uses cardboard in the garden… I might see if envelopes would be useful, in which case I'll store this mail in the back yard in case previous owner comes to collect.

      • -1

        Malicious compliance “I didn’t destroy it - it was nature!”

  • +5

    Look up the person and if they seem to have a better life, assume their identity

    • +5

      First step is to pay their fines

  • +9

    What Would You Do in My Situation?

    Put them in the recycle bin.

    • Good to see you believe in and support recycling, JV

      • +3

        We need to save the planet.

    • +2

      Lawpath explains that it’s illegal to throw out mail intended for someone else. The only authority in Australia which can throw out mail is the post office such as Australia Post.

      If in doubt, write “RETURN TO SENDER” on the envelope and place it into your local post box.

      • +2

        Lawpath explains that it’s illegal to throw out mail intended for someone else

        I just throw out all the junk mail… No idea if it's intended for someone else or not…

        • +1

          I like it. If it isn't addressed to me, it's junk to me.

      • +6

        When was the last time someone was prosecuted for throwing away the occasional mail from a government department that refuses to stop sending letters, despite being told repeatedly the person is not at that address? I would wager never. Lots of things are illegal.

  • +6

    It sounds like you tried a few avenues and it didn't go anywhere. You tried the right thing, no-one cares, time to move on.

    From here I'd just start throwing out the letters. Not your problem.

    • +1

      From here I'd just start throwing out the letters. Not your problem.

      If you do that, it will become your problem. In Australia, it is considered mail tampering or mail fraud if you throw someone else’s mail in the rubbish, regardless of the reason. So always RTS.…

      • +2

        Yes, that well known problem of people being jailed in Australia for throwing out other's mail.

        I don't disagree by law it's illegal but noone realistically is going to come after you. If you follow rules this stringently you will not enjoy life.

        • +1

          but noone realistically is going to come after you

          Agree, but it will depends on whos mail you throw out ;)

          If you follow rules this stringently you will not enjoy life.

          Yes my life is removed of all joy in it because I wrote RTS on a few letters before putting them in the mailbox.

  • +1

    I got a few too from previous PO Box owner despite having owned this PO Box for many years.

    I just threw them away.

  • +6

    Just leave it. They will eventually get their Rego Suspended due to Fines and then they will be picked up out on the road or have their car clamped.

    This happened when I was in a rental, the old renter got a heap of fines and then after 12 months they eventually stopped. I suspect they got something updated or they got stopped by police.

  • +1

    straight into the WPB file

  • +1

    What would you do in my situation?

    Mark them as RTS and put them back into the post office box.

    I find the whole situation a little amusing as ultimately it's not my problem that this idiot hasn't updated his Postal Address and keeps getting Speeding Fines and Linkt Fines, and in a normal circumstance I wouldn't care, but I figured I could atleast try to prevent this guy getting late fees, or getting a summons to appear in court due to racking up some value worth of fines (Which would come to me, lol). Whether I have done enough is the question.

    Nothing more you can do other than what you have done so far, so if they get a summons etc, it is on them, not you.

    If you're getting RSI from writing RTS, get a stamp

    • +1

      Great idea regarding the stamp, I might get one as will be useful for a number of years. Thanks Jimmy :)

      • Then send a bill for the cost of the stamp to that person. You have an address … wait,
        Bright side is you can then RTS to yourself!!

    • If you're getting RSI from writing RTS, get a stamp

      I just printed out a sheet of stickers with Return to Sender - Unknown at this Address.
      Worked a treat.

      • How long did mail keep coming before it worked?
        Do you reckon stickers are more effective than handwritten RTS?

        • +1

          This was quite effective, seemed to stop after a couple of months.

          Do you reckon stickers are more effective than handwritten RTS?
          Not sure, but saved time and the size of the labels (16 to an A4 sheet) was hard to miss.

  • +2

    I would do nothing, its not your responsibility, just go into the post office, and talk to the people at the lpo about the situation.

    • Done that, all they say is RTS, which is what I have been doing.

      I was hoping the LPO could do more (Eg. Intercept the offender's mail and RTS before it reaches my PO Box, as the offender is no longer paying for that PO Box).
      It's just rather annoying as when I get a notification that there's mail in my PO Box I never know if it's something for me, for my business or the repeat offender.

      • That sucks. You could put a mail redirect back to sender, but Aus Post should do it free in this circumstance. But I guess Aus Post would get inundated with requests, because, at least in my circumstance, there is more RTS than correctly delivered snail mail.

    • are you getting paid to return their undelivered letters?

      Absolutely not!
      At this rate, I think 'Mr Offender' is getting more mail than me! perhaps we should be going halves on the PO Box rental.

      I just figured reaching out to these companies/government entities would go a lot further then doing RTS's but it looks like my only option is to just keep sending them back, until 'Mr Offender' gets pulled off, gets his car clamped or towed and gets a summons to appear in court, somewhere along that journey he will find out about where the fines have been going.

