• expired

Register & Get a $100 Evoucher ($200 until 5AM 21/1) for Use on Accessories with Upcoming Galaxy Devices @ Samsung Australia

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Supposedly the S24 is being annouced on Jan 18.

Fill in the form and if you completed all details, your $100 eVoucher will be sent to your nominated email address.
The code has been revealed and it is generic, making the signup process now redundant (unless you still want marketing emails).

The eVoucher is for $100, but if you use it within the pre-order window, it becomes a $200 voucher. eVoucher is redeemable on selected Galaxy tablets, watches, buds and accessories, however, I believe you must buy an S24 series phone in the same transaction.

Your eVoucher is available for only the first 72 hours of pre-order starting 5:00AM AEDT 18th January and ending 5:00AM AEDT 21st January 2024.
Don't worry, if you don't use your voucher in the first 72 hours of pre-order, your eVoucher will revert to $100 value.

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closed Comments

  • Good deal for those that use Samsung. Wish Apple would do something similar :)

      • +20

        Last years Samsung model is worth far less than last years iPhone

        Why would this matter when phones last way longer than a single year? Phone tech has more or less plateaued outside of camera quantity and quality, you can easily get 4 to 5 years of use out of a flagship device.

      • +81

        Apple doesn't need to do this because they could release a brick with the Apple logo on it, and the brain washed Sheeple will snap it up.

        Literally Gen Z have the mentality from the advertising that Apple = cool / rich / status.

        Ask them why it's a better phone and they won't be able to tell you but they sure as hell will roll their eyes at you like "pfft…. this guy uses Android"

        • +3


        • +3

          100% - I read an article from a motoring journalist who stopped at McDonalds to eat and parked a shiny new $800,000 Lamborghini that he was reviewing right out front. He saw some young guys walk in and they came up to him and asked him about his new Macbook Pro, not the Lamborghini. Apple knows the power of the status symbol of overpriced goods.

          • +2

            @Gabbatron44: I don't own any Apple but think their hardware isn't priced that differently to other premium brands. IPhone and Galaxy are on par broadly price wise.

            • @beeze: disagree with that. Yes the advertised price of Samsung premium phones are similar to iPhone pro/pro max, however it is very easy to get heavy discounts and promotions on Samsung products (plus getting bonus items when ordering from certain partners, or gift cards etc). I know you can get up to 30% off RRP from Samsung only a couple of weeks after launch with the previous Galaxy Ultra. Plus apple products hold their resale value a lot longer. I was able to sell an old iPad over for over $900 (admittedly with AppleCare) on eBay after having it for 12 months, but I paid only around $1100 for it (it was well looked after).

              I use an 2+ year old iPhone currently, and expect that the credit I get from selling it when I purchase my next phone will be fairly significant when I go to sell it off. Whereas with my old Samsung phone, after 2 years I only got about 30% of its original value back.

        • -6

          The bricks would also keep their value, because the next person would buy said brick for close to what the first person bought it.
          The bricks would also be maintained by Apple for 5 years, while Samsung would abandon their bricks after 2. You can also walk into an Apple Brick Factory and talk to a person about repairing your brick, while Samsung don't bother having store fronts, which doesn't suit a particular class of people.

          • -7

            @Koffee: Also, Apple's bricks aren't running a free third party OS created by a company who crucially rely on harvesting their user's data to make ~80% of their yearly $250B+ revenue.

            • -2

              @mboy: To anyone who downvoted, I'd love to know why because I'm stating facts.

              Maybe you don't like the implication that Google offers Android for free in an effort to use it to harvest user's data, and if so; this is quite literally Google's business model. This is how they manage to offer any software/service for free.

              Or, the downvoters know this but don't care, and that's perfectly valid. But some people do care, myself included. It's probably the biggest reason I stick with iPhone; simply because I don't like Android.

              • @mboy: Google offers Android for free, because they own it… D'UH‼️…

          • +8

            @Koffee: I don't care which OS people use, but cmon I care about accurate information. First paragraph yes, Apple phones keep their resale value way more. As an open question, how much does that matter when you can snag great deals on Samsung phones? E.g. I got a brand new flip 4 6 months after release for $399.

            For the next two paragraphs, the S23 series is getting 4 years of MAJOR updates and 5 years of security updates. Evidence provided below

            Samsung does also have brick and mortar stores where you can take phones in to be warrantied and they do basic repairs. But for repairs such as replacing screens it can take 1-2 weeks.

            I think the sweet spot for buying phones is getting a used 1-2 year old iPhone and selling it after 2 years, and for Samsung you can wait 6 months before trading in a model from 1-2 years before and it shouldn't cost you more than ~$150 a year after the initial outlay

            • -2

              @Ibz: Kudos for them providing some care for their consumers - for years Android has been two years of OS updates. Security updates does not equal new functionality in line with more recent devices coming to your device. (BTW The XS is still running the most recent version of IOS, and that phone was released in 2018.)

              Years of security patches are not a bonus for most consumers, it's probably more so phone companies keep regulators off their back.

              I'm not a fan of Apple and I have never personally owned an iPhone. But historically neither Google nor Samsung have treated their customers as well as Apple.

              • +2

                @Koffee: Apple definitely has more years of software updates, but I think 4 years is pretty close to perfect. At 5 years of major updates they could probably last the entire life of the product. Then again, the average consumer doesn't really know or care about OS updates, let alone security updates. I haven't heard of regulators requiring 5 years of sec updates either but I honestly haven't looked into it. I imagine it's probably most important to companies who give out work phones.

                And don't get me wrong, many Android phones still don't get anywhere near the 5 years of software support Samsung does, so we should credit Samsung where credit is due.

                Edit: nvm, EU is pushing for 5 years of sec updates. But Samsung and Pixel are both already meeting these requirements

          • +8

            @Koffee: Lol is this the same Apple that was done for deliberately making their battery die so people had to upgrade?

            The same apple that slowly phased out chargers coming with the box and charged the same (if not more)?

            The same apple that keeps raising the prices of their phones even while doing the minimal incremental upgrade knowing that (for the reasons I already listed previously and you're showing right now with your blind defence of them) no matter what they jack their price up, the sheeple will pay (And thus causing the market for phones to dramatically rise across the board because others figure they might as well follow suite)?

            The same Apple that for years did crazy **** like have their own phone chargers and tried to say that they did this because their chargers "charged" better… and then when Europe FINALLY forced them to change to USB C, they touted it as a revolutionary feature?

            Oh yeah… Top notch customer support company mate. Absolutely love them.

            Can't wait to hear in 5 years time how they invented AI before anyone else did.


        • -3

          How could Samsung be a better phone than iPhone⁉️… I used to believe that up until the end of 2019, as I had always mainly been an android user. (My last and what I'm typing this from is a Samsung Note 10+ 'Aura Glow'. I would buy a Fold, but I just don't think that they're worth it.) It is one's perceptions of what is better. What I always found with Samsung was, that they have always been ahead in technology features. I had also used a basic iPhone since the 4s (but was given a 'handed down' 4), and preferred the 1 lens. I've had each phone that has lasted me for 3 yrs at least and owned more Samsung phones since the S2 and the original Note than iPhone. But for security issues, iPhone is the way to go. I have never downloaded Google Chrome or Google to use as a browser on an iPhone or a Mac. I always use Safari or even Siri. Even Bixby isn't as good as Siri. I used to be one of the critics of Apple too, but I do believe that they make better products and their system is better too. iOS shits all over Android. I only like android mainly because of the UI, since they removed the external functionality of the Micro SD card. So I wouldn't call myself a Sheeple. That's an old term that's been mainly used, to be jumped on by many Fandroids alike (even I was one!). You're living in prehistoric days. I just prefer the system of iOS, and have never got viruses and get much less spam calls, or hardly at all. I used to work for Cisco Systems in Networking engineering, so I know of how iOS operates. YES!.. Android is an open system, and therefore, is bound to get many hacks and viruses. I'd rather go for security than feature sense. I never go for a Pro phone. Never will! I'd rather spend the money on a good compact camera. My current iPhone is an 11.

