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20% off Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements + Delivery ($0 with A$80 Order) @ iHerb


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closed Comments

  • +8

    Saw that this morning, went to my iherb cart to get the 'out of stock' message, item will be back on the 18th of Jan, one day after the sale ends. Sure.

    • Jack has been very busy too, so worth waiting for an increased cashback to see any real net savings.

    • +4

      Has been happening often to me too when I want to purchase certain melatonin capsules - out of stock during their sales.

  • -8

    Your annual reminder that unless your doctor has tested you for vitamin deficiencies, buying vitamins is just making expensive piss

    • +7

      Do you have any citation for that claim for people in Australia? Most doctors have very little or even no interest in testing your vitamin and mineral levels, let alone optimising them. I'm no doctor, but I'd be very surprised if Australians achieved the RDA of selenium as the soils are generally low in content. Similar for magnesium, when 100 years ago people consumed 2000mg a day from diet, yet now wouldn't even meet the RDA of 400mg per day. Also, even if a doctor tests your zinc levels, you might ask why the normal reference range in pathology has been halved in the last ten years.

      • +4

        It's something people say because they've been conditioned to say it, are probably still young and haven't had to deal with health issues that the doctors have no clue about. Each to their own.

          • +4

            @Ezekiel2320: Sure Jan, I've been to plenty of doctors over the years and a lot of the time they have no idea. Same goes for people I know. Sometimes I get a good one who is will top prescribe the right tests so I can get some clues. Dad passed out and stopped breathing twice last year, went to hospital, did heaps of tests and came up with ZERO answers.

            Plus I'd rather have expensive pee than expensive cancer.

            I hope you stay healthy for as long as oyu can, but I also hope that you do get into trouble that your mind opens up a little bit so you don't suffer for too long.

            • -6

              @EightImmortals: Some people become so "open minded" that their brain falls out entirely 😘😘

      • I always say this but people just don't listen 🤷

        Remember people, once and for all! "YOUR" government loves YOU! 🥰

        Ok, they love you, do everything they can for "YOUR" better, it's all for you, and just you!

        Because you matter, you're special, unique, individual, free, happy, healthy, independent…

        You're loved and only the BEST is provided to you, by your government : )

    • +5

      I used to think this.

      But after studying diet and nutrition and observing how most people eat, the reality is that most, if not all, people could obtain tangible health benefits from addressing micronutrient deficiencies on a careful consideration of their actual diet. Your doctor is unlikely to know what to suggest, save for obvious indications in a standard blood panel (eg low iron, low vitamin D, etc).

      And seperate from the issue of deficiencies, there is supplementation for optimisation and performance. Again, not something that most doctors focused on diagnosing symptoms or illness will be able to advise on.

      Almost all adult males would benefit, for instance, from taking an Omega 3, Vitamin D and magnesium and — with the increase in popularity of non-diary based products and the decrease in the popularity of fortified foods — I would add calcium to that list. I can't think of anyone I know who wouldn't benefit from a high-quality multivitamin also (most are rubbish, but there are good ones). But hey, I'm not a doctor.

      • Indeed, the only thing I would add to that is that is often age dependant as well. Some things you don't need to add in when you're younger, but later on you do. Of course getting the basics right needs to happen first IMO, plenty of clean water, no junk food etc regardless of age.

      • Which multivitamin would you recommend?
        I've been eating the Natures Way Vitagummies, prefer the gummies over capsules.

        • -1

          Not sure these days, I tend to take individual stuff, also I'm not sure about 'gummies' being a healthy option but I might be wrong on that.

          Garden of Life did a good product the last time I looked. Can get in all the usual places, Amazon, iherb etc

          Also Thorne Elite multis or Life Extension 2 per day (but only take one :) ) both have good reviews.

          • -1

            @EightImmortals: In 1994, Kent and Faloon opened the FDA Holocaust Museum to highlight millions of deaths they felt were caused by the FDA withholding or delaying approval of life-saving drugs and treatments


            This just keeps getting funnier and funnier

            • +1

              @Ezekiel2320: Thanks for that, first time I've heard if it. Agreed, most of these 'government' organisations have many sins to atone for, I'm glad someone is holding them to account, or at least rememberance.

