This was posted 1 year 1 month 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Bond's Match Its Mesh Mini Gee $3.00 (RRP $13.99) + $6.95 Delivery ($0 C&C/ Members/ $59 Order) @ Bonds

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Recycled Polyester Yarn G-string for those "young and young at heart"

Limit 2 per transaction

Extra soft string sides to avoid the dig

T back for a smooth look with no lines

High leg line for longer-looking legs

Juicy Fruity and Soft Ballad colours left

Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 only left.

Material: Recycled Polyester / Elastane.

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closed Comments

  • +26

    is the model a dude đź’€

    • +1

      No, she is just ugly. A nice impersonation of Bonds - ugly and not lasting.

      • +25

        I applaud her for making a few extra bucks on top of her regular fortnightly Centrelink payments

        • +6

          Gaffa tape isn't cheap

      • +15

        Maybe you're just not the target audience, perhaps the models are supposed to look like normal people, so that they are more relatable to those who may purchase the product. In any case, while we are assigning judements, if she is "ugly" you are "rude"

        • +2

          It’s not ugly. It’s dingo ugly.

        • -8

          Bard I am looking for a very emotional negative short definition of the modern inclusive agenda where people are scared to offend someone else and are using very cautious language. Define that for me in an old school way imagine you are a grumpy grampa

          Bah! Back in my day, a man spoke his mind and didn't mince words! Now, everyone walks on eggshells, scared to hurt a fly's feelings. This "inclusive agenda" they call it, nothin' but a bunch of mumbo jumbo!

          You can't breathe right for fear of offendin' someone with your allergies. Can't call a spade a spade, no sir, gotta whisper "earth-moving implement" in case someone thinks you're diggin' at their ancestors. Folks so busy tiptoein' around they'll trip over their own feet!

          Remember when a little grit built character? Now everyone's a porcelain doll, meltin' at the slightest criticism. Can't tell a joke, can't have a debate, can't even offer an opinion without someone clutchin' their pearls and cryin' "microaggression!"

          It's all codswallop, I tell ya! This world's gone soft, afraid of its own shadow. We used to celebrate differences, now everyone's gotta fit in the same bland box. Nothin' but a bunch of wishy-washy whispers, scared to raise their voices for fear of hurtin' someone's ears.

          Mark my words, this tiptoein' and whisperin' will be the death of us! We'll all be so busy protectin' everyone's fragile feelings we'll forget how to live, how to fight, how to be somethin' more than scaredy-cats whisperin' in the dark!

          So there you have it, lad. That's your "inclusive agenda" from an old-school grumpy grampa's perspective. A bunch of baloney, fit for nothin' but makin' mountains out of molehills and turnin' lions into kittens. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a garden to tend, somethin' that requires a bit of backbone and doesn't care about hurtin' a few weeds along the way!

            • -2

              @smartazz104: that didnt take long for someone to be offended.. i speak my mind if you dont like it, i dont care thats my moto. first 2 comments are excatly my thoughts. I also agree with musiclover!. people are too soft and cant take a joke and when did they change "coon" to "cheer" what a load of crap!

          • +29

            @Musiclover: You can find her ugly and not post about it publicly online mate. I ain't woke or trying to make you fit in a box. Just saying that I find your behaviour distasteful. Ozbargain is for sharing deals not rating models. Get on rumble or bitchute and rant about the declining standards of Bonds models if you want.

            • -1

              @Dan24: It is just an oxymoron this is why it is so weird. Ugly lingerie model, soft mouse policeman etc. etc. Just a freakshow. I don't care if the woman is ugly or not, it is when they try to shove it down my mouth as a lingerie model is a nice illustration of the modern weird society.

              • +4

                @Musiclover: @Musiclover I understand what you mean, I hope you understand why they would logically market the product they way they have. Given the product is on clearance maybe it wasn't an effective strategy. I just don't think there is anything to be gained by stating you find her ugly. You should be voting with your wallet in this instance to make your point.

                • +5

                  @Dan24: It is a scientific research. We are trying to find out if she ugly or a dude. It is a bit like when you see a lady with a big gut and you ask her if she is pregnant or just fat.

                  • +10

                    @Musiclover: Aight, I know you're just trolling now. Have a good night internet stranger. See you on the next female underwear deal post lol. Might buy all of this fine underwear just to spite you. Don't know if I could do a g string though, it wouldn't hold my sharts quite the same

                    • +1

                      @Dan24: If you buy all these then bonds might hire you to be their next model.

              • +9


                when they try to shove it down my mouth

                not sure what you're getting at mate

            • @Dan24: It’s a male. It’s not a female. Be real.

