Saw this on my eBay homepage, it's back for January! Same as December.
[eBay Plus] $0 Variable Final Value Fee on 1 New Listing (January 2024, No Discount Cap) @ eBay Australia

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@King Tightarse: Plenty of Facebook Marketplace sellers will post items, and Facebook Marketplace is constantly taking market share from eBay.
It's not as convenient as eBay but it is certainly a substitute.
@eccaz: I cant say I have heard of people trusting Facebook Market place enough to use post?
My understanding was that is was face to face and even then can be a bit dodgy with time wasters, low ballers etc
Is it really threatening eBay's dominance? I would like to see comparative market share.@King Tightarse: Marketplace is mostly face to face, but I have both posted items and had items posted to me - generally lower value (<$100) except for a $1200 laptop once.
Lowballers on Marketplace are no different to lowballers on eBay - you reject the offer and move on.
I actually find time wasters on eBay far worse than those on Marketplace. The classic Marketplace timewaster asks "Is this available?" and then you never hear from them again. While the classic eBay timewaster will ask some specific intricate question, I'll then type a detailed response only to never hear from them again.
Whilst I use eBay regularly, none of my acquaintances do. Whereas almost everybody I know browses Marketplace each week and has used it to both buy and sell in the last few months.
@eccaz: beat this:
had one item listed, 4 days left someone bid. no questions asked nothing.
bidder won. then, 1 day later (not paying yet) start asking loads of non sense questions and at the end i had to cancel their bid and relist, reported to ebay. and this person dare to left negative feedback for me. lucky ebay removed it@CyberMurning: Haha I've had my share of similar situations. I'm actually dealing with a lunatic at the moment who is trying to extort me. His (single) item arrived as advertised in a box that displays the words "3 pack". He has accused me of "stealing" the other 2 items (that he never knew existed until he saw the box) and of "tampering" with his unopened item, and has demanded that I send him the other 2 items AND refund him. He's refusing to return the item for a refund, and has already negged me and called me a scammer and a bunch of other names - this is from a buyer with 100% positive feedback from 200+ transactions.
@eccaz: Also we used to be able to stop people with less than x feedbacks to bid our item but now eBay removed that
@CyberMurning: It feels like eBay are setting the trap of encouraging runners, hoping people relist and miss out on the 0 fees.
@CyberMurning: What are you selling that you opt for auction, and why?
I list everything as buy it now, no offers, buyer must pay immediately (if they click buy and don't checkout with money the listing fvf listing is wasted), put good descriptions, always send via express satchels free, and never hear from any of my buyers.
@[Deactivated]: Learnt that lesson last month and shall be indeed doing this next time a zero fvf offer comes along.
"Express satchels free" - does that mean putting the postage cost in your buy it now price? (sorry, rarely sell)
@Janko: Nah I profit enough from low volume high value items that I just absorb the shipping fee, and it's prepaid satchels so fixed cost nation wide.
@eccaz: If Marketplace is mostly face to face, then it's fair to say it is not a direct competitor to eBay, which is almost all posted or couriers.
I think you could argue that marketplace is a competitor to Gumtree, They sound reasonably similar@King Tightarse: Marketplace has all but killed Gumtree - it's hardly relevant anymore.
My point is a lot of people who in the past would occasionally use eBay to sell things, now turn to Marketplace.
@eccaz: You said Marketplace is the new Gumtree. I agree with that. it sounds reasonable. That is the niche it is filling but it's also different from eBay.
Many people just don't want to do face to face or limit sales to your direct driveable area. Others don't have the time and the patience to deal with people for selling goods.
I think eBay and Marketplace mostly fill different roles in the market, but I don't think Marketpalce is threatening eBay's market share. It probably is growing but largely taking sales that would have gone to Gumtree, as you mentioned.
However, if there is some comparative data showing this, I am always open to changing my mind
@eccaz: I have buy it now listings and ignore questions = 0 timewasters. Facebook is the worst. "Is this available?" silence. Low ball offer. Not showing up on time or at all. Asking questions about the item or haggling after already agreeing to pick it up. I'm sure I've missed a bunch.
@eccaz: Facebook marketplace and Gumtree are not in the same league for someone selling second hand computer goods anywhere in this country.
The reach and protections on eBay, despite them being terrible at times means a lot. Buyers would much rather buy off eBay.
Facebook and Gumtree are fine for local, but it's limited of course doing that. Fine for a table and chairs. Not ideal for your Sony headphones.@bobs burgers: I never said that Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree were as secure as eBay, just that they are substitutes.