          • +4

            @INDYVADER: I mean sure you can type a giant wall of text that's wrong, that's one way to go about living I guess.

            Also lol that you have an Iphone 11 and your last android is a Samsung Note 10.

            Mate you're over half a decade out of the conversation…. Have a nice day :)

            • -5

              @Ruddaga: Who gives a shit, if I'm typing on an old device if it's still working. Or even a Mac. You would t know of what I'm typing from. As the saying goes, if it's not broken don't fix it. The devices are only 4 yrs old. So don't know of the BS you're going on about. So have a nice day, and keep typing away. I've really hurt u, aye.

              • +1



                Do you realise how intelligent you sound.


                Iphone 11 Release date 2019

                Note 10 Release date 2019.

                2024 - 2019 = 5 years.

                DUHH SO WRONG UGHH IT HURTS. And the fact you're using 5 years vs 4 years as if that makes a huge difference to my argument… Ooooooh… cringe mate. Cringe.

          • @INDYVADER: All those old phones are not comparable to the S24 that this upcoming deal is about. AI is shaping up to be a game changer, not to mention the S24 performance will give a desktop PC a run for its money. Playing the latest games etc. The camera quality will blow you out of the water. Try doing that on crusty old Apple and android phone hardware.

            • -3

              @Springfield: Apple has had AI or the ‘neural engine’ since the A11 or about 6-7 years now. The new Samsung AI is the same thing just rebranded a little.

              • -2

                @FlipperMeTimbers: Absolutely correct!! Seems to be many Samsung Fanboys on here, getting very offended. 🤣🤣🤣

                • @INDYVADER: Lol what you think is AI isn't what the newly proposed AI is.

                  But you've shown that you know jack all about tech for a while, why start being correct now mate.

      • +4

        I'm an apple groupie, or was. I had every iPhone up until the 13 pro Max. This gen, I changed to the s23 ultra. I won't bother giving you reasons why, as it doesn't matter really. All I can say, It's simply on another level.

        I have noticed that Apple has actually been discounted from launch for the first time in at least my memory, which is interesting.

      • +3

        Apple doesn’t need to do anything similar. They don’t put their device on sale and keep the same RRP for an entire year.

        This I agree people will just pay for it.

        Samsung purchasers have to figure out what the best deal is every time and have their phone depreciate much faster. Last years Samsung model is worth far less than last years iPhone.

        That is not exactly true. If you calculate on RRP and trade in value, both lost about 50% in the first year. Second hand market value iPhone has higher resell value because the expected value of iPhone is higher (aka the OZB say: Who pays RRP for Samsung?).

    • +2

      Fat chance

    • thin g is apple resale value is very very high so you could either resell it yourself or use your existing apple as a trade in either way you will get more money back than any other brands including Samsung which depreciates no less than 55% within the resale market even just after 4 months.

  • In regards to S23, didn't some of the deals released a month or so after, turn out better than the prelauch specials even with care+ taken into account?

    • +6

      Yeah, I picked up a S23 + Buds 2 for ~$400 by trading in my S21.
      S21 was getting ~2hr SOT at the time and battery would last half a day, so it was worth it for me.
      If we end up with an Exynos S24 then I would stay away from upgrading. The SD8G2 in the S23 lasts me 1.5 days almost.

      • +18

        The promotions get better after a few months. I got the S23 256GB with trading in S21 256GB for $213.60 and then unexpectedly, Cashrewards tracked and approved for $46.24 (good reminder for those buying to click through Cashrewards as you never know) so total = $167.36 for a new phone. That was the bargain for the year.

        • What month was that? I have a s21U going great guns but would like to upgrade when the price is right.

      • +2

        Yes Exynos is an insta no! Why do they even do this, surely they can see from historical data that sub-par processors impede sales…

        • Exynos was a mistake. They still use it in some of their budget A-series phones, tho.

