• expired

iPhone 5 16GB with Vodafone 24 Months @ $35/Month for Existing Customers (Must call Vodafone)


Went to change my post paid to prepaid 2 months left on the contract. Currently on $29pm plan and paying $26 for samsung tab (old one). Upgrades offered iPhone 5 for $6 pm extra and waiving of the remaining 2 months of Hand set instalment. So for me work out to be only an extra $100 over 24 months (6x24 less 2x29). Not sure if it only for existing customers but thought I'd share.

Edit: just called voda, confirmed upgrade to iPhone 5 16gb $35pm ($29+$6). Upgrades closed for the day ill call tomorrow to get a confirmation email and will post for those who needs it. Seems like everyone negging the deal cause they don't like voda. Would be interested to find if anyone else able are to get this deal, otherwise I'm happy to remove this post.

Just called and asked for a copy of the contract o be sent. Service level is within 24hrs.

Received the email however it's xfdf format. Won't work at home, will try tomorrow at work. Failing that ill post it once I get it in the mail.

Mod: Added OP's bill

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closed Comments

  • So ur on an iPhone 5 plan for $35 per month ?

    • +1

      If so it beats the hell out of Telstra ; $91 a month including insurance….

      • +1

        I only have 150mb in data thou. But for me I rarely go over as I usually use only wifi.

      • +3

        well with Telstra, you actually get to use your call/sms and data allowance.

        I had previously join a Vodafone "deal" only to discover, as with their network issues I could barely check my emails/ webpages etc, as most the time it was unusable!!

        So beware Ozbarginers

        • +5

          If you've used vodafone lately, you'll actually find that they've improved a lot lately. I recently switched from vodafone to Live connected, and can hardly find any difference between the two. It's true that they were down the toilet 2 years ago, but a lot can change in 2 years.

        • +2

          Really? You might want to ask the opinion of Vodafone's NSW customers who were with out 3G services for 1.5 hours yesterday. They are still way behind Telstra in so many ways.


        • +1

          I've switched too. 1 Month ago. Nro I have 3.5Mb download istead of 96Kb, and the connesction stays on, and does not always drop like vodafone does. But they did let me go. Very nice of them (after 20 phonecalls …)

        • +2

          Went from TPG, at the start of the year, back to Vodafone. I would actually say that the Optus network is more robust than the Vodafone one in Sydney. Vodafone seems to show more signal bars in more areas, but the data connection can be non-existent at times.

        • My friend works at optus retail store, he told me that many customer with TPG come into and store and complain about the SMS delay and internet(due to TPG uses optus network). What he told the those people was optus gives priority to their own customer. If there's any issue with TPG, they should contact TPG to solve the issues.

          I'm with Vaya, which is another MVNO of optus. So far so good. It might be the issue only with TPG, not really with optus.

        • He is correct, if you're with an Optus MVNO, your "traffic" gets the same priority as optus prepaid. People need to understand, if they're with no frills mobile, they will get what they pay for.

        • If people 'need to understand' then MVNOs need to actually say so! I haven't seen anything about different customers getting priority (other than 4G).

    • Yes I am now. Sorry it wasn't clear. $29 plan +$6 for the iPhone 5.

      • +9

        They are still making money on that…wanna know how ??

        Nobody uses their network because there's no network signal most of the time

        • +1

          That's true the network is a bit spotty. Normally when it gets really bad I would periodically call and complain. They will then offer 50% off for 3 months or the like. However the reception around my area has improved a lot. Im not too fuss as i have an Optus work mobile as a back up so don't really use the voda much except for the weekends.

        • -4

          Stop living in the past… Their network has improved greatly over the past 2 years.

          inb4 bandwagon negs

        • +5

          They make money on it when people realise 150MB isn't great and they upgrade the plan, ad data packs or blow their allowances.

          Not saying all users do, but I'm guessing they are making the money somewhere.

        • data pack isnt expensive. I pay $4 a month for an extra 700mb data

        • Is that you Nigel ?

  • -2

    were you planning on paying for cancellation fee for the 2 months you had?

    • +1

      Was actually planning to talk my way out of it. The deal was too good to refuse.

  • +1

    Great price~~

  • +9

    that is a great deal, but sounds like it's just one of those deals you're lucky to get, rather than being something everyone would be entitled to

  • Looks like its payback to you. Got a galaxy tab with 6gb data for $29 pm and $0 handset payment (free galaxy tab). Said plan will expire in 6 months time.

    You still got a good deal though.

    • +1

      How'd you get that deal?

      • Online promo during Easter 2011. Easter 2012, I got the $49 pm but pay $29 pm only with free BB. Easter is a good time to get a plan with Voda.

