• out of stock

[NSW] Anko Hot Dog Maker $2 in Store Only @ Kmart Broadway


Hot dog maker from Kmart on clearance for $2 at Broadway. Plenty of stock to the left of the entrance (there were about 20 on display at 11am 1/1/24).

No idea if any good but might be worth a shot.

Kmart website still showing $14 so might be store specific.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Has anyone used one of these? Surely a microwave is easier and less cleanup?

    • +5

      Random lady walked past me and said it’s surprisingly good and she bought it a couple of years ago.

      On another note it says it can cook eggs.

      • +1

        unrelated - nice evo brah

        • +3

          Can the evo cook eggs though?

    • +4

      Surely a microwave is easier and less cleanup?

      but it doesn't have the dual bun warmer prongs …

      • Bunny pick up, guess for you it should be only $1 (so you can buy two) - Kmart Rip off… 😂😂

        • +13


        • +6

          Da hell you smoking’ ?

          • +4

            @31mop: Looks like Rocky had too many NYE festivities

    • +2

      You microwave hotdogs?

      Isn't that a meatbomb?

      • You poke holes in it with a fork first

        • Then the juices and flavour leak out

      • Cover worth paper towel. Mc for 30secs. If it bursts, drop power level.

    • +1

      This leaves a nice hole into which you can slide your sausage.

      • +1


  • +3

    Air frier is the best

    • This. Prick the sausages and 13 minutes later at 180 it's done.

      Can do a whole brekky fry up in air fryer, tomatoes bacon's sausages the whole lot. Microwave the egg and that's the only thing that needs outside work.

      • +18

        But why take 13 minutes in an air fryer, when they only take 6 in boiling water on the cooktop?

        • Lol at that neg, have a poz.

        • +3

          I feel like people talk about air fryers today the way people spoke about microwaves in the 70's. Yes, you could cook an entire meal from start to finish in one appliance. Doesn't mean you should.

          • +3

            @maso: Lol that was five years ago when people first started discovering them here.

        • +2

          Could Sous Vide a hotdog in less than 13 minutes

      • +6

        I microwaved an egg once in 2004 and it was so disgusting that I can still imagine the rubbery blandness in my mouth 20 years later, and I have a terrible memory.

        One does not simply microwave an egg. Not with the best microwave could you do this. It is folly.

      • +1

        Internet says eggs can be done in air fryer too supposedly

      • +2

        Upvoted to partly shift the voting. 6-8 minutes at 200. Place the cooked sausage into the hot dog roll, and toast that in the air fryer for a minute.

        • Thank you, knew there was some folks doing it too!

  • +14

    APU: Now, these hot dogs have been here for three years. They are strictly ornamental. There is only one bozo who comes in and buys them.

    HOMER: But I eat…oh.

  • So many difference kind of gadget machines.

  • +10

    I prefer the original 1970s version


  • +1

    Looks like a setup from an indoor cricket shed, circa 1986.

  • +9

    More landfill….

  • +1

    $14 at Melbourne CBD if anyone's curious

    • +1

      @jv might interested

  • +8

    KMart is loaded with cheap kitchen appliances that do one very specific task, each with their own power cord and heating element. Just yesterday I saw a 'Noodle maker' in KMart.


    What exactly is wrong with a good pot that cooks everything well? Who honestly has room in their kitchen for a noodle maker, donut maker, hot dog maker, bread maker, pancake maker, snack maker, burger maker, waffle maker etc?

    • +1

      Been saying this for YEARS

      Now, SOME of these have a purpose (such as the waffle maker) but a sausage roll maker? Ovens exist right?

      • +3

        So true.

        Many of these type of Single-purpose appliances make multiple lists of things like 'worst/useless kitchen appliances' every year.

        A $2 maybe someone coukd find value with it, but Id be still skeptical.

        They tend to liter the second hand stores for this reason.

        • +1

          I don’t imagine these are particularly sustainable. You’d need to make sausage rolls with an alarming regularity to ‘pay off’ the pollution invested in producing these.

          That being said, for $2 on clearance I could see even occasion use having a financial payback, and it’s better they’re actually used than going straight to landfill.

      • -1

        Their existence doesn't mean you have one.

        Assuming you'd use it regularly, I can imagine the energy savings between using that and heating an entire oven would add up over time too. Though I feel like getting an air fryer would resolve that issue in a much more useful way!

        • I feel like getting an air fryer is stupid

          But I have a Cert IV in Commercial Cookery and don’t see any benefit in an air fryer over a larger oven and a small deep fryer - with those two appliances I can cook more things, at once, better than the air fryer is capable of

          • -1

            @linkindan: You think it's stupid to use an air fryer if you live somewhere that doesn't have an oven?

            You think it's stupid to use an air fryer to heat a single serve instead of heating an entire full-sized oven?

            • +1

              @callum9999: I know countertop ovens exist and are capable of cooking more things than air fryers

              • +1

                @linkindan: There's little appreciable difference between an "air fryer" and "countertop oven". In fact, you'll often find those ovens called "air fryer oven" in stores.

          • +2

            @linkindan: I work shift work.
            I come in from work, turn on air fryer, it's hot and ready to go in a minute or so, grab some food out of fridge or freezer, whack it in, go for shower, by time I'm out of shower, dinner is ready.

            My oven would probably still be heating up…

          • +2

            @linkindan: Aren’t you concerned about the health impact of deep fried food? How regularly do you use that?

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: The health impact of deep fried food is largely overstated. Of course submerging food in fat is less healthy than grilling it, but a proper batter or breading/crumb that can repel oil absorption (with ingredients such as albumen powder) and an oil such as sunflower or rice bran, and it’s not as unhealthy as you’d think.

              That said, I don’t shallow or deep fry that often and I never eat chips

    • That "noodle maker" you linked is actually more useful than it sounds. It's basically a small, portable electric cooker. Useful for remote locations, camping, cabins where you have power but no kitchen, etc; in the reviews someone uses it to heat up their lunch at work.

  • Gone… I took the last one.

  • +2

    A perfectly sane food to eat.

  • Secret Santa 2024 sorted!

  • I always boil mine, the added benefit is you're left with hot dog broth that can be used in many soups and sauces.

  • Costco has the best Frankfurts, same as food court.

  • Confirmed OOS now at Kmart Broadway.

    Interestingly some of the random items from Christmas which were discounted to 50c on 1/1/24 and still had not sold had been further reduced to 10c/20c today eg. Christmas themed dog toys, a childrens' teepee/tent (indoor), random kids headbands/accessories, etc.

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