• expired

Boost Mobile: $16 Cashback on $12 50GB 28-Day SIM ($4 Profit) @ Cashrewards


Boost is currently selling the[50GB $35 SIM for $12 so stack with this offer from Cashrewards for a $4 profit!

Use the CR app for best results

Discounted SIM ends tonight!

Special Terms

  • Multiple SIM purchases need to be made as separate transactions. Adding more than one SIM to an order will result in an untracked purchase.

  • SIM must be activated within 30 days of ordering.

  • Cashback is ineligible on recharges, phones, bundles, accessories, eSIMs, plans or products not listed in the cashback table of rates, use of codes not listed on Cashrewards, and purchases via the Boost app.

  • You must return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction.

FAQ's thanks to BG


Referral Links

Referral: random (3723)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Boost Mobile
Boost Mobile

closed Comments

  • +1

    @WatchNerd $4 profit! Time to wake up!

  • +15

    SoMeThInG wEnT wRoNg 👁👄👁

  • +4


    Who Can Still Buy Boost Sim without Getting "Something Went Wrong"

  • Instant tracking, thanks CR and OP

  • random question but I was wondering if they have these kind of deals over in NZ for when visiting that country? Would be cheaper to get a SIM like this then going through your phone provider's 'roaming' options. Seeing as half of NZ live over here and often travel back ;) it would be great to know what cheaper options are out there for when holidaying/visiting NZ - like I will be with my family later this year.

    Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

    • +1

      Ive never seen a deal like this in NZ and mobile plans are way more expensive there, I usually just get a skinny sim card

      • That's a shame. I came across NZ's version of Ozbargain called ChoiceCheapies just now, which looks totally identical to our OzBargain :) I'll scroll through there and see if anything comes up for SIM options.

      • What the hell! - Kogan NZ$160: Kogan Mobile Prepay Voucher Code: SMALL (365 Days | 1.5GB Per 30 Days)

    • +2

      When I was in NZ September 2023, I used their Kogan $5 Sims. 15gb data per Sim lasts 30 days
      Need an NZ address

      • Yeah that sounds good - I've found Kogan Deals on that ChoiceCheapies website for Kogan plans as well. Looks like that is the best option so far that would do the job for a week. I have in-laws that live in NZ that we are meeting up with so I will use their address when ordering.

        EDIT - Looks like it is $35 for their 30 day sim with 15gb data?

        2nd EDIT - Nope, I was wrong. $5 for the prepaid starter pack which includes 15gb data :)

        • order them around 3 weeks in advanced, some of mine took a while to arrive, south island though

  • -3

    Bought another 20. combine with this for a free meal

    • You dont get something wrong?

    • do you use same details for every purchase?

      • Yes, I wait a few mins between purchases

    • Lucky man without something went wrong.

      Time for me to abandon the Tesla plan

    • do you sell them?

      • No, Use them for free data and to sign up for freebies.

    • Same device each time? I think that recent updates to the GyG app seems to have killed this.

      • I got a few old android phones from facebook marketplace for very cheap.

      • secure folder is your best friend :)

  • Boost is no longer shipping SIM via StarTrack and appearing to be mailing via regular mail with tracking

    I purchased a SIM on 20/12/2023 and have not received it yet so activating before 30 days since ordering may not be easy

    • +3

      For now they haven't been strict with checking activation in 30 days. I bought some in Oct then got blocked from online activation or buying any more, so can only use support chat to activate now. Cash Rewards cashback is now confirmed but I still have a couple left still not activated

      • ye support activation is easy

        • Yeah but I'll stretch out the last couple of SIM for next month since I'm blocked

  • i have been trying to buy the SIM for a few days now. i keep getting the error message "We’re sorry but we’re experiencing technical issues. Please try again later." anyone else got similar problems ? or is it just me ?

    • Same on this batch. I asked support and they can never gave me the reason why.

    • Has be working perfectly fine

      I suggest that you try clearing history including cookies in your browser or try a different browser.

      • -5

        seems you are the only one who can get it working. a lot of us cannot. lucky you.

    • Yeah same here and I've tried everything the FAQ suggests but to no avail, tried contacting boost as well but no response - not sure what else to do

    • -1

      Just you

      • I've got a TIO case ongoing with Boost. They've got another 10 days to get back to me.

    • same brought 3 then error.

      brought two on desktop

      then error

    • -3

      To the person who negged me, I was being sarcastic if you know what that means.

  • +1

    I did this deal ages ago, and never activated it because I completely forgot to check if they did ESIM. So I never activated the service, and I just noticed I got my cashback tracked.

  • how long does it take for cashback to get approved usually?

    • +1

      Boost approves the SIM cashbacks in monthly batches, roughly 6-8 weeks after the end of the month you purchased in

  • How many sim card can we buy?

    • -3


      • Poor postie.

    • If you want CB one per order and need to reactivate Cash Back for each order. I am not aware of any maximum limit

      • From what I've read on ozbargain, a person can have a maximum of 30 active SIMs. And my understanding is that a SIM becomes inactive 6 months after its last top-up. Some people have used Boost customer service to get SIMs cancelled before the 6 month thing, effectively freeing up slots for new SIMs.

  • How do you get the cash back once you have purchased?

    • Cash rewards will transfer it to your bank account. It'll. BE about 6 months though.

    • You buy, you activate sim, In like 2 months it will be in your CR account, withdraw it and within a week it's in your bank account

  • Is this the best we get? No last minute increased cashback before midnight?

    • buy now, if it goes up, buy more

    • No increase from last deal :\, just buy one or two and buy more if it goes up…


    We’re sorry but we’re experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.

  • Not only I can no longer buy these sims, I cannot even activate a new sim online (getting something went wrong when trying to activate) and had to go through chat support every single time……

    • chat is fine hey its free money man

  • what's the best porting process in using this sim for existing customers?

    • +2

      Lebara sim from woolies/coles, often on sale for about $4.

      Otherwise $5 aldi sim.

  • Bought, no error msg
    Thanks OP

  • +2

    something went wrong like usual, unsub from Boost Mobile at this point lul.

    • +2

      Me too. Something wrong since November

  • +1

    Sigh…..another CR/Boost order where Everything Went Right.

    Ordered: 19:57
    Tracked 19:58

  • +3

    Just poked a 3rd order through for the day at 11:59, all good..

    I feel for the people having issues.. back in March I had the dreaded "Something went wrong" error, I had only ordered a couple in Jan and a couple in feb, I hadn't abuse it or anything, there was no reason for the issues… I couldn't order from early March through to early May, then since early May it's all been ok and I've ordered a stack since then, 30 by the looks of it.. (I only order 2 or 3 each deal, not excessive)…

    So… dont lose hope…

    • Did you receive yours or did you get an email saying it's been dispatched?

      • It looks like the ones I ordered last Tuesday were dispatched on Wednesday, delivered today… (i'm not where they were delivered, but the tracking says they're delivered)


    We’re sorry but we’re experiencing technical issues. Please try again later.

  • Wonder when cashback profit deals are going to come back, anyone know the frequency on when they typically happen?

  • -1

    Happy that I bought this one back on 2 January! Thirteen days since the last deal. My monthly Boost SIM expires next week. RIP to all those who were holding out for $5 profit.

  • Maybe this is why there are no for-profit Boost SIM deals at the moment: https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103350912

  • I am a little woried, I bought a bunch last year. Was meant to be $20 cashback and says its due on 05 Feb, still not approved.

    • i can see my Nov purchases are being approved today. A week later than usual, will check again by eod today.

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