Used Vixxun
Win a Gaming Setup Worth US$10000 from GamerTech Toronto

104 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 19/01/2024 - 10:41 by 1 other user
Entry Requirements
"1x Custom Built- Water Cooled Gaming PC: 14900K RTX 4080
1x Gigabyte Ultrawide 32" 2K Gaming Monitor
1x Flexispot Standing Desk"
Heres the instagram post:
Cant find anything that says its Canada only so assuming international
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Used: Spez95
Dang missed it…
Lol, Spez got 3 entries from the one post :)Found the first secret code they added to the giveaway in their best air cooler for the 14900k video on tiktok: AIRCOOLER
Here's the video:…Found the second one too in this video:…
From this video:…
No idea how many there'll be of these but considering it still has 39 days to go I'll keep an eye out and aim to continue posting any I find if no one else has posted them.Thanks very much Spez95
Thanks @Spez95, very helpful
Really appreciate the codes Thanks!
Looks like they're being sneaky now. XD Found the 4th one though, it's GTT.
It's hidden on a yellow sticky note on the case in this video at around 00:18:…
Haven't seen the livestream so I don't have that code though.
Secret Code Video 5 is: CODE (on the square display behind him here:…)
Secret code 6 is NEWGPU from this video on a yellow note near the cpu.…
Secret Video Code 7: AERO
25th Jan live stream code is SMEXYPC
Excuse me sir, it's wrong code. The code is only six alphabet not seven. Can you share again true code, thanks.
The code worked fine when I entered it. It's now asking for a code from the 26th. The above is from the 25th
LCD Fan video code: LIANLI
Jan 29th Livestream Secret Code: MAXWYNN
Jan 30th Livestream Secret Code: HELLOWIN
Custom Loop code: LOOP
Feb 1st Livestream code: KAMILPC
Thanks for working this one out. Did they actually say it? I was watching and they said at 10k followers there would be a code but I must have totally missed it when they hit 10k. All I saw was fortnite dancing.
The code was mimed by Kamil pointing to himself and then the PC he was building. Very lowkey I just happened to get lucky with scrubbing through the vod and landing on the right moment.
Ah I totally missed it lol
RTX 4090 VIdeo Code: 4090
Feb 5th Livestream code: PUFFSi& build video code: COOL
Feb 10th: BEAST
Mr Beast Gaming PC Video code: MRBEAST
i7-14700K 4070 TI Super video: MSI
FEB 15th Livestream code: KAMIL
Live Stream Code Feb 16th: MOUSE
The referral links add a utm parameter to the end of the url so gleam knows which user referred you. It will add the extra entry to the referrer for whatever amount is listed. If you used Kev's url above then you need to state you did. If you didn't then you've broken the referral chain and shouldn't share your referral link.
I clicked on his link before posting mine. Was that all I needed to do or is there something more? Will do whatever needs to be done.
As long as you completed the entry after clicking through from their url it will be fine.
@FrankAbagnaleJr: So I clicked on his link and then did the daily check in thing. That's enough right?
Feb 22nd's livestream code is: NOFRYZONE
February 28th code: Lastday
Ref chain: