Pornhub - The Biggest and Most Irresponsible Big Tech Company?

Nasty business.
By some measures its the biggest big tech company and it's just as irresponsible as Facebook and YouTube.


  • +81

    What is your question?

    • +37

      Thanks for asking. Cheers.

      • +13

        No worries, muscles

        • Wow nice lovely garden see you at the party. Cheers. Farewell. Have a nice day.

    • +8

      It is a bargain huntress "s***post". There is no question.

      • +2

        Man Ozbargain would be boring without her and hellopam/screensaver

    • +1

      Fun fact: Its founder Fabian Thylmann is actually married!!

    • +1

      OP probably signed in using a social media account and now has to explain to his wife.

    • this is the worst ted talk ever

  • +4

    Thanks for the heads up ( Ithink)

    • -2

      head sup

      • Did you look into a large mirror?

  • +6

    what a website name! can i expect to see a lot of Hubs when i open it?

    • +56

      Hope it's not like OnlyFans, couldn't find a single ceiling fan, description, review or RRP of a Mistral anywhere. Deceptive practice if you ask me.

      • +9

        I went looking for information on renewable energy options and already have solar and thought wind power would be a great alternative… imagine my surprise when I went there and there wasn’t any information about fans, just loads of flanges.

      • +1

        Good call but I have seen things being blown on there

      • Dunno what you're on about, I found many fans in r/onlyfans

  • +3

    Reddit, IG, Snapchat and X are just as bad for that sort of stuff as well :/

    • Reddit especially. It's an absolute hive for pedophiles, groomers & CP material.

  • +14

    Love the one sided post with links to videos, just like the site the huntress loves to visit on the sly.

    • -4

      I do occasionally visit ph, i dont pretend i dont.
      They dont have much that interests me however.

      • +6

        There's bound to be a few thousand hobbies there you can ask questions about.

        • +3

          That's where the leather kink idea came from.

          • +2

            @MS Paint: …and silk….

            (Only Fans, "here we come")

            Also misprint on other thread>

            Leatherworking Leathercrafting Making Leather Thongs

            and 'wood burning tool' has new meaning

          • -1

            @MS Paint: I was actually wondering yesterday if i start doing leatherwork commissions, what percentage of requests would be sex stuff

            Mildly offputting

        • -3

          Y'all hilarious

      • +2

        If you can't find what you're after on pornhub, then you're in to some really (profanity) up stuff

        • -2

          I knew somone would ask that

          No im just in a relatively small consumer segment: actual lesbian

          There is a little bit on there, but not much

          • -1

            @bargain huntress: Straight woman here. Also not much on PH that's interesting tbh. Unfortunately the vast majority of it is made to cater to the opposite sex. There's a whole gender of a market gap out there waiting to be tapped (pardon the pun).

        • +1


      • +3

        They dont have much that interests me however.

        Ah, so I take it you would be familiar with this message:

        "we're sorry, but what you've searched for may have contained illegal search terms. Please check your keywords and try again"

  • Supply & demand

      • +34

        That we are human. That we are temporary. That we are driven by visceral emotions.
        I'd rather see religion shut down , long before porn.The difference in levels of long term harm is irrefutable.

      • +4

        "unethical and illegal porn".
        sheesh - PH == very tame in terms of things.

        Recently went searching for items to spice up relationship with GF.
        Surprised by what I saw online at even AU stores.

        EG … dildos advertised as structurally similar to a "horse's penis" in EVERY detail +++ etc.
        Do women REALLY fantasie about a horse's penis … soo much that AU stores need to sell it on their main page ???

        Yeah - I do understand fetish +++ that side of things/etc … don't get me wrong.

        IMO … my personal opinion … if things are done in private … and not offending anyone - then go for it.
        BUT … if take fetishes/sex publically … whereby others are affected - that's a different matter.

        AS to original post … PH being illegial + unethical porn === nah - 100% nah.
        more like soft-porn … (infact - even searching for something that is close - PH blocks your search).

        • -1

          Youre right its not as bad as the dark web etc
          They could do a lot more though
          Just like facebook etc

      • -1

        Ssh you can't criticise the porn, it makes them reflex downvote.

  • +13

    lemme do some research on said site

    and will report back

    • +1

      (when you wake up from the sleepy bit)

    • +7

      Fair go dude. It's been over 6 hours. I want that report on my desk by midnight tonight.

      • +6

        I think you'd be better off if he emailed it.

      • That report might be quite a dry read by now

      • The pages might stuck together though.

  • +4

    Do you have an aunt named Pam?¿

  • +6

    Got a TLDW rather than three YouTube videos?

    You could enable parental protection on your router or get Net Nanny if it's a concern.

    • +13


    • +19

      OP is more of a "here's a link to something, discuss it yeah" poster than "Lately I've been thinking deeply on this subject, and I'd like to discuss my take on that with you" poster.

      I'm not looking a gift-horse in the mouth, we've gone a few weeks without a Daily Mail link, and you gotta take your boons where you can.

  • +3

    Outrage industry.
    Preying on hollow malleable pumpkins, while the real evil shit goes on without an MSM whimper.

  • hmmm…familiar drum intro…

  • +2

    They were irresponsible for doing the big purge…so much knowledge lost…

    • -1

      You mean google?

      • They mean the Pornhub purge. Is that the irresponsible behaviour you're referring to?

    • I know this is a joke, but it was scary how much underage stuff was on there.

      • +5

        I gotta say I've never run across even one in all my years…maybe I'm just too vanilla

  • +14

    Lmao what a stupid forum post 😂

    • +9

      Op is on a monthly forum post quota

  • Pornhub ≠ bad? 🤷‍♂️

  • +25

    When people just post random youtube links as 'proof' of something, without any sort of summary, I pretty much ignore the post and then often disregard the poster.

    It's just lazy, and I have better things to do with my time than spend half an hour watching what could, without any other context, well be paranoid conspiracy theory rants or right wing nutcases.

    • -1

      "right wing nutcases."
      ( redundant word, in that context )

      • +1

        both sides are equally stupid

        • +2

          One side is delivering an Armageddon outcome for all species, 'because ego and $$$ and power.
          Would you like a hint which side?

        • +1

          If by both sides you mean extreme "left" and "right" then yes, both sides are stupid. But one side wants crazy things like universal healthcare, living wages and workers' rights. The other side tends to want unrestricted firearms access, book banning, and creationism taught in schools.

          So whilst both sides are stupid, one side is much more dangerous than the other.

          And that's the US, where most the crazy Youtube garbage comes from. If we're talking outside the US in stable Western countries, then most societies average very left wing compared to the States.

          • @rumblytangara: "one side is much more dangerous than the other."
            The only ppl disagreeing ith this fact are championing it's outcomes.

            America is best self to slf implode and hopefully too busy to keep intruding outwardly as they dig graves for their own ,for once, rather than creating them in every corner of the planet.

            • -1


              The only ppl disagreeing ith this fact are championing it's outcomes.

              I'd have to disagree with that- I think that most people in that part of the spectrum have simply been brainwashed or distracted by decades of coordinated disinformation campaign. The people are hurt by these outcomes are also the people who are pushing for them- take the whole 'Obamacare' debacle that was torn down by political outrage, including people who had no medical safety net to fall back on. The many stories of anti-covid vaccine idiots who were recorded on their deathbeds asking for vaccines when it was too late (anti-vaxx was both left and right wing, but much more right than left.)

              The whole anti-abortion movement amongst evangelical religions has been a relatively recent phenomena- prior about the 60s the various churches were fairly apathetic to it as an 'issue' but it's been drummed up as a major point of conservative political leverage by today.

              These people are too blind to see that they will be impacted by the outcomes.

          • +1


            If by both sides you mean extreme "left" and "right" then yes, both sides are stupid. But one side wants crazy things like universal healthcare, living wages and workers' rights. The other side tends to want unrestricted firearms access, book banning, and creationism taught in schools.

            You are making a common logic mistake but comparing apples and oranges.

            In this case the fairly intense right to the fairly moderate left in the US at the present time.

            Neither ideologies are extreme with those positions.

            Youve got to compare apples to apples.

            If you want to compare extreme left and extreme right, you could compare Nazi Germany and Maoist China for example. Even then that wont be the most extreme possible for each metric, and there will be differences in circumstance and context obviously.

