This was posted 1 year 2 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Vornado Medium Air Circulator 633DC $167/$182 + Delivery @ The Good Guys Commercial (Price Depends on Membership Level)


Found this while checking for a cheaper deal for this item than the one here:

It’s marked as clearance.

The larger size non-DC version is also on clearance at $167/$182.…

Great price if there’s one in stock at your nearby store.

See comments on other thread about good use-cases for these air circulators.

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The Good Guys Commercial
The Good Guys Commercial

closed Comments

  • +9

    For those wondering why the price seems different for different users ($167 vs $182), TGGC has different membership tiers (internal to them, and generally not known to the buyer). Depending on your business type / structure / volume / use case, they may give you preferential rates if you are signing up directly with them (for example, if you are a real estate developer who conracts directly with TGGC to outfit large appliances sourced from them, you will most likely be on a higher tier depending on your volume of purchase). For most of us, who have TGGC logins through Super funds / Unions / Other Third-Party memberships, we will generally be on the lowest discount tier.
    Source: Used to work with a non-profit who had signed up with TGGC - the prices we could access were significantly better than what I see using my ART-provided account.

  • +2

    Shows as $182?

  • +2

    633 DC is showing as $182?
    Is there a promo code?

  • +3

    182 for me

  • Definitely $167 for me as I bought one for myself and I still see it as $167 on the website. I’m using Safari on iOS if that makes any difference.

  • +1

    182 for me

  • $167 for me, no stock nearby so ordered one for delivery

  • +1

    182 for me. I am in Vic

  • +1

    $182 for me too

  • +1

    $182 for me as well. Very strange

  • +3

    Price maybe varies depending on type of membership… $182 for for me as well, no deal

  • +5

    OP what’s your GG Commercial access pathway?

  • 182 for me WA here

  • $182 for me in NSW.

  • -8

    182 for me in SA

    • +8

      Not a good reason to downvote imo. Blame the good guys not the person posting the deal.

      • +3

        The bad guys

  • 182 for me as well for both

  • $182 here in vic as well

  • +2

    It’s been $182 for a while now (NSW). Saw this post and jumped back on, only to still see the same price.

  • +6

    Unobtainable deal..

  • Anybody else have TGG Commercial via Origin Rewards and find they couldn’t log in?

    • Just signed up yesterday and still can login just fine. The username is your email username

      • Yea, my login details are all saved in a password manager but for whatever reason it's saying I "don't have the proper authority".. strange because I've used it before.

        • Try again, had the same issue but the second time it worked

  • +1

    $182 here - no deal :D

    • +2

      Use report function. Not a valid reason to neg the deal. I'm seeing $167.

        • +4

          Glad to hear it was a nice start your Sunday

        • Is it cheaper elsewhere or is this still the best deal? Shouldn’t the title be reported if it is the cheapest?

  • +1

    $167 for me, and I don’t even want it

    • how did you get access? through which organization?

  • +1

    How can I get an account?
    I tried to register with a two-employee ABN. No contact from TGG after that.

  • +12

    Utterly confused by the negs here because some people are getting $182. That's still cheaper than the other deal which has been voted up a lot…

    • +11

      How dare you attempt to be reasonable and logical on the internet 😡

    • +1

      only one person negged lol

  • -1

    $180 in costco

  • -2

    How are these better than traditional fans? Tangible improvement or marketing scam?
    Everything on google scholar refers to patent claims rather than physics

    • +3

      I own a 660 and a 633DC - I personally find their marketing claims fairly nonsense, but they are very well made fans that move a lot of air.

      The 660 is noisy on all modes but great for bringing in air from outside once it cools down in the evening.

      The 633DC is near silent in the bottom quarter or third of its speed range, and moves a heap of air at the top end.

      If you're happy to cycle through crappy supermarket fans on a regular basis then these might not be for you, if you want something long lasting and able to run very quietly, it's a good fan. I had my 660 stop working at one point and their warranty was great, just a photo of it with a cut cable and they replaced it for me.

    • Better than traditional fans if you don't want a huge amount of air directed at your face. They move more air per sqm.

    • +1

      Calculate the blade area compared to a pedestal fan. To move the same air volume the Vornados need higher speed which makes more noise. I own both DC Vornado and DC pedestal fan, have compared them side-by-side, bigger fan blade wins.

  • -2

    it takes me to a login screen. how do i sign up

    • +3

      Usually you need to be part of a rewards program, it's documented here:

      I haven't looked into the T&Cs, and not saying it matters to everyone, but there are tax and potentially warranty implications.

      Because the products are sold to the rewards program, you are the recipient, so the invoice is not in your name. Many products have reduced warranty for commercial use, warranty may become "at their discretion". Again, not saying it will became a problem, but just beware.