              • +3

                @furiousgeorge: Could be, but does that matter? Do you think it is only an effective underwear advertisement if "we would tap that"?

            • @Dan24: why .? its made publicly online..why cant we post about it publicly.. -

              • +1

                @Retarded Lunatic: You're are probably not the target audience for the product so the fact the you may find the model ugly is irrelevant. If you get your kicks from publicly rating the attractiveness of women or someone who likely identifies as a women I ain't gonna stop you. It's just shitty behaviour as it may cause others to suffer. If you think that's okay you may treat women poorly in other aspects of you let life. I'm just calling the behaviour out as rude and I'm sure your mother would agree with me.

                • +1

                  @Dan24: i didnt say anything about kicks or target audience - im saying its posted publicly so expect the comments to be public as well, whether it be good or bad. I think people should be aware that if its online people will post good or bad comments about it. Now whether its rude or offends that is not applicable when its posted publicly online for everyone to comment. In my opinion bonds must of been at the centrelink line scouring for people that wanted extra cash or asked the parole board for a list of inmates they could use. Its simple, you throw it out there - expect to receive feedback Cheers.

                  • @Retarded Lunatic: What you did say is that you agree with someone who called the models ugly. You had essentially endorsed that aspect of their behaviour. Your feedback is not constructive or making anything in the world better. Interesting view about when things are posted publicly and that you suddenly aren't accountable for being rude, since it's just a given that good and bad things are said. Really gives you licence to say whatever you want I guess.

                    • @Dan24: love how your moving the goal posts its simple - what i did say is that i agree people are way to touchy these days and anyone can post what they want publicly if its a public post!. you want constructive wrong department - you want a better world wrong department - accountable i already said i dont care what others think it public post and i can post publicly simple .. i think i answered all your questions, do you have anymore or are you clutching at straws. people like you is why others dont post because of the backlash they will receive but with me you got the wrong person, i wont apologize for my thoughts or being rude just because you dont agree. It is what it is and im also not the only one that obviously thinks or has the same opinions. how i have a more constructive day ahead.

                      its like no one can have an opinion unless you agree with it… LOL a pot is a pot . that so called model is fugly each to their own. about behavior your reading into it too much. I dont know them personally neither do you… "Really gives you licence to say whatever you want I guess." yes you can thats why its a PUBLIC FORUM ONLINE!…

                      • @Retarded Lunatic: I hereby cancel your arsehole licence! Any arsehole behaviour henceforth shall be dealt with by the arsehole police.

                        Nah but seriously, Got nothing nice to say, just don't say anything at all. Pretty simple philosophy that I apply constantly and I end up hardly saying anything.

                        • @Dan24: Why are you trying to impose your morals & standards on internet randoms? Seems an awful waste of time to preach ad nauseam and when that doesn't work imply the disapproval of said random's mother? Click downvote if you must and move on.

                          • @Ham Dragon: Just questioning people. Like you are doing to me. I have lots of spare time, so I don't mind. Thanks for your suggestion. Why didn't you just downvote my comments and just move on?

                            • @Dan24: This sort of topic must be really personal to you or people close to you. I mean all these years on OzB you've been pretty quiet given all your spare time yet this is the time where you think it's worth interacting. Not saying you can't do that but you do realise you are claiming moral high ground here right?

                              • @foxes28: I can't say that I understand what your point is. In this particular instance I observed behaviour I disagreed with and felt like saying something. I guess I got sick of being an NPC.

                                • @Dan24: I'm just trying to understand why you are so passionate and invested. Keep it up champ!

                            • @Dan24: You are most certainly not "just questioning people"…I daresay you inferring that another user mistreats women because of how you interpret their comment is bordering on libel. You then go on to say you are "calling the behaviour out" and then preaching about your own personal philosophy….that's not "just questioning" anything. Stick to Reddit if you enjoy trying to browbeat people into conforming to your own standards, or whiteknight for a random person whose image is online.

                              • @Ham Dragon: Thanks for your unsolicited advice as to where I should put my unsolicited advice. So useful!!

          • -1

            @Musiclover: Get over your bullshit mate

            • +1

              @Micsmit: Try to rub your two brain cells together and come up with anything conctructive, champ.

        • +1

          This type of marketing doesn't work. That advertising is showing that if you buy that underwear you also can look as ugly as that. Not exactly inspiring the normal looking customer to make a purchase. That's why Victoria Secret almost went broke.