    • Makes sense when the new release phone novelty hype tax is taken off to reveal the more realistic price

    • -1

      Probably but got it for $400 trading in 12 pro max the ultra that is. In that crazy deal septermberish

  • -3


  • +1

    wonder if itll work with epp deals.

    • +1

      Epp gov usually gets the best price but no bonuses.

  • +4

    I don't expect anything to be low priced enough for the voucher to turn it into an instant bargain, but we'll have to wait and see

    • Only with a good trade in value on a recent model.
      Slim chance my S22+ trade in and discount it won't cost much, but unlikely.

  • -1

    Is there any promo going on to make 1000$ for s23 ultra ?

    • when the s24U is released check those classifieds for a bargain

  • +1

    I like that thumbnail logo, they tappin into their korean roots

  • has anyone ever successfully filled out one of these form and got a return email ?
    I have tried with diff emails, phones, pcs' and never received an email or code .. ?

    • +1

      The code ends up in ozbargain and isn't targeted so i wouldn't lose sleep over not receiving it.

  • +2

    Who thinks the new feature will be titanium?

    • It is sure to be a gimmick like that. Smartphones are a mature product, don't expect genuine innovation

    • Yeah the reddit rumours say that. And maybe 10x zoom loss for 5x!!!!

    • the new samsung having a titanium frame has been leaked ages ago

    • It's not made of Titanium. Just for the gullible to believe in it. It's merely just a titanium finish. Just like a gold finish on the Olympic and Commonwealth Games medals all being made from the exact same metal. Suckers at its best‼️

  • +1

    Samsung has gotten a bit disappointing with their promos now.
    No newsletter offer, 10% first app purchase reduced to 5%, limited voucher codes available.

    • oh, they reduce it to 5% now?

      • +1

        Yeah, as of the 1st Jan.

  • +1

    "eVouchers must be redeemed in the same transaction as the smartphone series devices unveiled at the 2024 Samsung Australia Unpacked event (18th January 5:00AM AEDT) and only on the Samsung Online Store."

  • +5

    . Which product category are you interested in?
    Bar Type Phone
    Foldable Phone
    Note PC
    Robot VC

    How hard would it have been for someone to type the actual words for what they were trying to say?

    I didn't know that Samsung did Robot Venture Capital

    And I don't know why we needs Buds with a Thermal Weapon Sight, or did they mean Tsunami Warning System?

    • +2

      Agreed they dont understand their customers and that they wouldnt understand their internal acronym

    • I think most customers who are keen to buy those products, kinda know the jargon involved. For example, tws stands for "true wireless stereo" which is an industry wide standard terminology and not specific to Samsung product. However, I agree "Robot VC" for robovacs was simply made up.
      But maybe they heard you. I see it's now changed to "Robot Vacuum" which is quite clear :)

      • +1

        Yeah you can kind of work out what they mean, but it shows that a poor amount of effort was put into it.


        Is still poor, ignoring the acronym there should be a space after Buds

      • Oh, I thought 'Robot VC' was 'Robot Voice-Controlled' … probably a good thing they changed it!

    • What's a Note PC? Notebook??

  • +3

    It will probably be a $200 voucher for a $2999 phone.

    • -1

      eVoucher is redeemable on selected Galaxy tablets, watches, buds and accessories

      just dont redeem it on a phone, get like buds or watches. Flip em on marketplace if you want.

  • Interested to see if the camera going from 10x to 5x will be a downgrade.

    • They are using a better sensor apparently

      • +4

        Optical zoom will beat any sensor binning, they cant beat physics

        • +1

          Whilst I do agree with optical zoom being superior, the AI bridge between the two will certainly be interesting. I do wonder what kind of quality it will offer over the optical zoom.

  • From memory, in 2023 the best S23 deals (which didn't involve faffing around with tradeins, education store, newsletters, vouchers etc) were from Amazon a couple of months after launch. For eg the S23 Ultra 512GB was about 1500.

    • It was a great deal but was available only for a very short window

      • That's true, it was only for about a day or even less I think. Still, it could be worth keeping an eye out for for the s24.

    • I don't even think it was a couple of months, was first or second week?

  • Has anyone tried Samsung Care+ device exchange? If I buy now, in 2 years if I "refresh" device will I be given an S24 or S26 (the latest) or random luck?

    • +1

      From what I read you will get the same device and it is going to be refurbished "Swap for a new refurbished Device." .
      I haven't used it but if you smash your screen it would be cheaper to use Samsung care+ vs fixing the phone

    • +1

      Same s24. Colour or internal storage or some of specs could be different, but not less then your previous phone.
      For me, I used 2 x s10 128gb exchange after 2 years, I got 1 x s10 128gb different colour, 1 x s10 512gb dual sim ver.
      So, it is all about luck.

      • +1

        1 x s10 512gb dual sim ver

        Wonder where that came from, I thought dual sim phone are mostly grey import and Samsung Australia stop servicing grey import long time ago.

        • I am pretty sure s10 was the last model of the physical dual sim which could purchase in Australia.
          It came from care plus, so it must be Aus version.

    • +1

      Samsung care + is terrible.
      My fold 3 turned off when closed, I had to wait a bit over a month for a replacement to come into stock. Didn't get an upgraded model.
      Had to use my phone as a tablet for the whole time I was waiting for a replacement. All repairs and Samsung care is outsourced to a third party. Aftercare/repairs is one thing apple definitely has over Samsung…

      • That sounds like that should have been a warranty job, not Samsung care+?

        • Correct, as Samsung care is a device swap scheme.

          Also if you go into a Samsung store, it gets done much quicker.

        • Half the time Samsung's response to folding phones is, it's not a warranty issue

          • @abs898: Haha I remember seeing somewhere in comment of a fold deal advising people must buy Samsung care with the device….

            This is potentially another court case for Samsung.

            I think what is difficult is for a fold device, how to determine if a crack is cause by a drop which is fair that its not cover by warranty. Guess that is how they come up with the half price Samsung care as a solution……

            Having said that given how widely reported this issue is, Samsung should look further into this and come up with a better solution.

            I am laughing at those who ordered the Oppo fold phone…..good luck!!

            • @syswong: One of my mates has been trying to claim their fold warranty for ages and they always get referred to Care+ instead. But he's insisting this is a warranty claim and doesn't want to use one care spot.

              • @abs898: Did he try Fair Trading?

                $299 for swapping a fold is a bit high but given the complexity of the device, it kind of make sense.

                • @syswong: Yeah he's looking into it. Samsung claims it's wear and tear but it's complex as you said. It's hard to differentiate what is it as the phone was never dropped

    • I had a bad experience with them.
      My S21-Ultra's main camera was no longer focusing and my back screen was cracked (fell from my pocket exiting a car). I spoke to Samsung about a repair but decided to 'cash-in' the Care+ I had bought.
      The device I got return for mine came within 2 weeks and looked fine but overheated constantly and the fingerprint reader was erratic and unreliable. The in-phone diagnostics were fine however, so Samsung's third-party wouldn't even open a case.
      I may have been another unlucky user but I suspect that there is a reason why Care+ is rated so poorly on ProductReview.

  • +1

    I had bad experience with them before but this generation has a lot in my opinion that I can’t wait for unpack

  • +4

    Hopefully no Exynos chips on the lower-tier S24 models.

  • +2

    I'm still having no issues with my Samsung S21 Ultra 😅

    • Same here… but when I can get the the Fold 5 (512gb) for $1400+ I end up switching.

      • you could back in september…..

      • I actually got a fold 5 from the last deal ~$1200, its already developed dead pixels, a perfect circle near the fold.

        Gonna claim warranty and refund/sell and go back to my s21u. Camera sucks on the fold and im not looking forward to owning it without warranty, I don't use the unfolded mode as much as I thought I would end up just using a smaller screen 90% of the time

        • thats worry me…

    • +1

      Lucky you, my wifi keeps going super slow just on my S21 ultra.

  • +1

    Personally, I use a price protection credit card to buy the new device. So I would've preferred Samsung care rather than the 200 off voucher =(

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