A Priest Encourages Congregation to Buy Property in His Suburb and Now They Struggle to Pay Mortgage

Asking for a friend:

A priest (of a church) influences his congregation to buy a property where he has bought. Possibly for his own benefit. This was before the inflation. Now everyone who follows his advice struggle to pay the mortgage.

My question is, isn’t it a crime to offer financial advice that benefit themselves in public forum?

Some of the words was: Buy in this suburb, it is surely will go up, if you want to live in Australia, buy land, not apartment! Where else otherwise are you gonna buy?

From this advice, many sold their own homes and move to this suburb. However price didn’t rise as predicted and interest rates keep rising.

For privacy reasons, please don’t ask me which suburb or church or priest is this. I will ignore. Thanks.


  • +139


    • +3

      "Financial advice" ????

      Since when is suggestion to buy property considered "Financial advice" ???

      And yet another busy body OP asking for a friend.

      • +40

        Found the Priest.

    • +2

      This summarises most of the readers reactions lol

    • Monkey see, Monkey do lol

  • +130

    Come on!
    Today we have had a drunk yelling as cause for a lawsuit against a third party. Now we have people listening to a priest about real estate as law breaking.

    Is nobody on this site able to just be responsible for themselves without seeking some authority figure to step in?

    • +14

      Are you going to report them to god if you don't make it to heaven?

    • +7

      Yeah .. and I got downvoted hardddd in that thread when I told the OP to harden the F up lmao

      • It'll be because that post didn't mention the lawsuit aspect in the comment.

      • +2

        If autonomy and independence are a person's goal, Australia is definitely not the place to live

        Which country would you recommend then, to achieve your 'my body my choice' wish list?

        Strange that you choose to live here then, being that it's just a regressive, restrictive country.

        • -4

          How do you feel about abortion then, or sexual promiscuity? People use the argument "My body my choice" to justify infanticide. Nobody if Australia is lobbying to make abortion illegal. It is only rational to extend "my body my choice" to potentially harmful behaviors include drug use. Lots of people in Australia use drugs illegally. Some are fortunate enough to have doctor's legally prescribe them opiates and stimulants and cannabinoids and ketamine (even psilocybin and ectasy have been approved for use in treating psych problems). I don't undertsand why I am getting so heavily downvoted. Psychoactives aren't poisons; they reduce psychological pain and enable people to function better when used in moderation.

          "Which country would you recommend then, to achieve your 'my body my choice' wish list?" Difficult to answer since America's "War on Drugs" has infected almost the entire world. I suspect that drug use enforcement would be slacker in non-Muslim and non-Communist third world countries. There are no libertarian paradises; libertarians would have to create their own country or state like they do in Any Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Moving to another country is hard since I have lived here my entire life. Personally I would prefer to create a political party, one of whose objectives would be to end the war on drugs and also to reduce copyright to 14 years. So much suffering has resulted from prohibitionistic policies. America repealed alcohol prohibition with a constitutional amendment; time to repeal pharmaceutical prohibition. Adults should be able to go to a pharmacist or a supermarket and purchase whatever chemical they want at market price + GST (No sin taxes). No prescription required (unless you want to get a PBS subsidized price).

      • +2

        2024 started with the government banning people from inhaling water vapour that has a bit of nicotine and flavouring agents dissolved in it.

        "My body, my choice". People should be able to do whatever they want as long as it does not directly harm another person.

        That water vapour with dissolved nicotine and flavouring agents harms other people nearby who inhale the vapour.

        • +3

          Plus it also harms taxpayers when the vape clowns then need hospitalisation due to entirely avoidable respiratory problems

        • +6

          If that was the true rationale behind the ban they'd ban cigarettes too.

          • +2

            @AlanHB: @AlanHB I don't know about the "true rationale" behind the ban. I was pushing back against @Thaal Sinestro's assertion that vapes don't harm another person.

            • +3

              @aquavires: Again, if the governments issue was that second hand vapes harm others, they would have banned cigarettes too.

        • -8

          What harm? Water vapour is in the air we breath. Nicotine is a mild stimulant like caffeine (who is pushing for a ban on caffeine?). You can purchase nicotine cheming gum and patches from a pharmacist; it isn't even Schedule 2 (behind the counter). Flavouring agents are in processed foods and perfumes contains various molecules that stimulate our olfactory receptors.

          Vaping, unlike cigarette smoking, is almost completely harmless. The radon you inhale from granite boulder walls and granite counter tops is of more concern than vapes.

      • +2

        We live in a society

      • +2

        your body your choice, our costs

      • +1

        As long as you are paying for all the medical costs associated with your choice. I am not going to be responsible to your Medicare bill.

