Too frugal - is it unhealthy?

Hi, just wondering can you be too frugal? And can it be unhealthy?

For some reason when I buy something, most of the time I want some sort of deal or discount.

But I'm a little reasonable, as what I buy it needs to be good aswell, but a discount can sway my decision to buy a particular brand, but I must enjoy it. For example when I want ice cream I usually wait for a 50% sale, but for eg I would get streets cornette over Peters drumsticks or i would wait for my fav brand magnum

But sometimes i dont know why, i dont think twice about buying a nice $600 steak but i keep looking for sale products at the supermarket

Something weird also. Maccas if i buy i wait for an offer, but it also doesn't bother me if i go to an independent burger place and spend $12+ for a burger

Just looking for a difference perspective


  • +36

    It's how I justify the "$600" nice steak and how I can afford it is because of how frugal I've been. I don't see it as unhealthy, its quirky as my partner is quite literally the opposite.

    I think its just something I personally enjoy, almost at a kink level. Bargains make me hard.

    • +1

      I see cool

      Yeah i really enjoy and can often feel good for a long period when i grab a good discounted item

      Haha, when i get something really discounted, it tastes 100x better LOL. Like the angus burgers for 50c a while back

      • +6

        Free tastes even better imo, dw you are not alone!

        • Cool!

        • Not that I've ever paid, but I've heard free sex is better than paid sex.

          Especially if you're the one being paid lol.

        • +2

          For a while my toddler would only eat the free bananas in Woolies. I would have to convince her that I'd bought the free ones to get her to eat them at home as "the free ones taste better"…I'd like to think it was the OzBargain gene that was driving it, but am pretty sure they 'tasted better' because she was usually fairly hungry when she was reaching for the Woolies free fruit.

      • Taste is strongly emotional. If you feel great about getting a good deal, your emotional context means it literally does taste better to you. I feel the same way when I eat discounted.

        • Nice! thanks

  • +19

    Who the hell can afford a $600 steak? you must be joking.

    Please send money if you can afford $600 for steak

    • -5

      Anyone who has been making savings on their day to day purchases? Add all those savings up and you should have roughly $3,000 per week duh

      • +20

        yeah i have the same issues
        sometimes i go buy a car but then i think what advantages does this motorcar have over, say, a train? Which I could also afford

        • -2

          Oh yep, sometimes convinence factor chumps it for me

          Sometimes even after tolls and petrol cost more than public transport but sometimes i just dont want to catch the public transport

          • +11

            @ATTS: public transport?
            whats that
            i just buy the rail network
            it seems the obvious choice

          • +2

            @ATTS: I didn't neg, but the idiom is :"trumps it"

      • How much do you earn a week to have $3000 a week to save?

        • dont all ozbargainers own 100k a week?
          i thought i was with friends?

    • -5

      Its not just me, other people dine there

      Btw its $740 now

      • +8

        the price of that steak is changing quicker than BTC!

        • -1

          Haha if i invested 10k when it first came out omg would have been rich

          • @ATTS: Chances are you'd have lost it with Mt Gox. Self-custody wasn't in fashion then.

            • @BoltThrower: I see thanks

              Yeah just remember vaguely people withdrawing it for around $20

      • +1

        Where is this $740 steak? I love my steaks too (except wagyu that I find a little sickening after a few slices)…

        • +1

          Black bar and grill

          • +1

            @ATTS: ah, it's a one kilo slab for sharing. I was thinking that the price was for normal-sized steak for one person.
            (I can normally eat a whole kilo myself, but definitely wouldn't try it with an MS9+).

            • @bobbified: Oh yep sorry, my english not so good.

              I was under the impression 9 to 12 marble was very good though

              • @ATTS:

                I was under the impression 9 to 12 marble was very good though

                Marble score 9+ is very good! It means there's more fat consistently through the meat. I was just saying that I personally wouldn't be able to eat a kilo of it because too much fat gets quite sickening… haha šŸ˜

                • @bobbified: Oh i see thanks


                  Im generally ok with fatty meats even in 1kg amounts

                  But for some reason my stomach feels neseaous with too much fatty chocolate though

                  • +5

                    @ATTS: Mate if you make a habit of eating 1kg of MB9+ in a sitting you should be saving your pennies for your inevitable health issues down the line.

      • +2

        Can buy half a cow direct from the farm for that price!

        • Haha imagi e eating a half a hole cow

          I heard people eat hole or half pig before but not half a cow

          • +2

            @ATTS: Point being, bulk meat purchases are far more frugal ;)

        • +2

          A cow cost $500 (dont ask me how i know) how tf is a piece of cow $700. It better be laced with $700 worth of coke for that to be worth it.