  • Still not worth it, Vodafone will have you pulling your hair out due to their unstable network, drop call, internet connection issue, delay SMS.

    • +1

      It all depends on where you live. We signed up for 2 phones on the vodaphone network and had to cancel them within a week as we got no signal…Had to stand in a certain spot in the house to get anything. And this was after they showed us the coverage map showing we would get perfect reception.

      My mate is also with voda and gets a very spotty connection. Sometimes txt's take up to a few hours to get through….and obviously he gets 3G hardly anywhere….

      But if you live in the city, then i'm sure the connection would be fine.

      • +3

        This is not true, not everybody has a great connection. I constantly had to call them to complain and they even halved my plan cost for the last 3 months. I still switched to another provider two months ago. I live in the city and had network problems, it wasn't really worth it. Their service is considerably substandard compared to Optus and Telstra's.

      • +8

        the problem isn't just reception, it's contention once you actually have signal i.e. showing full service but calls/sms/data still don't work

        • My big finger pressed neg instead of pos

      • Edit: I should also add that after two phone calls to vodaphone, they still kept sending us bills for $2k+ for cancelling the plans even though it was sorted out over the phone and we were well within our rights to cancel the plan if it didn't work as promised.

  • +1

    could you post a screen of the offer page?

    • +1

      Was done over the phone. Got an SMS confirmation. Once I get an email/letter ill be happy to post it up.

  • +14

    Where is the deal?

    It was a one off for you.

    • May work for others. I didn't even push for an upgrade it was just offered. Had a friend just tried. He's on the same plan and he go it without any fuss. May not work for all but thought some might get a benefit out if the post.

  • +5

    i want this deal but how can i get it ?

    vodafone was bad in the past, it improved greatly this year, 3G speed is faster than my home ADSL2 in eastern suburbs melbourne

  • +4

    Just try leaving an account with 3/Vodafone and see what wonderful deals they will. "offer " you . Second hand car salespeople cop an unfair rap IMO

    • agree, they don't care when you ring and have network/issues; they only care when you want to leave!!

    • Telstra is a lot worse, just saying. Even calling up for troubleshooting help they will try to sell you 3 different bundles that you don't even need or already have.

    • +1

      I've had problems dealing with VF customer service, it wasn't a pleasant experience

  • I don't think they will offer $6 per month on a $29 plan for an iphone 5 even for existing special customers. In their website $6 per month on a $60 plan. They might waive your extra 2 months for recontracting but most likely not on $29 plan for $6 handset repayment.

    • it this for real? i just renewed my old 49pm, contract, they waived my last month on the old contract. my new contract is 59pm + 6$ on the handset. the 29pm+6$ handset is too good to be true, imho

  • -8

    Show us the link, and I'll revoke my neg

    • +11

      There's no link. He's just telling his story, just like how some manage to get OW to price match overseas websites, and others cannot.

      Your mileage will vary. It's not a "deal" in the traditional sense, but I think it's a useful bit of information. It might help a small number of people in the same position as him, but it's not for everyone.

  • -2

    I got a New iPad 16GB Wifi+3G for $21 per month (24mths) with 1.5GB data, I think this would be a good deal.

    • On what plan, yo're paying $21.

      • $10 Bundle plan, $21 for the device (with $10 credit), so with 24 months contract, totally is $504.

    • $504 for a 3G Ipad, i'd like to see that…

      • Is it what he is paying every month $21 = $504 (12 Months) {if true, great price)? If Yes? How can I get it

        • $21 for 24 months. Just need to talk with the priority care, but you need to have an existing MBB account (even you just opened for 1 week), so basically you can signup a $19 month to month Mobile boardband plan, and after a week, you call customer care or priority care to cancel it, then the Representative will offer you some good deal (like the deal I got). Good luck! (BTW, my girl friend got the same device/deal with $20 per month)

    • +1

      would love to know how you get this deal!

      • Please refer my previous post.

  • Was it the upgrades department that gave you the deal? What did you say exactly? Thanks

    • +2

      Just said my plan about to expire what's my options. They then just offered the upgrade, as I menrtioned in th post I wasn't really after one.

      • -1

        Can't send u a PM here as you dont seem to have that enabled. Can you please quote me your Vodafone Mobile no and the no you called on. I will call them as well and quote your no as well if they try and create fuss and want proof. Please PM me the details…will be a ton helpful :D

        Cheers and Congrats on your shiny iPhone 5 :D

  • +14

    Sorry but Voda is like a limp gardening hose left out in 40 degree heat pretending to be a phone tower

  • +9

    How are Vodafail still in business?