@eccaz: Yes, understood. But I am saying they don't have the same traffic or demand as eBay, therefore not real competition, or directly substitutes.
Seems to be so much more scammers and time wasters, from both sides.
Not that eBay is free of them, by far…I myself wouldn't buy anything that needs shipping on these platforms, nor do any of the many people I know.
Do use them for local-ish buying tho, and it's fine for that.
Imho eBay is on the losing foot for bigger items that most people won't ship. So definitely competition in that space, but that space alone.I sell a lot on eBay and basically all of my buyers need shipping. I can count the amount of times I met up with buyers on both hands.
@Lucius7372: January's wasted on my auction winner asking questions after he'd won ("any games on it?"), then doing a runner.
2nd chance offers have to be done still in January otherwise normal fees. Hardly think it's worthwhile even with 0 fees.
@Janko: I screwed myself with loopholes in my descriptions a long ago and have since learnt my lesson. I give bullet point clean short descriptions, and I tag on "anything no mentioned in ad nor visible in photos, assume excluded".
Save you from knobs.
@[Deactivated]: I'll take that advice too. Wouldn't have saved me here - winning buyer only had 1 feedback (positive!) saying he didn't pay, lol.
Based on previous deals, the $0 promo gets posted the first tuesday of the month, so it may be a few day wait…
And it's a short month too. Another annoyance.
I always list when $0 fvf is available and always relist by last day of month if unsold with adjusted pricing, if an item isn't sold in 2 months then a few more days isn't going to work any magic.
Going into the second month works? Hmm, I've been ending them as soon as the month is up
@Vita85: Yep, for example listing on 31st January would work until end of Feb, and will not affect the $0 fvf for Feb, when sold will still take from the $0 fvf from January. In case of any mishaps make sure to take a screenshot of your January offer in case of any issues eBay will ask you for it.
@[Deactivated]: This used to work many months ago but it is no longer the case. The item must be listed and sold during the promotion period. So if the promo is for January, you can't list it on 31st Jan and thinking the fee will be waived if it's sold in February.
@runamuck: I've just spoken to eBay chat, and asked if I accept offer for Jan, list on 30 Jan and item sold on 10 Feb (within 30 days) and they've confirmed:
"You list the item on 30th January by following the terms and condition, if the item is sold within 30 days of the listing going live, it will be considered under the promotion. Here, 10th Feb will be within 30 days."
@[Deactivated]: Ok but different rep always tell you different things. It happened to me before hence only sharing my experience. The rep said I had to sell it during promo but refunded me the fee as a gesture of goodwill.
@runamuck: I've saved a copy of the conversation, in case eBay says differently.
Other people have said sell similar works but it stopped working for me a while ago and got a partial refund for goodwill as you said.
@bobs burgers: The Promotion entitles Eligible Sellers, who have activated this promotion in accordance with these terms, to 0% variable fees (which is a component of Final Value Fees as defined on on the sale of one Eligible Listing sold during the Promotion Period
@runamuck: You can't pick and choose what you like, you need to have an understanding of the whole document, on top of all of the other conditions, this is what you missed
The Promotion entitles Eligible Sellers, who have activated this promotion in accordance with these terms, to 0% variable fees (which is a component of Final Value Fees as defined on on the sale of one Eligible Listing sold during the Promotion Period. “Eligible Listing” means an item listing that is:
- newly listed on during the Promotion Period (i.e. it cannot be a relisted item through ‘Good ‘til Cancelled (GTC) or auto-renewal);
- listed in multi-quantity or single quantity fixed price or auction format only; and
- not listed in one of the Excluded Categories (as defined below).
This promotion only applies to the variable fees on the Eligible Listing that is sold prior to the listing renewal, whether by auto-renewal or because the listing is GTC. After this, standard eBay fees will apply.
@bobs burgers: Correct so if you read the entire document, you will see that the promo is for newly listed during the promotion period AND listing sold during promotion period. You can interpret it how you want, I'm just stating that I was charged a fee despite my item was sold the following month but was newly listed the month before.
@runamuck: I'm stating that I do this on a monthly basis without any issues.
Not sure how else to state this to you. What proof do you want?Not sure how one would sell something within 1 minute of listing it on a very late listing before promo is over.
That doesn't even make sense. It's as above.
30 days after listing is created, during the promo.@runamuck: There is many variables at play here as to why it may not have worked.
For most people it was the using relist function or accepting promo after they listed. Or both.There is more reasons probably but this method definitely works as I constantly use it if promo not used up in same month 👍
50% postage still available this month, but seems not applied on store seller.