          • +1

            @mikeoxlarge: Gotta triple it for butchered, but yeah, super special steak with benefits :P

        • That's a good idea. Do you buy the half and butcher it yourself at home? Then chuck it to a chest freezer?

          • +1

            @iammarlin: Me? Depends on where it's sourced … I have purchased whole cows (~200kg) butchered and self butchered!

            One 650L freezer is usually good for a butchered whole cow, depending on what offal you also have …

            • @7ekn00: Oh wow, righto. Nice! And roughly how much per kg nowadays and how long does it last ya? Now, I got to keep an eye out for chest freezer deals.

              • +1

                @iammarlin: One cow gets us 3 months for a family of 5, but we are carnivore (only eat the meat) - so it might stretch to 6 months for normies ;)

                Butchered and delivered from online sites for grass fed and grass finished (the most healthy version) it's ~ $10 - $20/kg.

                • @7ekn00: Just a small family so that would last us ages. Now to only get approval for that chest freezer for the house. :)

                • @7ekn00: Nice!

                  Where from? Also is there a nsw similar for that whole cow product in nsw

  • +15

    Can you be considered frugal if you're spending on $600 steak?

    • +8

      Lets do some yoga
      Its time to flex

  • +1

    You are frugal but not in an unhealthy way, as you release your valve on the "$600" steak which is your outlet. Spend big on what you love and bargain hunt for everything else. I spend a fortune on my hobbies but I'm happy with a Costco hotdog for lunch that costs $1.50, and then splurge big on a Michelin Star/Hatted restaurant later on anyway knowing I havnt spend much on food all week/month. Its all perspective, do not give up the steak ;)

    • -1

      Thanks! , makes sense

  • +10

    What is this post…

    • +42

      as far as I can tell it's a thread about a $600 steak.

    • +7

      Honestly we've gone full circle jerk in this place. Can't tell if literally every single post is a troll meta posting with the seemingly infinite amount of moronic questions here.

      • +2

        The Ozbargain forums have become an unusual place.

  • +5

    What you are describing does not sound like frugality to me.
    Frugal means to me: will not spend money unneccessary.

    Eneloops are on special!! I already have 2 packs of 8 unopen. So I will pass on this deal.

    Do not eat out when I already have food in the fridge. Unless starving right now or it is dinning for social event.

    $600 steak? Sure. For special occasions and on ocassions. Definately not a montly thing.

    In the end, it is up to how much you have to spare and what you would do with your money if you didnt spend it on $600 steaks (as example of spluring)

    • -1

      Oh i see, thanks

    • Frugal is spending money only when absolutely necessary. No luxury goods, no collecting for collecting's sake. Always looking to save money on essential goods and services. Having really short showers. Constantly turning off lights. Going to bed early to save on electricity, and so on.

      Niggardliness, once acquired, is hard to cure. Even if they become rich, stingy people will continue to live like members of the lower class.

      • I see thanks

      • I learned a new word today

  • Well, it's all about priorities…. if you're willing to spend $600 on steak and but willing to hold off and wait for 50% off on your 'favourite' ice-cream, I'd say that it's not that you don't have the money - it's just that you enjoy your steak much more than you enjoy your ice-cream. Nothing wrong with that.

    • Makes sense, thanks

      • +1

        Hey ATTS, I don't mean to be rude but you don't have to respond to every parent comment in your thread. If your comment is only 3 words and those words are primarily "haha", "makes sense", "lol", "I see" or "thanks", an upvote might be more appropriate

        That way, the post isn't half comments thanking someone else and you can get a more lively discussion about your proposed topic (which people will be more interested to continue reading/discussing)

  • +4

    You could be more frugal. Eg when Iā€™m driving in regional areas and see cows, I pull over and fetch my own fresh $600 steaks (RRP) but then I let my hair down when it comes to $1.50 coffees at Shell servos

    • I see thanks, freshly slaughtered aswell?

      Never heard of the phrase let my hair down, what does that mean?

      • +4

        Never heard of the phrase let my hair down, what does that mean?

        It's when you don't shave your nuts for six months.

      • It means to behave freely rather than following formal social protocols.
        BTW google is good at explaining slang etc. I learn many new phrases by googling what I read here :)

        "The origin of the phrase let your hair down dates back to the 17th century. During this period, women in the upper classes wore their hair in extremely elaborate hairdos, replete with feathers or flowers and towering two feet and more in height."

        • -2

          I see thanks

  • I would get streets cornette over Peters drumsticks

    Bulla Creamy Classic Vanilla Choc Fudge Cone is better than both of these.

    i dont think twice about buying a nice $600 steak

    I think you're paying too much for your steak. I think twice about spending $11 on a packet of mince.

    i go to an independent burger place and spend $12+ for a burger

    Independent burger places now charge $20+ for a burger.

