Council Plans - Seeking a Refund

Hello, I requested some plans of a house from the council.

The plans were from microfilm and the quality was not great. Quite a few of the measurements are unreadable. I would say about 30 percent of it cannot be used.

I requested a refund and their team did not decide in my favour, saying that most of the plans are readable and that the application form for the plans state the plans may be unreadable.

Seeing as this was almost $80, I was wondering if I went to the relevant consumer affairs authority in my state, would they possibly rule in favour of the council? Would I have a fair case?

I feel like if the plans may be unreadable, then I should be allowed to sight them first before paying , to decide whether they are worth the money or not.



  • +36

    You're not paying for the plan, you are paying to retrieve and print it.
    The plan is free!

  • +21

    Gonna side with the council on this one

    • +2

      You & me both. And I hate local govt

      (And I think this is a case of username fail)

    • +2

      So will Consumer affairs.

  • +7

    Lol, they literally told you parts may be unreadable. Shouldn't you be able to use the other measurements to figure out the missing ones?

  • +3

    I wouldn't even load a microfilm into the machine for $80.

    • If it's like microfiche I would enjoy loading it. I remember using those at the local library. They are extremely cool.

  • +2

    Maybe some duct tape could fix that!

  • +3

    You paid for them to retrieve the plans and provide you a copy. That was what the fee is for, not for the plans as such. So you got a copy of the plans. Not sure what the issue is.

    Clearly very old plans if they are on microfilm, so you expect them to be average at best.

  • Have a look @ to see if Scanning the Microfilm might give you something you can work with.

    • I did ask for for the films and they refused.

      I believe I could get better results as the pictures look like screen shots or photos saved in a poor quality settings.

      Unfortunately I do not think they will let me in their office to teach them on how to save a photo properly.

  • +1

    You agreed to the conditions on the form that had something like "the plans may be unreadable". As such how are you going to win as your complaint is that the plans are unreadable in that 30% of the measurements cannot be read.

    • -4

      Yes. I did not read all of application form so I missed that.

      Would have preferred to see the results before paying if I had known they would come out poor.

      • +3

        You are paying for the time / effort to retrieve and print the plans - if you wanted to see how they would look 1st - would cost the same..

  • -1

    It's worth a shot if you don't value your time. You might get lucky and they refund $24.

    • +1

      Yep this 'drama' over maybe a $24 refund, but totally ignore the clause that said plans might be crap I mean unreadable.

  • +2

    OP, shouldn't you be able to work out the missing measurements by using a paperclip, piece of string and matches?

    • Need duct tape as well

  • +1

    Getting money out of a council??? Obvious troll post.

  • Could try some AI upscaling

  • +4

    I had a similar issue with my local newsagent. Bought a lotto ticket and didn’t win any money despite the tv ad showing people winning money and being happy. Refused my request for a refund. Should I take it to consumer affairs?

    • its actually like those before and after weight loss photos, they pick people who were already happy before they won the money to ensure they are still happy after they win.

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