Listing time:
Jan 26, 2024, 08:17:39 AM AEDT
but got a full selling fee charged? WTH eBay!hmm this is an automated process so when hundreds of us here are okay, most likely the error is from your side.
maybe relisted item? or the format, or things like that which void the offerI never do sell similar, always relist, I relisted the item Jan 26, the promotion was activated, not sure what other mistake I could have made!
Relist was your problem. It has to be a completely new listing, but Sell Similar works every time for me. Relist will not, I’m sorry.
@del preston: Sorry for the confusion, I mean I listed it as a new listing, and eBay said they are investigating and will get back to me, don't wanna pay $170 fee!
apparently even selecting "sell similar" from your listing in your "sellin/sold" does not qualify. You have to make a brand new listing.
Happened to me.
So every month now, we have to create a complete new listing, not just a "sell similar" as that seen as relistI always sell similar and no problems.
I used to do that way but now in January it didnt work for me. I ran a test with the customer service. Took us like 20 min, i did a "sell similar" from my "selling/ sold"' tab listing and he saw that it was a copy pulled from the item and applied same as "relist".
So i had to go in the listing advertisement page and the under the photo i had to click "sell similar" (which doesn't pull any data from photos or description and only pulls data from "item specifics"
Its a lot more complicated now and annoying when i have 30 listings
@CyberMurning: listing advert page is the actual page people get so see when looking at your item.
Just under the photo it says
"Have one to sell? Sell it yourself"I had do use that, add photos and copy the description, price and postage costs on the new listing.
I sold 1 item in 2 of my accounts and it was the 0% ($0.30) fee.
But one was full fee but they refunded me after i complained.@Bruno28: I think someone recently recommended keeping your 'draft' and using that every month to generate a new listing.
@King Tightarse: but even when you list a draft, it disappears from drafts. Then you have to create a new one. I used to do the "sell similar" via the "selling/sold" page and then kept as draft for next month. Seems like it doesnt work anymore as eligible.
@Bruno28: on the draft page (when it still a draft) there is a menu to copy it. so copy 2-3 and list one by one as needed.
@Bruno28: Nah that’s bs, I always sell similar from my listings tab. And as always, Jan one worked just fine when sold in Feb.
@I Smell Pennies: Yep the "sell similar" worked for me for a item I listed in Jan and just sold in Feb. I didn't get any fees.
Never had a problem with sell similar including last month.
any update?
anything for February?
50% x 3 eBay Labels still active.
Where’s Feb??
Any news?
There would be a deal post if there was a deal known.
So looking like no February deal ( I hope I am wrong though)
I finally joined up as im always watching this space. i was told by ebay today nothing yet but it will come up on our dashboards (which we know isnt true) when it becomes available.
This is just ebay slowly working into giving us nothing
eBay email has come through with no seller deal.
Not holding my breath.I never get an email from them haiyaaa
Think you are going to have to take your leg down from the chair this month Uncle R.
Went from 5 to 3 to 1 to 0 FVF listings and from $5 off $15 spend to $5 off $35 spend coupon every month. Ebay Plus is officially garbage. Won't be renewing on any of my accounts.
Incoming 15% inflation on listings.
what ?
The $5 for $15 changed? When?
Yep, its completely worthless. If ebay wanted to keep people interested it would offer good deals to individuals on selling items which in turn encourages people to use the site, whereas I am so frustrated with their absurd fees that I will simply do anything to avoid purchasing any item through the site at all.
I’ve said it before: these seller offers were the only worthwhile eBay Plus perk. The rest is trash.
If you really want to send a message, vote with your wallets: join me in cancelling your subscription and don’t accept their retention offer.
The $5 off $15 was good. Worked on every item or collection of items. I used it every month. Now at $35 spend it's no way near as good.
Yeah I’m shocked increase minimum spend doubled, this isn’t what had signed up for… always used $5 off $15 RIP!
@King Tightarse: Right ?
Can’t say I’m surprised they are giving us nothing this month.
Seriously reconsidering being a plus member.
Half the time I don’t even get to use the $5 off coupons either because what I want to buy doesn’t qualify
I'm hating eBay so hard
Same lol - I still think (hope) it'll come in the next few days
Still no Feb deal?
Well, waited long enough. Off to sell on Scumtree and Scambook since there's no other option.
I am done with eBay. What’s the point now
I sold something small yesterday. The 50% off postage vouchers are still there for me until 29 February, which offset the fees. If there's no more postage vouchers and no more fee reductions I'll have to look elsewhere. My subscription ends in March so unlikely to renew.
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@King Tightarse: Facebook marketplace and Amazon aren't competition to eBay?