Seems like great value for 10,000 IU potency. More words…
Best Naturals Vitamin D3 10,000 IU 240-Count $19.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Do you also take some K2 with it?
I don't.
Well, it is recommended to take Vitamin K2 with high dosage of D3. Otherwise, not good for your arteries due to risk of atherosclerosis.
@dealhunter52: I eat chicken drumsticks for lunch which are a good alternative if you want to have it via food.
Cheap and high in K2 (35mcg per 100g)
@khepri: I don't think any long term studies have been done for this high dosage. You can do your own research or even better consult with your doctor. Even if the risk is low but related to heart, would you want to take it?
Didn't neg you BTW.
I thought these were supposed to be taken
dailyweekly?Yes, definitely only weekly unless a doctor says otherwise.
Take these daily
Really isnt a large dose. Equivalent to 20-30 minutes in the sun
Is this good to take in the long term if 10 times the normal daily tablet
Australian dosages are a joke. 1000iu barely moves the needle.
I take 10000iu in summer and 30000iu in Melbourne Winter.
Every 10 days in summer and every 30 days in winter.
@AustriaBargain: This confuses me. How long does the body store Vitamin D3 before it needs replenishing? A large does every 30days seems like a long time. Wouldn't it be better to take much smaller doses but regularly?
@Widget: D3 is fat soluble, which in the vitamin world means your body puts it in your fat cells kinda forever until needed. It also means it's possible to build it up to toxic levels.
Vitamin B and Vitamin C are water soluble, which means no matter how much you take your body can't really store it and you eventually pee out what you don't use.
Yes, the above are daily dosages.
You got something medically wrong with you to require 30,000 iu a day (over 7 times the recommended max)?
Nah michael9865 . D3 toxicity would be a high risk in most people at that dosage if taken long term.
I didn't neg you, Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and there is definitely risk of toxicity, you gotta be taking something like 5 of these tablets a day for weeks for it to be toxic.
@ballistykx: It was more the comment promoting 30,000 iu through winter that I had viewed as a toxicity risk and was curious what his reason for taking such a high dosage was.
I test mine twice a year and 1,000 iu is all I need with an office job.
@roddy84: Keep in mind, 1000 is all you need to maintain a test result that may be based in faulty standards. There is a bit of research recommending a much higher base level which is why some take a higher dose. That research is showing a strong correlation between higher doses and lower disease with cancer being one. As there is a huge safety zone before toxicity it's not unreasonable to go with the research. Especially if there's scary family health history .
@tonka: Assuming you are not crazy deficient in something vs gen pop, dont smoke and rarely drink, your risk of cancer is 90-95% genetic lottery and locked in when you were conceived. All this other “cancer lowering” crap is snake oil.
Completely agree. Everyone's up in arms about "isnt 10,000 iu too much" when in reality its barely the maintenance dose
What are your blood levels? I take 2000iu per day and my blood levels are almost 150
Max suggested safe limit per day adult is 4000iu .
Take one every 2.5 days then
I already take 1000iu a day for years seems to have benefits for me .
That's complete nonsense.
You probably get reading and start talking to your doctor…
I suggest you read a more medical information.
I take this once weekly as per directed to for a doctor
10,000 iu is equivalent to 20-30 mins in the sun. Hardly unsafe
Yeah the best one is with K2!
Who is K2 what is K2
K2 is the second highest mountain the world but I think they are refering to this:
"9. Conclusion
Taken together, animal and human studies suggest that optimal concentrations of both vitamin D and vitamin K are beneficial for bone and cardiovascular health as supported by genetic, molecular, cellular, and some human studies. However, vitamin D and calcium supplementation along with vitamin K deficiency might also induce long-term soft tissue calcification and CVD, particularly in vitamin K antagonist users and other high-risk populations. At this moment, we should be careful about supplementing high-dose vitamin D, unless indicated differently. More clinical data about the potential interplay between vitamin D and vitamin K metabolism is urgently needed before broader treatment recommendations can be given."
Personally taken 10,000UI per day when working night shift and it helped me in so much ways (without vitamin K supplement but eating broccoli/greens with K)
Barely get sick now, rare mood swings, generally more happy. Would recommend. My bloodworks showed I was in the high end of the chart so now I take 1 per 2 days now to even it out.
Vitamin K2
Yeah, listing to the experts on ozbargin as to what dosage works and what doesnt.
😂 as a medical professional myself, it's so funny what is being said here.
😂 just remember, one of our members offered very dangerous advice, try to guess which one, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Considering that Vitamin D3 you can get enough just from the sun and now is Australian summer, this is the most needless vitamin you can buy. Unless you are in Tasmania or super concerned by skin cancer.
Firstly I didn't downvote you. Secondly the prevailing data and research suggests most people are Vitamin D deficient. Thirdly supplementation has proven to be safe, cheap and effective way to increasing your Vitamin D levels.
- most people are Vitamin D deficient
Of course, they don't live in Australia and don't have as much sunlight as we do.
- Thirdly supplementation has proven to be safe, cheap and effective way to increasing your Vitamin D levels.
Same opposite, it's not as useful as some think:
An evidence report prepared for the United States Preventive Serves Task Force (USPSTF) in its assessment of nutrient supplements to prevent cardiovascular disease or cancer found little or no benefit for vitamin D in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease, and death (30).
And pretty bad in this dose:
For those between 1 and 70 years of age, including women who are pregnant or lactating, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is 15 micrograms (μg) per day. Because 1 μg is equivalent to 40 International Units (IU), this RDA can also be expressed as 600 IU per day.
It is important to remember that excessive intake of any nutrient, including vitamin D, can have harmful effects. Too much vitamin D can cause calcium to build up, which can lead to calcinosis (the deposit of calcium salts in soft tissues, such as the kidneys, heart, or lungs) and hypercalcemia (high blood levels of calcium). The current safe upper intake level of vitamin D for adults and children older than 8 years of age is 100 μg per day (4000 IU per day) (3). People who do not take vitamin D supplements are unlikely to have excessive vitamin D levels.
The majority of australia is deficient in vitamin d
Where’s the study for that claim?
Definely gotta combine with K2 or seriously suffer vascular disease later and die young . 1000 a day is recommended by who ? Big Pharma not make money out of vitamin D K2 . Lot on YouTube if interested.
Can anyone recommend a good brand for NACs?
I'm using Horbaach NAC.
The issue with these cheap Amazon vitamins is they don’t contain what they claim. If there was a lab analysis done on the actual vitamin D3 content in this supplement, I’d put my money on less than 50% of claimed. There have been many studies showing these cheap vitamins do not contain what they claim
Use this and can attest to its potency. Take 1 per day and it maintains my Vit D level at 130. I never get sick.