    • +1

      Is nobody on this site able to just be responsible for themselves without seeking some authority figure to step in?

      Unfortunately it's not confined to this site but the lack of personal responsibility and accepting the outcomes of one's choice is pervasive in society too. eg. break the law: I've got some faux disease I can blame it on.

    • My mother in law keeps telling me about the stressed out woman who got her soul cleaned by the priest she apparently had fallen in love with.
      So she invested big time to have her 2 sons both getting a law degree. The younger son stayed over 12 years at uni and besides his wig he can claim the title of Queens Council!
      Now many years later the topic of getting even with that priest is slowly fading away.
      Church law and civil law was something that had been tried way too many times to be brought in line.

      • Queens Council don't exist anymore and won't for the forseeable future (Charlie, Willie, George, and/or perhaps a republic or other law change like SC in some states)

    • From this advice, many sold their own homes and move to this suburb

      double face palm… I really hope this is a troll post by OP.

  • +4

    ACA probably have experience with this sort of thing.

  • +53

    Maybe it was because god wanted it to be this way.
    Classic entitled behaviour. they wouldn't complain if it was the opposite outcome ;)
    Adults make their own decisions and have to learn to live with the consequences.

    Honestly don't have much sympathy for organisations that don't pay tax and yet have hundreds of millions, if not billions in investments.
    Oh, all the while trying to cover up child abuse (assuming this is the catholic church).

    • +12

      billions…….its billions, the catholic church has its own damn country to fiddle kids in

    • +1

      A priest wouldn’t be able to buy or own property in the Catholic Church

      • +7

        Yes, religious people always adhere strictly to their religion and never stray.

        • Well I imagine it would be difficult without a salary…

        • +3

          A Catholic parish priest is provided housing within his assigned parish and has no need to buy a house.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: In Europe catholic priests also have a cooking lady provided and paid for by the Vatican.
            Seperate bedrooms are mandatory but to keep them comfortable, each gets a good double bed.
            All further privacy to be respected and no more questions by Church Law!!

            • @payless69: Yes I know a man who lives at home with his widowed mother. They both have double beds, the rotten sods!

      • +3

        Common misunderstanding. Catholic priests can own property. Only those in orders take a vow of poverty. The rest can own whatever they like. There have been plenty of priests and Bishops who have had property like holiday homes,for example Bishop Mulkearns from Ballarat who had a home on the coast, which the media found out about when he died. Ive even seen a Cardinal in Rome with a ferrari, and the locals never even blinked.

        • That house was purchased in 1986 while he was a bishop, for $55,000 ($164,000 in 2022 dollars).

          Not sure how a parish priest on a $20,000 per annum stipend is buying in a suburb expensive enough to result in mortgage stress. Or why he’d be encouraging people to move to another suburb, presumably outside of his parish.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: What expenses do they have? Plus they get money for doing funerals, weddings, baptisms etc.

            • @thesilverstarman: That money is donated to the parish, not to the priest. The parish secretary would be doing the accounting on it. Likely earmarked for social programs, sinking funds, renovations, etc..

      • doesn’t specify religion, probabaly not catholic due to wages they pay, other religions allows priest to buy property.

    • -1

      Chastising "churches"
      How about chastising those THAT FOLLOW THOSE CHURCHES Mayhem would not happen if it wasn't for the followers.

      It is not the institution, it is the followers.

      • +1

        It is not the institution, it is the followers.

        It's an institution that actively has tried to conceal the child abuse though?

        • -2

          Do you mean like the government does?

          • @LFO: This being the stolen generation?
            Classic deflection, two wrongs don't make a rifht though

            • -2


              two wrongs …

              Classic deflection to ignore everything and anything else around but my chosen target.
              Not new.

      • Por qué no los dos?

    • 'Adults make their own decisions and have to learn to live with the consequences'

      not if they speak womanese - I saw this last night - speakers of womanese do not have the ability to make their own decisions as this would inhibit their right to later complain about what happened to them - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY2H1Gd_Pkw

      • +1

        I like the part where if all else fails bring your child into it

    • +2

      It's not for us to understand God's plan. Perhaps it's to teach them all financial literacy. Now they know not to buy property w/o research. Job done.

    • Many are taught from an early age to trust in various establishments as authority figures and that those authority figures can be relied upon and trusted to guide them throughout life they're essentially groomed as a child to adulthood to follow a broken and corrupt system and have never had reason to belief otherwise. I agree they're adults and that the game of life should have rebelled more or something but I do sympathize with their situations none the less. Most these folk were never were taught independent critical thinking skills. Everything even in our modern society is designed to raise sheep, not free thinkers.

