Good selection of Mexican food:…
Jarritos Soda Guava, Lime 370ml $2.99 @ ALDI
Good selection of Mexican food:…
Jarritos Soda Guava, Lime 370ml $2.99 @ ALDI
lemme kno
I wonder how much these cost in Mexico (not much I am guessing) some good flavors though
I know they sell for $1 each in the US
cheap as shit
about 1.20 aud for a bottle works out at.
you can eat VERY well in mexico city for 20 bucks a day
So glad Taco Bell has brought low quality Mexican themed food to WA now.
Refried beans = epic farts
still available>??
Love Jaritos.
If anyone likes them a lot too and lives near Frankston Vic, I know a place that sells 24 for $50