This was posted 1 year 1 month 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[SUBS, Prime] Fallout Will be Added on Prime Video from 12th of April @ Prime Video


It's been a while since it's been announced on Twitter/ X, but I couldn't post until it would be available in 90 days.

Prime Video releases the first look at the upcoming series ‘Fallout,’ set in the world of the best-selling global video game franchise.

Teaser Trailer

Users who wish to Block "Additions to Streaming Services" can do so by clicking on the Streaming Service Addition tag, then clicking the 3 dot menu, then clicking hide on new deals and/or front page. Ensure that on the home page, the new front page is selected for customisation to show. Video Instructions here or More info here.

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closed Comments

  • +20

    I thought these SUB deals were for Movies or TV where you previously had to pay for it. But are now part of an included subscription. Anyway thanks OP.

    • +12

      That makes sense.

      A new show just starting as normal, on a service you have to pay for is not a deal in any shape or form. Otherwise one could literally post the start of every single TV show being aired.

    • +1

      Yeah, anything goes now. Yesterday there was a post about a movie on SBS On Demand, it's got ads through it, next there will be posts about the movie Channel 7 has on tonight.

      • +4

        Well CH7 is free… But wonder where will it stop?. Posts of live sporting events, comedy shows, podcasts, youtube, radio morning shows, the news?

        • +3

          Slippery slope fallacy. It starts and stops with TV shows, movies and events. Noone has ever posted anything else pretending it's a deal unless making a terrible joke/jab.

          • @Faro: I think the worst part about the situation is that negative votes get revoked, the community should be allowed to express how they feel without being silenced by the moderators.

            • +6

              @BargainMe: Use the comments. The rules have been established.

              If you're this collectively outraged, organise yourselves to raise it to the moderators rather than consistently using the same fallacies in comment sections about your outrage.

              And gosh, if you think this is you being "silenced", I think it might be an indicator to spent a bit more time offline. You're equating entitled perspectives on a bargain forum to online conservative group-think jargon

              • +1

                @Faro: Mods will delete comments justifying a negative vote if they also revoked the negative vote

        • [Comment] Free: Read Minimum Chips response to Pinchy's comment @ Ozbargain (Ozbargain Premium not req'd)

      • +2

        The point of my posting of the Handmaiden is that it has not been previously available to watch in Australia for free to the general public. You would have had to buy the Blu-ray or go through the hassle of Kanopy unless you were to pirate it.

        That seems to me to qualify a deal considering SBS is free.

    • +1

      My thoughts too.
      I don't support these as 'deals'. My negative vote got revoked. Thought this was only for things that used to cost or are on sale, not general free content because that's what you're already paying for IMHO

  • +11

    Let me get some popcorns 🍿 for the comments.

  • +7

    War. War never changes.

    • +11

      I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee…

      /s because OzBargain

  • +47

    IN 90 DAYS

    Really scraping the bottom of the barrel to get those deals posted?

    Having said that, I will be checking this out though, not that my expectations are too high.

    • +15

      Magical internet points.

    • +1

      I'm hoping for the best. I'm a fan of Walton Goggins and Jonathan Nolan is capable of good writing.

      • +1

        Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers!

      • +3

        … How does that warrant a neg though

        • +2

          I didn't neg - maybe because it's not really a 'deal'? But good to know these things so not negging

      • -3

        I actually haven't put a reminder. I think I have a pretty good memory to remember. Anyway I hope it gives you pleasure negging the deal of me being pathetic of remembering posting a deal that it's available in 90 days. ✌️

        • +1

          Is it a deal to get access to content that you pay to be able to access?

          • +2

            @kamykazi: Well it has been for a while here on OZB, that's why there is the info on the bottom of description for people that don't want to see this kind of deals.

            Users who wish to Block "Additions to Streaming Services" can do so by clicking on the Streaming Service Addition tag, then clicking the 3 dot menu, then clicking hide on new deals and/or front page. Ensure that on the home page, the new front page is selected for customisation to show. Video Instructions here or More info here.

      • +1

        I'm imagining this site not being visited by a bunch of whingers whose only contribution is complaining about how bad deals/the site is.

        The tools are clearly available, in the post, to stop seeing deals like this. If you're too lazy to go through the 5 steps it takes, you have no right to complain.

      • -7

        100% agree, no need for free promo for a billion dollar company, not a deal

        • -2

          So many limp male appendage neg votes, you get so butt hurt, keep this shit posting as a forum post

  • +12

    In 90 years, there is going to be a stellar deal, but I don't know if I should post because I don't know what it is.

    • +1

      Maybe you could post that the boxing day sales at Myer are only 11 months away?

  • I pray that they don't botch one of my favourite gaming franchises into some "woke" nonsense.

    • +28

      I hope every character is a black lesbian just to annoy people like you.

      • +13

        I don't think it's so much about being against "woke", but more about modifying the source material just so that it pleases the biggest audience possible. Kind of like how some movie follow a specific recipe and have characters from every ethnicity and sexual orientation, just to be able to hit a bigger target audience and create more profit.

        • +1

          On the other hand, making niche content that can only appeal to a small group of purists, thereby either failing to get the project off the ground, not attracting enough funding to do it well, or losing money on release is not a good idea.

          You might think they're chasing "more profit" but it's a fickle, expensive and unpredictable industry - they could very easily lose money instead, and it's not reasonable to expect anyone to do that just to appease some fan's sensibilities. "Windows7forever"s approval doesn't pay anyone's bills.

          Like I get that people don't want the thing they like - and therefore feel some kind of guardianship/ownership of - to be presented different than they imagine it. I've been there myself. But perspective really helps, and some people struggle with that. It's just media.