  • +7

    Vodafone is rubbish. After years of lying about improving coverage, they're still in the dark ages. Even mobile voice services are hit and miss: forget mobile broadband. Look at the interactive summary map here:


    Absolutely miserable, and verging on dishonest.

    • great post, when I was with VF, I could barely use my data.
      It would be very slow or unusable in most areas even in the cbd!!

  • +3

    ok why buy a iphone 5 with vodafone when they dont have 4g and wont have it for about a year ?

    • For the MASSIVE SCREEN :p

  • -1

    Where is Voda rep when you need one to clarify this "deal"?
    Don't tell me, this multi billion $$ comp can't even setup an ozbargain acc due to network problem :(

  • If you work at Mcdonalds, use MyBenefits to get $100 off :)

  • +2

    I have a Vodafone phone/sim that is provided by my work. I am on the road most of the day around the Blacktown area in NSW which is metropolitan. I find 3G and call coverage acceptable most of the time. I never experience delayed SMS, but with MMS it is a different story. That said, it is time to renew or change and I did try to talk my boss around to Telstra, but he stayed with Voda. I will be getting an iPhone 5 and as I don't pay a cent, I can't really complain.
    If you end up getting that deal for $35 the network issues are inconsequential.

  • -2

    Cannot finf the deal on the link

    • +1

      Please read post. No link, it was an over the phone upgrade offer. Will post email confirmation once received.

  • Thanks Annon123, I was hoping to do a deal myself, hope that I can use this to my advantage.

  • Well, I received a phone call from Voda upgrade team two days after I port my service to Vaya. I was told Voda can offer me the upgrade to iphone5 plan, I asked him what he's going to offer me, is that the same offer with those on the Voda website? He seems know nothing about their plan on their website and asked me what offer is on the Voda website, I asked him that you don't know what's on Voda's website? Then he asked my PIN and info,and told me he can't find my info in the database(of course, I ported two days ago, I just want to see what he can offer), therefore he's unable to make me the offer. What a clown!

    I've received few phone calls from voda regarding the upgrade to iphone 5 and all of them are talking about the same plan on their website. I have finished the contract at that time. Basically, their so-called "offer" to the existing customers doesn't make any difference to new customers, if you have already finish the contract with them. I think they just try to put you into a new contract.

    Anyway, with all the experiences of network issues, customer services and sales services over the past few years, I decided quit Voda.

    • I've been with Vodafone for 4 years and just finished a 2 yrs contract last month. I am on $49 plan. I called them and asked what options I have. I said I am happy to keep the existing phone if they can give me a plan with reasonable cap and for a realistic price. The guy only offered me all the advertised plans. I said if I get a good deal I am even happy to move my wife's phone from Telstra to Voda and buy 2 plans. Still I was only offered the advertised plans only. Then I asked if they can give me a sim only plan which is closer to the ones that TPG have. Then the customer support guy in retention department said that they can not match TPG prices as they are very cheap. He said if I want to have that good deal I have to move to TPG. :D
      Voda connectivity hasn't been that good for me during the whole period. There were many call disconnections. However I have lots of my friends on Voda so the calls to them will be free. That's what kept me for so long on Voda.
      I am still paying $49 to Voda and waiting for a good deal from any network. After that experience with Voda Customer Support retention department, I wouldn't call them again. Would just wait for a good deal to appear and go for it. This one doesn't seem to be a good one as Voda doesn't have 4G network it'll be delayed a lot.

      • I'm in a similar scenario because I just finished a $49/month 2 year contract about 2 months ago. I got a call from the customer service team and they offered to put me onto a $35 sim only BYO mobile cap. Essentially, you get the same amount of call credit as the $49 cap but for $14 less, with the only catch being that data drops from 1.5gB to 1gB. Maybe you should think about that option as well?

        Personally, I'm waiting for a nexus phone before joining a plan - sick of waiting for carriers to push out updates!

      • I got a contract extension of 6 month ona BYO plan for 1/2 price. He probably thought that if I could use my phone only 1/2 of the time it would be fair that i pay only 1/2.

  • +5

    Upgrade to iPhone 5 is mainly due to LTE 4G support.

    WHy bother to get a iPhone 5 on a network without 4G LTE??

    Doesn't make sense at all!!

    • +2

      Cause I don't need lte 4G. I just need a new phone.

  • OP, no offense but don't get excited too early until you really get the iPhone 5. Quite likely they will send you a iPhone 4 or 4S as it happened to me when I signed up for a GS2 they sent me a GS1 and told me there is no proof when they didn't record your contract over the phone even they told you it was recorded when you signed up. Good luck with Voda anyway.

  • +1

    Not a deal if the network does not work.

    • +2

      Works for me.