  • +4

    DC Vornado is more energy efficient, with variable speed control, so it can be really quiet at low speed. Having a manual rotary dial, you can combine it with a smart plug to remotely turn the fan on and off.

    AC Vornado is more powerful, if you have a larger room, get the 660 instead. But it only has 4 speeds, even at lowest setting it may be too noisy for some. It has electronic control buttons, once off it stays off, so you cannot use a smart plug to turn it back on.

  • $182 is still a good price. That is what I was offered when I went onto the website and I just bought one.

    I really like the DC models as you can adjust the speed gradually as opposed to the AC which only have fixed settings. Will use this to replace our KMart regular fan which we use on some nights - will be much quieter than the lowest setting of the regular fan.

    Already have one of these in the study and the smaller DC variant at work and both work really well for my needs.

    Thanks OP !!

  • Really interested why this is worth nearly $200? As a tight ass, what justifies the give or take extra $150 from a normal cheap pedestal? Sell me it!

    • +1

      For me it's the ability to control the speed - regular pedestal and desk fans have usually 3 speed settings and even the lowest is quite loud. For my use moving the air around and giving a gentle breeze can be done with these DC models without the need for the loud noise of the regular fans. I find them less intrusive.

      But ultimately you are paying more for the name. I don't care about the name - I do like the way it functions and that it what I am ok to pay extra for.

      They give you a 5 year warranty which is some peace of mind for the investment.

  • +3

    Am more interested in knowing why there is price variance at TGG commercial. Why are we seeing different different prices?

    • Should get OP to post a receipt to prove it is actually that price.

  • Booo 182 too…. Might be a specific store maybe?

  • I wonder if not all accounts with Good Guys Commercial are equal - eg signup through x and you get x% discount, signup through y and get y% discount, etc. Could be they each keep a different referral % for themselves. So the ones who see $167 are only Good Guys Commercial accounts referred through Bikini Girls Massage Parlour, everyone else sees $182.

  • $182 for me, which i still bought.

    Got a 660AC last 2 years which still works as a charm , and a life saver over the past couple summers

  • +1

    Thanks op
    Used 2 x $20 store cash vouchers as well. Total $142

    • storecash voucher can be used on their commercial site?

      • Im not sure, i did it all instore

  • +1

    I bought a vornado at one stage, maybe ~9 years ago. It worked ok, but you had to run it at max speed to set up the claimed circulation, so it wasn't exactly quite, even before a bearing got noisy after about 18 months.

    I reckon they're over-hyped for the quality.

    I now have one of these which pushes a lot of air through the house, even on the lowest speed, has lasted 6+ years, used on job sites too. Yes it's louder than a vornado, but when you want to push cool evening air through to cool your home, it's great.

  • I tried this via Origin Rewards and it shows $259.

    • now shows as $182. I was too keen and need to wait until the right amount of electrons had passed via the inter webby thing.

  • +1

    Can anyone confirm if this is still in stock? Unfortunately need to wait 4-5 days for Australian Retirement Trust to approve the request.

  • +1

    The ART improved me within 24 hrs more or less .
    Remember to apply to TGGC through the ART’s reward system. I purchased a few hrs ago.

    • Wow I signed up 2 days ago and still waiting. Did you put in your TFN? I omitted that, maybe that's why.

      Also did you get a separate email to say you were approved?

    • Approved.
  • I didn’t supply a TFN. They sent an email with a verification code to confirm my request. Followed up by one with my membership number. It may have been longer than 24 hrs but no more than 48.

    • Thanks for that. I've submitted again, see how it goes.

  • I noticed ibuys on EBay have this unit for $219. A $20 voucher with EBay plus brings it down to $199 with free shipping. That’s within reach of what I paid $(182 + 12) with TGGC. No clue about ibuys or their reputation.

  • Whilst it's showing as in stock and ready for pickup in an hour at my local store. The order is now showing as on back order….

    • Oh no… hope I didn't miss out. Thanks for posting.

      • How’d you go?

        • +1

          Got email at 9PM the same night. Unfortunately no stock at local stores so had to pay $9 for shipping.

          $191 in total, so yeah probably less hassle ordering via the eBay deal.

  • $182 for me, set up TGGC this afternoon and bought the fan 2hrs later. No issues whatsoever. Cheaper than the $240 offerred to me for the floor stock in the store haha.

  • +1

    Probably not many will see this as it is not a new offering, but here goes anyway …

    A few weeks later and they still have warehouse stock. Probably difficult to find in a store. Still marked as clearance.

    They also have the slightly larger non DC version 660 at the same price, also on clearance. I would go for the DC model.

    The reason people speak so highly of Vornados is because they are different from normal fans. A Vornado produces a narrow beam of air current, so for the same energy it penetrates a lot further. My partner uses one to move air from her air conditioned living area, down a corrdor and into the bedroom or study. It does a surprisingly good job.

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