          • @Minimum chips: Good points! The issue is that no matter what you do, there are always people who will complaint. It's impossible to appeal to everyone but when they try to do it, it looks extremely forced. Think about LOTR, lots of people said it was racist because everyone was white and most important characters were male. When Amazon did the tv series for LOTR, they tried to address that, and instead they were called woke. No matter what you do, you will always find someone who will be made uncomfortable. Let's not even talk about the Wiggles

        • +9

          Even since Fallout 1 the hero characters (PC) were entirely user customisable.

      • +1

        Maybe the entire show can be about Vaults 68 and 69

        • +1

          I quite liked Silo as a series…

          • @endotherm: Might check it out. Only ten episodes so won’t be too big a commitment.

    • +3

      Yeah I don’t think this will be good unfortunately

    • +20

      The series created by a gay man about the horrors of a nuclear fallout featuring strong people of various race, gender, sexuality, etc invovled in stories of politics and moral issues. That franchise?

    • +1

      Dont worry mate, some people are so brainwashed they don't understand that anyone who has seriously been through proper bigotry is against all types of it even when it's done to benefit them and against others or in these cases against apparently the white society when white society has treated my migrant dark skin much better than any other "minority" society in other countries when I lived there.

      But hey let's all change everything to hit every diversity trend and claim we are superior. And in the process perform bigotry to make it happen….

    • +1

      Because there sure isn't a shred of "woke" politics in Fallout, no sir!

    • -1

      Do you put on your Victim Hat before or after your socks in the morning? Or is it already on overnight?

    • +1

      Well it's not shelter boy seems it's shelter girl … It's amazing how woke is everywhere.

    • -1

      OMG, what are they going to call the Pip-Boy 3000 device now? Pip-gender-fluid-androgynous-numerically-phobic-69 with it/that pronouns? And the screen will keep a record and show an image of how often you get butt-hurt by trigger words. And the dog's going to be replaced by a gimp with a leash on all fours in rubber fetish gear.

  • +6

    Thanks for the ad

  • Hope they fix some of the cgi in post…loos pretty bad.

    Please dont ruin this story

    • +4

      Trailer CGI looks good?

      • +3

        CGI is always bad to fans if it doesn't look exactly how they imagined it.

  • -1

    Needs to be a date limit on how far you can post a deal before it actually happens.

    • +5

      There is, it’s 90 days…

    • +1

      He already explained

      but I couldn't post until it would be available in 90 days.

      There very much is.

      • +1

        Reading comprehension on this site is pretty limited at the best of times

        • +2

          What does breeding competitions on this flight have to do with anything?

  • +2

    Also Napoleon movie coming to Apple TV+ on February 16 (likely)

    • Killers of the Flower Moon just got added :)

      • +1

        Yeah, lots of stuff gets added to subscription services daily. Maybe we should post a bargain every day noting what has come and gone from the services

        • +1

          What a great idea, I'd love to see you get it started 3xserp. It could be your own personal crusade

        • this is a genuine good idea

    • Interesting, Napoleon hit my plex server the other day so I had assumed it must've released on ATV+ already

      • -1

        It’s released on Apple TV to buy or rent, but I think it’s being released to Apple TV+ premium members as part of membership.

  • +5

    Wage, wage never changes…

    • Even when it’s already been negotiated it never changes.

  • +4

    No doubt there will be lots of bugs in this.

    Expect to see a 49GB update on this series

    • Is it by Bethesda? The Interplay published ones had relatively few bugs.

  • +3

    Who is going to pay to get rid of the ads in Prime Video? 3 USD is probably going to be 5 AUD here a month.

    • +5

      Cheaper to stream from the seven seas me matey

      • +2

        True, but I always liked that I was paying for Prime anyway for delivery and it was nice to just watch some things without downloading them first or worrying about a piracy subscription service or malware android box with all the channels.

        • +1

          So now you can enjoy paying a little more.

        • I have prime for free delivery …movies are bonus …..

    • Is that confirmed coming to Australia?

      • Bezos likes money and Netflix has made it acceptable to run ads now, so I'd guess so. I hope not, but I'm assuming so.

        • Seems to be the way these services go. Release a new, "premium" way to watch content on your TV with no ads, everyone copies so there's a bunch of competition driving up licencing prices, company cries "woe is me, we will starve without advertising money", everyone releases ads (on a service they once promoted on the basis of being ad-free). Rinse and repeat ad inFoxtelum

    • Depends what the ads are.
      Some are clever and entertaining.
      Some just want you to install spyware android games….

      Also, how often they are.

      • And if the ads are going to be in the middle of shows and movies. I can't even stand the SBS app because they throw ads in the middle of what you watch.

  • +1

    90 days, 90 days never changes…

  • -4

    So far away! Also this isn't a bargain, it's just new content being released.
    This post makes it harder to find actual bargains.

  • Nuclear winter is here

  • -2

    I feel like this show is going to go the same way as Westworld and Watchmen - flushed down the woke toilet.

    • Maybe you should stop watching TV

      • Or put their head a meat grinder and go and live in the wilderness.

  • 90 days….man

  • +1

    Wait, what's the deal?

    Or is this just an ad for the Fallout Series?

  • Are they going to add random glitches/bugs in the Fallout series to really stay within the Fallout lore, more specifically Fallout 76?

    In all seriousness though, I'm looking forward to this and hope that MGM/Kilter Films actually retain the Fallout lore and keep it interesting

  • Just in time to download for my overseas trip to watch on the plane & hopefully they’ll release all the episodes same time. Although I don’t use my Prime sub for streaming much so unsure if they use Netflix model of releasing all episodes or crappy Disney model of one episode per week deal…

  • +1

    I don't want to see tomorrow,







  • Thanks for the heads up.

  • I don't want to set the world on fire / I just want to start a flame in your heart

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