            • @bargain huntress: They are apples to apples because the comparisons are within the same society. Nobody is reasonably going to think "let's go back in time 60 to 80 years across separate societies and continents"

              • @rumblytangara: Then you cant claim you are comparing the extreme right and the extreme left

                • -1

                  @bargain huntress: He can and did.

                  It's as obvious as the nose on your face, that there's both, with one side(the right) growing in number,power and influence and causing all the damage and harm impacting on the planets survivability. There is so much lurching to the right in our politics we think the current LNP are middle right. What vomitous nonsense. Generally the world is reverting to narrow conservative ideology whereby the ones leading the charge have little regard for the impacts because they are rich,safe and institutionally protected ,have the guns or the lobbyists of the guns watching their back and running their errands. The right in America are destroying their own belief system and political /constitutional norms.Lawyers being the most toxic scum in the swamp

                  • -1

                    @Protractor: He and you are not even comparing the most extreme right us politicians currently to the most extreme left us politicians currently.

                    The trumpers etc are batshit but there are a couple on the other side too.

                    • -1

                      @bargain huntress: The death toll now and ahead is always a gold medal std on the right.
                      Even moderate right wingers love Trump, and now some of them are targets of his followers because they dared follow the law & constitution. Trumps mob are not a minority, they are the core logic os shitsville. The standard to which our country has to align to. We don't even (govt) comment on massacres any more.Either home grown American slaughter of Israels broad daylight ethnic cleansing. There's a pattern of supporters of the right to always say both sides are bad. It's a smoke screen. One side is far worse, far more destructive,and dangerous.Including here.Including those inside our institutions,govt,authorities and media.

    • -1

      Same people who use Wikipedia articles as evidence on controversial topics haha 😂

      Like I tell all the oldies in my life who share posts on Facebook from "Ford" offering a free car because they "have too many and need to get rid of some" - just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true lol

      • +1

        just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true

        Can I believe that?

        • Damn, Gordon. He just told you not to, but don't take my word for it either as it's also on the internet.

    • +6

      We need a ChatGPT that can watch a YouTube video and give us a summary of why it is bullshit.

      • +2

        You can do this if you download the video transcripts.
        I find the programming llama2 fine-tunes with 32k contexts work okay.

  • +3

    Always great for a wank

  • +2

    PH as a company has been trying to trim $$$ … cost-cutting.
    EG … no longer has a supported android APP … they killed that back 6+ months ago.

    They also cut back on ppl working … in their IT related areas.

    [EDIT] … doing alittle digging …according to Forbes …

    NET worth in 2021 == $5.9 billion.
    NET worth in 2022 == $6.1 billion.
    NET worth in 2023 == $4.0 billion.

    soo… what exactly happened in 2023 for PH to tank sooo much ???

    • +2

      soo… what exactly happened in 2023 for PH to tank sooo much ???

      OnlyFans happened. It's never been easier for someone to sign up to a website, upload videos and get money fast. Before OnlyFans a lot of content creators would have to sign up to cam sites and stream for hours begging for viewers to give them "virtual coins" that they'd later cash out for real money. Of course the value of these coins was pretty bad and they had a whole lot of other restrictions like minimum payout amounts and high fees.

      None of this happens with OnlyFans. Off the top of my head I can think of 7 people I know who have an OnlyFans account and 2 of them have ended up quite successful. Not including someone I dated for like a week 😂

      • -1

        Off the top of my head I can think of 7 people I know who have an OnlyFans account and 2 of them have ended up quite successful. Not including someone I dated for like a week

        What kind of content do they make?

        • +1

          The same as everyone else on OF. Porn.

          • -1



            Ive had a look at a couple and they only seem to post sexy photos on their subscription

            But then they offer private sales… is that where they do the porn?

            • @bargain huntress: There's different types of porn. Some do softcore as you've discovered and others do not.

    • +1

      Hosting video sites gets cheaper every year. Hosting costs are still beating inflation anyway, despite recent price rises. Anyone can set up their own porn tube site now.

  • +1

    Some thoughts on this.

    1.Its weird how Mastercard and visa are the defacto regulators of the porn industry.
    2. Saw Siri Dahl in the youtube video, she is amazing and love watching her powerlifting videos. check her out.
    3. insert scrubs clip about porn and internet
    4.Mompov and girlsdoporn did some really bad things.

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