      • +2

        Yeah but you're just my alter ego. You don't exist.

  • +1

    I am with Vodafone because they are cheap, but I've done a lot of testing and comparisons between the 2 and Telstra come on top in a majority of these locations and tests

    For example cellular data speeds on my iPhone 5 at home:

    Telstra: http://www.speedtest.net/iphone/351600666.png

    Vodafone: http://www.speedtest.net/iphone/351295973.png

    I really don't think this deal is aimed at everyone. Only current 3/Vodafone customers would be likely to receive such a deal. But at least people with 3/Vodafone know what deals are available and are able to try negotiate such a deal if this is not offered to them in the first place.

    • +1

      A sales person in the Vodafone shop once told me if I want to have a good deal, better to call them and tell them you are about to quit and they probably will offer you some good deal. There's nothing a shop sales person can do.

      I live near Melbourne Uni and spend most of time around Melb CBD area. Network in there is extremely poor, I was told the network start to improve one year ago and didn't see any improvement. I quit Voda is because they have a spotty network and they rised the price and reduced the inclusives. I was with $59+$47(IP4S 64G 1yr contract) which includes $750 credit and 2GB internet, the ip5 plan(64G 1yr contract) offered is $60+$55 with $700 credit and 1GB internet. Too Bad!

  • I have moved far away from VF, with Vaya now and they have been great !!!

    • Me,too. I quited from VF and joined Vaya for one week. So far so good.

      • Hi,just wonder the 3G flexi plans included international call? I could not find that list of international rate on their website.
        Thank you

        • Not include International calls. I just use my Pennytel VOIP account to make overseas calls. There's Pennytel App on the iphone and many VOIP agent app on Android.

  • +2

    Just to tell I got the same offer for 29 VF plan + AUD 3 upfront for the iphone 5 16GB.
    For existing customers normally its 29 +6. But if you ask for a discount they usually give 29+3.
    Got from instore (agenet), WA, 2 weeks back. Store salesman made a call to VF customer-care :)

    • +2

      Nice deal, damn should have tried harder to negotiate. Good to know I'm not the only one. Do u have a confirmation you can post?

    • No, that's wrong. The following price list was posted on whirlpool http://shrib.com/joMYghkD . The handset cost of the 16gb iPhone 5 on the $29 cap plan is $18 per month on top of the plan. These prices are not advertised on their website anymore because they now have new plans.

      The price you pay for the handset is usually based on a loyalty factor that Vodafone apply to your account. This varies from person to person and account to account for various reasons. So don't expect a particular deal because someone else got that deal. It doesn't work that way.

      • Hmm I think its true. Usually its 18. The c.care checks the value level of the customer.But i don't know how they calculate that. Im a general mobile user, fist took VF in 2010, $29 for 24 month plan, but paid 19 for first 12 months as there was an offer for Nokia X6.

    • Dinusha, would you care to share the location of the shop you visited? And your number please? I'm in WA and have tried calling VF customer care with no luck. Thanks

      • The Vodafone agent closer to woolsworth Carousel. Its ID is J2K (as on my contract). They couldnt do anything when I went there Thursday night, so should visit the shop during daytime, which they can make a call to VF customer care. I got the call from VF about the 29+6 offer, but got another 3 $ discount when the agent made a call to VF cc.

    • Yeah keen to know which store, Dinusha. Will go try my luck. Thanks heaps in advance!

      • +1

        The Vodafone agent closer to woolsworth Carousel. Its ID is J2K (as on my contract). They couldnt do anything when I went there Thursday night, so should visit the shop during daytime, which they can make a call to VF customer care. I got the call from VF about the 29+6 offer, but got another 3 $ discount when the agent made a call to VF cc.

    • Is it possible to get your mobile number please? The customer care requested me to provide them with an example of the case. You can private message me your number or email it to [email protected]. Thanks in advance

  • This still a good deal, has to give a pos for this.

  • I've had pretty bad experiences with Vodafone networks so I changed to Virgin, but it's still a good deal though!

  • thanks for sharing, I will let a friend on $29 plan know this! :-)

  • I'll try to call and get this deal tomorrow…

  • I don't believe this deal. $35 for 24 months is only $840.

    Where is the profit to Vodafone?

    I got
    My iPhone 4 when they were new with Vodafone. And I am on a $49 plan and they waived my $13 phone repayments. On a $29 plan they won't waive more then $5-$8 from previous experiences

    • You had better believe it. I am paying $0 for the 16GB iphone 5 on this same $29 plan with a free 1GB data (on top of the 200MB that comes with the plan) over 24 months.

      • U serious? $0 on $29/m ? Ip5? Plus 1gb? Can we have your receipt scan then? Please?

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