      • +3

        I think it might be Courtney 'love' …

        • Yeah and Courtney Love caused a bloke to shoot himself

    • Her name is KART (zoom 2nd pic)

      • +19

        I think they were trying to spell out KARMA but her cellmate ran out of ink

      • +3

        May be it identifies as they/them

      • +1

        Wait, she is a KMART mascot … what?!?

      • +1

        I think it was supposed to be REKT

      • No, her name is not KART.

    • +12

      Shes a normal person :).. like all the girls i see look like her.

      • +2

        Pretty sure they're not girls you're seeing…

      • +2

        I almost reported your comment for being too wholesome

      • +2

        Where do you hang out? Frankston Centrelink?

        • mount druitt or the older parts of campbelltown

    • Even scarier is the number of clicks it still got

  • +12

    They say that beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder… however I personally never had that many beers

    • +5

      The tattoos start to dissappear after 6 heavy fast beers.

      • +2

        Nah man … this chick has numerous markings that could only be accurately described as 'prison tats'. It's totally bizarre that she landed this gig.

  • +1

    That’s a man , man.

  • +23

    Careful Bonds. Go woke , go broke.

    • -1

      Look at all those upvotes, validating your mantra. Hopefully bonds listens to you!!

    • +11

      Bud Light learnt this the hard way.

    • +1

      Go bloke?

    • Oh no! I can't believe bonds sells underwear!

    • +9

      …says the commenter on OzBargain. I say, nice neg collection you have there. Been collecting long?

    • +3

      Yes i'm in my 40's but no sun = my skin is still young! I'm also as skinny as i was in my 20's thank you very much :) I've never been more then 1KG over weight.. pretty sure most Oz bargainers are Asian men who are also well within their BMI's :) .. Also Not to brag but using AI face changing software i look like a pretty girl. everyone i show it too thinks so. See photo's below :P““

      Real me =

      AI female generated me =

    • +3

      the amount of venom in your write-up is unbelievable.

      • -2

        Pales into insignificance compared to most of the comments which precede and follow it.

        • -1

          Never realised this place weas so full of bigots, but I suppose this is Australia so why am I surprised?

    • +6

      Beg to differ. I thought average foljs here are late 20s to early 30s, mostly computer geeks or gamers. Some are left-leaning, others not so much.

    • LMAO I didn't think such levels of cope were possible.

    • Notice how people only act woke / non exclusionary when they are held to public scrutiny.
      Its when you have anonimity that you can voice your true opinions.
      There is definitely objectivity to say that the model is ugly and brands want to sell their products and its basic human nature to associate attractive people with good things.
      So yeah, when brands go woke, people get confused.
      Confused people ask questions.
      Somewhere along the line your mental gymnastics gave way and turned into pure delusion.
      Its quite likely that someone whom themselves is generally undesirable with questionable belief systems saw this individual and thought they were the right type of alternative to appeal to new audiences, and frankly thats the most mean spirited thing about this entire situation, because they basically told this person to their face they were the right kind of ugly to be part of their new campaign.
      I myself would just hope to not have to view/interact with them.

      • Notice how people only act woke / non exclusionary when they are held to public scrutiny.


        Which people are these?

  • +6

    Just registering for the comments and so far have not been disappointed.

  • +2

    This sells like hotcakes in Fitzroy and Brunswick

  • Just look at those sharp knees, look at them!

  • +2

    Newest fashion for 2024.

  • +1

    Big Mike!

  • +11

    I just vomited…

    Is this the new "Bonds Broadmeadows Collection?"

  • +4

    Why are they so pissed off haha..

    • +4

      My guess is that its a mans fault

    • +3

      Why are they so pissed off haha..

      Their parole officer is on sick leave.

  • I just clicked the photos of the Bonds models after reading all these hilarious comments and I am like JV, I want to vomit ! You can't make me take that even it is free !!!!!!!

    • +2

      Undoubtedly, George Allan Bond is turning in his grave. The company’s an embarrassment.

    • Doubt you're even the target customer.

      • +1

        If your target audiences is exceptionally masculine women or unconvincing transgender persons, then you're clearly not profit motivated.

  • -6

    Christ what an absolutely rancid comment section. You can just tell that it's nothing but boomers on this post that no doubt look even worse than the model they're all personally abusing. You all need to get help tbh.

    • +2

      I think you are vastly mistaken by age demographics of ozbargain. It’s all age group. Not sure how your comment of degrading one age group is anything different what is being done here.
      On another note, if they don’t wanna be ridiculed then they should not have posted as a model. This is the harsh truth.

    • First comment / site interaction since you joined in 2013…interesting.

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