              • -2

                @EightImmortals: First time you've heard of it? I thought you "DiD yOuR OwN ReSeArCh" because you doctors don't know medicine like salespeople

                Surely nobody would be stupid enough to buy snake oil from a company that calls themselves "life extension" without five seconds of googling? You'd have to be seriously brain damaged to look at that name and not immediately laugh

                • @Ezekiel2320: Well there's just so much data out there these days I can't be expected to know everything about about everything. LE have a good reputation and I have tried a few of their products. I tend to base my experimentation on the ingredients rather than the name of the company but if that's your personal method of assessment then go for it.

                  • -3

                    @EightImmortals: Damn this is the easiest self own slam dunk I've ever had on this website.

                    Googling the name is apparently above your pay grade and yet you claim doctors are clueless.

                    Man I weep for humanity.

                    Enjoy LITERALLY pissing your money away 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

        • +1

          The best multivitamin for most is Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/day.
          When I say for 'most', I mean — if you're eating like an average Australian, then this will fill a lot of the basic gaps. High quality ingredients, most in their preferred bioavailable form.
          The Thorne Elite Mini is also good, but more expensive.

      • Calcium + Mg + D3, may as well add Vitamin K2

    • +2

      Daily reminder that medical "science" is two-thirds irreproducible garbage and is one of the leading causes of death.

      Grow a brain and stop trusting corrupt imbeciles with your health and well being.

  • +3

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    Use promo code NEW24. Offer valid for new customers only. Exclusions apply. May not be combined with other offers. Limited time only.

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  • Can vitamins from the USA really be trusted?

    • +1

      Thorne is a premium brand, inspected by the Australian TGA.

      • +5

        The TGA can't be trusted

        • +5

          Aww c'mon, they're only 94% funded by big pharma. :)

      • +3

        'The Covid 19 vaccines are safe and effective' -TGA

        • +5

          Shhh, don't mention the war……

          Turns out the TGA didn't even do their due diligence, they just rubber-stamped whatever Pfizer and Moderna gave them.

      • +4

        Second Thorne.

        I would trust US brands on iHerb like Thorne, NOW Foods, and Life Science, above anything sold in Chemist Warehouse in Australia.

        • What's questionable with brands in CW? I know Swisse could be questionable but what about the likes of Blackmore?

          • @Fobsessive: I did not mean to suggest that all brands in CW are bad - just that I would trust some brands on iHerb more, because I've seen them frequently tested.

            Most Thorne and NOW products also seem to choose optimal doses and forms, backed by literature — so they're easy brands to trust. Often in CW I'll see a 'double strength' fish oil supplement with a very low level of EPA/DHA (the reason we take it), or a melatonin product with 500% of what's recommended for an adult. So I tend to steer clear.

            I don't know much about Blackmores.

            • +1

              @bangiebargie: Off topic but I didn't know CW has 5x melatonin products, that's definitely a iHerb thing though

              • @Fobsessive: I think my earlier comment was out of date — I was in CW earlier today and couldn't see anything other than 2mg melatonin, so things must have changed since last time I looked. But you're absolutely right about iHerb, a lot of overdosed melatonin there.

                • +1

                  @bangiebargie: Yeah melo is regulated in Aus and the only Aus-market method is via prescriptions or very weak quantities in sleep aids

    • Depends on the brand I've found.

  • +6

    Iherb's prices are now so jacked, last time I ordered the exact same items from amazon for 30% cheaper.

    • +1

      You could even price check on the Chemist Warehouse website for that general type of vitamin even if they don't sell the same brands

  • +1

    Yes , what's happened to iherb? Used to order from there regularly and then realised I had too much stock last few years so reduced my ordering alot..went back recently and the prices were dramatically increased to the point of not seeming worth it anymore..anyone know what happened?

  • Any upcoming deals for iherb that are actually legit?

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