    • Tried before, still like my cornetto better

      Some still charge less

    • Bar Luca (Sydney) is still offering the Blame Canada for $19. Only up $2 since 2016.

      • +1

        Oh my gosh, I just searched them up and that whole menu looks delightful

        • They benefited from Sydney's greasy American burger craze in the mid 2010s

  • +6

    There's nothing wrong with buying a $600 steak, but you should really think whether it's worth saving money to that degree.

    A $2000 steak will be much meatier and if you buy in bulk you'll actually end up saving more long-term than cutting corners on a cheap steak.

    • +3

      If you're not ordering $10,000 steak from Japan then why even bother.

      • -3

        Oh i heard about it a while ago

        I heard even though 10k, the margins wernt that high

        Was that correct? And also cant remember which restaurant in australia offered it, i belive it was limited venues

    • Were you referring to the waiting for supermarket sales?

      I do buy it cooked / dine InBtw

  • +15

    Occasionally I'll splurge on a hot day and turn on the air conditioner.

    • +1

      Air con is good esp with solar

      • +1

        I've definitely splurged more often since getting solar, even to the point of running it on a winters day to heat the house.

        • +1


    • +3

      Air con? Occaszionally on a hot fay ill treat myself to a fan on level 1 of course.

      • I rarely use air con, more because I hate cold air blowing on me than the $$. But I let the fan go full burst.

  • +2

    Discounts are great and all but I try not to skimp on food given the long term health implications of eating cheap crap.

    • Its something i buy but not so often, hence why i can wait for sales

      Don't you get crazy just eating 100% clean foods every single day

      • Not for main meals, no. But I snack way too much and it's not healthy either. :)

        • Just curious was snacks healthy like nuts and fruit or

          Is it bad like potatoes chips and tim tams

  • +4

    $600 steak? At least the cow didn't die in vain.

    • Isnt it the same with chickens ( dont die naturally)

      • +1

        There are no Wagyu chooks

        • I meant like is it similar how they slaughtered for meat before they die

          • +2

            @ATTS: They're both slaughtered for meat but the difference in price and treatment between those animals prior to slaughter is huge

            The point @sumyungguy is making is that many animals die for no reason other than to satisfy us humans wanting meat, and they're often sold very cheaply (it was mentioned above how you can buy a whole cow for $500. How would you feel if your life was only worth $500?)

            You mentioned your steak was $600, much more than a regular steak at Coles or a restaurant. Because humans value money, somehow paying more is meant to translate to the cow's death being worth it. A steak that expensive is also going to have come from a cow that was treated better than your average cow, which is comforting because humans like to think the animals we eat at least had nice lives prior to us killing them

            Finally, chickens don't have the same level of prestige. They are never sold for $600 for a portion (or even whole bird) and their lives are never as extravagant as a Wagyu cow (which get daily massages and a special diet). Hence sumyungguy's comment "There are no Wagyu chooks"

            Hope this cleared things up, took a lot longer than I thought

    • +4

      Cow gets a commission

  • Do whatever that gives you value…

    • Oh yep for eg my coffee machine

      I was asked was 800 worth it

      I replied yes as i use it everyday

  • I have no issues with a $600 steak, I won't pay that much for one.

    Which restaurant and what steak?

    • Black bar and grill

      Dry aged ribeye ration fed full blood wagyu 9+ marble score

      • +1

        Sounds fantastic but 1kg? lol

        For $740, I'd expect real Japanese Wagyu (but I couldn't eat real wagyu as a tradtional steak as it's too rich)

        If I was paying, my choice would be

        FLAT IRON 600-day ration fed, 200g 99


        SCOTCH 270-day grain fed angus MBS5+, 300g 98

        • Lol i see

  • If you skip a bunch of ice-cream's to buy steak… well that's hardly unhealthy is it.

    • Oh i was more refering to the personal trait

  • Sounds like me.

    Wanting to make the dollar lasts further, yet wouldn't mind splurging on top notch stuff

    • Yep thats how i feel i think

  • +1

    It's a priorities thing. My mate lives off bargain basement sausage rolls, sandwiches and pies, but has no qualms about buying the latest digital pc games at full rrp or a $60+ pack of cigarettes.

    • I see thanks

  • +1

    Everyone values everything differently, some people do not buy ice-cream at all. Some people buy bottles of wine for 100k. Some people buy yachts for 100 mill.

    If you have the means to buy something then buy it for the best possible price you can find it for when you want to buy it is usually my rule.

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