      • +1

        until 'Mr Offender' gets pulled off,

        Slight correction: I meant pulled over
        Hahaha those Friday night drinks are really hitting me!

  • +2

    We’ve been getting debt collector and government type notices at our address for years. Usually return to sender. It’s not even the most recent owner, but the one before. Still keep coming, but perhaps getting less over time.

    Also kept getting text messages for another name. Debt collectors also. Eventually they rang and asked for her. Fortunately was quick thinking enough to let them know and they said they remove my phone number. Haven’t heard back from that one.

    There’s not much more you can do than RTS and the other person just has to suck it up if it goes pear shaped.

  • RTS wont do anything in this case sorry to say.

  • Way too much effort and caring involved on your behalf here for what is the intended recipients own doing.

    VicRoads should be at the top of the 'change address' list as soon as you move or even change post boxes.
    Any late fees/warrants would be 'warranted'.

  • I’ve been at my place since January 2021. In the last half of last year, I suddenly started getting correspondence for a French man. The people who owned my place before me didn’t rent it out and I know their names and the letters aren’t for them. Happen to know the letters are a car registration bill and fines for not paying to camp at Fraser Island. I was confused as to why I suddenly started getting mail for this person. I’m wondering if my guy is a backwater and they pick an address and get fines etc sent to that address so they can run the time out and not have to pay anything before they leave Australia. I have a French man living nextdoor but it’s not him. Could be a friend of his. My guy ended up going on line and paying his registration so he has kept a reminder for paying it but not given his real address.

    • Most refuse to say K'gari

    • Wow.. stop reading other people's mail and just go out for a walk or something instead.

  • All these organisations collect email addresses from their customers. One email to the customer would have fixed this problem.

    • The 'customer' has obviously skipped out, changed postal address, phone, email and can't/won't pay and is ignoring.

      • Its not always the case. People can forget to update their address. The system doesnt particularly care it just mails off fines and correspondence to the incorrect address.

        Lets face it, if the authorities want to find you they will find you pretty quickly.

  • -2

    The way I stop getting mail I don't want is to keep the letters. Get a large envelope, put in the letters with a note stating "I have done RTS many times, and you continue to send."
    Into the envelope put a lot of sand or dirt, make it very heavy. Post it without a stamp.
    I forget to say on the note "I will keep doing this until you stop sending me their mail"
    It works every tine.

    • I'm curious: does the recipient have to pay for the postage? It doesn't sound right - are you saying that if I could find your address, I could post you a parcel of sand and you'd have to pay for it?

      How many time has that successfully worked for you?

      • They have to pay postage.
        I started doing it many years ago when I couldn't stop getting mail from Readers Digest. I moved a few years back, and the previous resident had many debts, and I was constantly getting mail from companies.
        Tried RTS, " recipient no longer lives here." If that didn't work, I did my trick and included
        a copy of my council rate notice to prove I was the new owner.

  • Get a stamp made up that says "Not at this address, return to sender" to save you having to write it.

  • I'd do a RTS,but attach it to a wrapped brick. That usually works well with spam mail (which this is!).

    Eventually someone wakes up to all the excess postage 😂😂😂

    • You might like to look up the definition of "spam mail".

      • +1

        Would it be spam mail if he used a can of spam instead of a brick?

    • Define usually: how many times have you done this and what is your success rate?

      I'm genuinely looking for a solution to this problem, but I'm not convinced this would work.

      I'm am thinking of accumulating a year's worth and taping them together with RTS just on top one.

  • I have the same problem. Keeps getting letters addressed to previous tenant… that is gone for almost 2 years now…. A lot at the beginning and now less but still occasionally 1 every few months….

    No idea how to fix this as I keep RTS… and they keep coming……

  • Legal requirement for them to continue posting to the last known address. The letters will continue until they obtain a court judgment, bankruptcy or locate John and/or his vehicle.

    • Legal requirement lol

      Year 12 legal studies hey

  • I did it for a year. Then i cbf anymore and just open them and read them for entertainment. Use the scrap paper as fire starters.

  • Linkt scam has gone physical? Jk. Had same problem, my local auspost told me to take them back to the shop or throw them in the bin. Have been binning them ever since. Actually whenever I check my letter box, I always detour to the recycling bins nowadays. Most are spam and rather not having to carry them back out again.

  • I've had a similar situation with the ex-owner of my house. RTS'ed mail for a good few years, and for the most part it dealt with the issue (albeit after several letters being returned).

    Where things persisted beyond 5 years, and for bank and obvious government letters (where there is reference to the department) I got on the phone to their customer support, walked through the situation and found that they were happy to help fix the problem. Obviously you need an identifier on the envelope to do this.

    Or just keep doing RTS.

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