    • It's not just the Catholics that are covering it up. Jehovah's Witnesses had a higher numbers than the Catholics when you look at the raw data. But schools, sport/recreation centres, arts, culture, community and hobby groups, contemporary detention environments along with other religious institutions were all part of the RC.

  • +15

    This has everything, a dodgy priest, a cost of living crisis, housing prices out of control. They'll be able to make their money back by auctioning the story off.

    • +1

      Can't wait to see this on news.com.au

      • +2

        This is more ACA/Today Tonight, assuming they both still exist.

    • Best advice. Sell story to a current affair.

  • +4

    Old mate priest forgot to put in fine print at the end ‘warning not financial advice’

    • +2

      Past performance is not an indicator of future performance

  • +3

    OP should have got his own financial advice not taken that of his cult leader priest

  • +7

    Laughs in religion

  • +15

    I can't see how the Priest has benefitted personally (yet).

    Does he plan to buy any of those Properties that are in Mortgage distress?

    Hasn't his property also gone down in value?

    Property in the Long-Term will win out, but there will always be people in the short-term that buy near the top of the market and are adversely affected.

    Most mortgages are 25-30 years but how long have these people owned the properties…

    Seems more like speculation and disappointment or buyers regret.

    I feel for those adversely affected by the successive interest rate rises, but the Reserve Bank did that and the Lenders followed.

    • -1

      "I can't see how the Priest has benefitted personally (yet)."

      The history of the Catholic church in Straya may provide some clues.

      • Are the properties full of choir boys?

        • -4

          Potentially (if the OP's 'friend' is Catholic).

          It may also be something as simple as one of the priests rellos owns property there, is a REA etc.

          • @Protractor: This is obviously not a Catholic priest as they don’t go around buying property, calm down.

  • +11

    They're just being tested.

    Spicy story, maybe even worthy of theft by news.com.au

    • +6

      The year is 2024, you can just pay to unlock the fast track dlc to get past the hardships and trials for a yearly donation of $69,420.

      • +2

        Tempting. Will try the $420 dlc to start with. Avoiding the $69 tier for obvious reasons.

      • +3

        Nice. Cheers.

    • +1

      Tracey Grimshaw will crawl out of retirement for an ACA exclusive

      • Not if it's a Catholic church/priest. The msm may as well have aided and abetted the whole child abuse era.
        Mind you the 'flock' were all zip lipped about the whole touchy feely priest behaviour too, and since the RC and findings , not many have spoken up, or quit the church.

        • +6

          My guess is 7th Day Adventist

          The followers already happily agree to give 10% of their income to the church which ironically gets syphoned via Sanitarium which ironically pays no tax as they are a registered charity. It's one giant fraud with heaps of sheep.

          • @MS Paint: It is true that sanitarium don’t pay company tax but they do pay payroll tax, fringe benefits tax, stamp duty and GST.

  • +1

    if you want to live in Australia


  • -1

    Follow the orgy thrower, pay the price. Sucked in.
    Got a brain? Use it

    Hahaha a crime? The only crime, in this tale of Karma,is religion.
    OP, name the suburb, we'll do the homework

  • +2

    Asking for a friend

    That old chestnut 🌰

    If people are dumb enough to follow property and financial advice from a priest then they only have themselves to blame. FFS.

    Edit: FFS. Just Googled biblical references of financial advice and this came up…

    But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth

    Deuteronomy 8:18


    • +1

      But remember the LORD your God

      praise be to Thak

    • I’m sure they’ll spin the line that it’s just a “test of faith”.
      If you donate more at the next church collection plate you’ll surely be rewarded.
      Failing that the promised payback is in the afterlife 🤑

      • Many Priests and Churches have unfortunately been epicentres of manipulating people's faith and desire for guidance / answers using twisting of theories, predictions, and stories for the gain of powerful men for thousands of years… (nowadays been somewhat replaced by algorithms and manipulation in 'personalised content' tracking on social media), but the old ways are clearly still lurking for some people.

  • +1

    Maybe switch to the prosperity gospel people

  • +5

    Bikies nuns

    • +1

      Sisters of the Saint?

      • +3

        Hells Belles

        • -1

          The one's on Father Ted?

    • +12

      How much prophet did he make ? Nun. Hehe….

      • +1

        Underrated comment.
        Have an upvote on me!

      • +1

        Hehe, too

      • Amen!

  • +6

    "A Priest Encourages Congregation to Buy Property in his Suburb and Now They Struggle to Pay Mortgage"

    Actually I came here for one of those 'walks into a bar joke', and was not disappointed.
    Still larfin'

  • +4

    OP, due diligence is posting to Ozbargain before purchasing a house on advice of a priest

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