Is Getting Banned from Harvey Norman a Thing? (Story of Worst Customer Experience I've Ever Had)

After trying to buy something from Harvey Norman recently and being unable to, I have a feeling that I might have been banned, so wondering if it is a thing.

Here's a bit of a Christmas story from the last time I bought something there.

I'll try and keep it as short as possible.


  • Happened about 1-1.5 years ago
  • Placed an order from Harvey Norman for a laptop online for 2.5k

I arrived there and found out that the laptop had been opened up. I told them I'm not accepting that, they should've told me that it was opened before hand so I don't waste my time coming here.

They then offered to allocate stock at another store since they had none left, which I accepted. I was told that I would get a confirmation from the store they allocated the stock to by phone or by email. I waited for about 1 week, then realised they didn't do squat.

Called up the store and asked what's going on. They said it was never allocated. A bit annoyed at this point, but not enough for me to make a big deal out of it, so I just asked for a refund.

1 week passes and no refund, the store is kinda close to my house and I drive past it pretty regularly. Thought I'd go in to have a chat. After spending ~20 minutes chatting, they tell me that the order was made online and they can't do squat to refund it. They tell me to ask for a refund through their online store. Weird, but I'm still willing to play along with them. They can't provide me a phone number and tell me to use the online form.

Go home, do what they ask. Take over a week before they get back to me, only to tell me that they can't do anything because the item is marked ready to pick up at the store I ordered it from.

NGL, I was pretty furious at this point. I have never been in a situation where the customer is asked to go fetch their own refund (at no fault of my own). I do what they asked, only to speak to a bunch of people who are telling me they can't do anything. But anyways, I send a reply email but heard nothing for 2 weeks

At this point, it has been over 1 month and they're still holding onto my 2.5k.

Drive by their store again, and decided to come in for a chat. Explained to them what happened since I last spoke to them. Literally, they tell me the exact same thing, that they can't do anything about it.

I explain to them why it is unacceptable for them to tell me that they can't do anything, because they don't seem to understand.


  • The store stuffs up
  • Holds onto customers 2.5k for over 1 month at this point
  • Tells customer they can't do anything about it
  • Refers to the online team, who also say they can't do anything about it and is super unresponsive
  • Store still says they can't do anything about it

After explaining that, they say they "understand my frustration" but can't do anything about it.

I was ready to rip someone's head off at that point, but basically starting pointing criticism at them for stuffing up and not take any responsibility whatsoever. This went on for about 40 minutes, manager jumps in at one point and gave the same spiel and brushing off responsibility.

Told them someone need to take responsibility and I'm taking that person's name so I can hold them responsible. I get someone's name and go home.

At this point, I was pretty fed up dealing with their incompetence. My next step would've been to complain to the ombudsman and seek interest, but the refund eventually came almost 2 months later (3 months from date of f up).

Going back to the original question, is getting banned a thing through payment processing?


  • Store stuffs up order
  • Store says they can't process refund, tells to submit online form
  • Online says they can't process refund
  • Go back to store, store says they can't process refund
  • Spent a shiton of time to convince them that it is their responsibility to process the refund, not customers
  • Eventually get refund 3 months later

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman


    • So you are aware that getting banned is a thing?

    • YDK

      • +1

        This is HN, it happens all the ducking time.

        • -1

          So my explanation holds 100%

          Its obvious most people here have no idea how a retail store works when it comes to stock.

          Its not like they have 10 or 20 of everything sitting out the back

          I mean GET REAL!

          • @Dr Phil: I think most people do understand that sometimes stores can't fulfill orders as promised. Unless the customer was told at the time the store accepted the order, it's reasonable for the customer to expect the store to have a new item to be available to pick up (in the time frame that was promised).
            If the store doesn't have the item to supply, people do generally understand this. However, then they should refund the money and the refund shouldn't take 3 months.

            • -1

              @Amaris: As I tried to point out, it falls back on the supplier.
              But yes, if the supplier cannot supply within a reasonable period other options should be provided.
              No question about that.

              My point here is:

              "Dont shoot the messneger" as OP did.
              ie saying things like "the store stuffed up" is just irresponsible

              • @Dr Phil: If the store opened the box, I'd say that satisfies the threshold to say that "the store stuffed up".

                Why would a store open the box of a new product? Open it to put it out as a demo unit, sure, but for a unit which is received, stored, then sold? No good reason to do it and all it does is create the risk of a situation exactly like this one.

  • +161

    HN banning you is actually doing you a favour.

    • +8

      It certainly would be. The shitty CS experience should've been a reminder to never buy from them again

      • +13

        The shitty CS experience should've been a reminder to never buy from them again

        Now you know why most of us don't!

        • +7

          OP joined ozbargain in 2012, should have known better.
          I know a couple of people who live literally over the road from Harvey Whoreman and still wont step foot in the joint.

          • @Pimpiticians 4 Life: I went a few years ago in a heat wave after coles, woolies, bunnings and kmart were all out of fans. Still felt dirty about it and lo and behold, the $70 fan broke in the same summer

        • +1

          I mostly avoid them because nearly everything they sell can be found cheaper with their competitors. The only thing I've bought in the last decade there is a price matched coffee machine when good guys ran out of stock.

      • +4

        The shitty CS experience should've been a reminder to never buy from them again

        So remind me, why do you exactly care if they ban you or not?

        • Thats the million dollar question.

      • Then why bitch about it in such a long post, which most folks here will not bother to read?
        You chose to deal with Hardly Normal. What did you expect? A red carpet treatment?

    • This! Avoid them at all cost

  • +27

    Are you asking US if you were banned from HN? Hold on lemme get Gerry on the line…

    • Maybe I should rephrase it. Is getting banned a thing? I can't find anything about it

      • +4

        Well, it's technically "private property". So yes.

      • Op thinks Gerry is on here lol

        • +2

          Gerry was definitely here way before your time, tho last seen almost 10 years ago and is somehow in penalty box now.

          Some of his comments and responses are actually pretty amusing, go have a read.

          A couple made it to the Epic Threads list, #11 and #23.

  • +8

    Idk, but how can they really ban you anyway?
    Online, just make a new account.
    In store they don't check ID.

  • +11

    Harvey Norman stores are owned and operated by independent franchisees.

    No offer whatsoever is made on this website by Harvey Norman franchisees. Customers may only make an offer to buy goods via this website to Harvey NormanOnline.

    Harvey Norman Holdings Limited and each subsidiary of Harvey Norman Holdings Limited do not sell any goods whatsoever or publish, make, or authorise anyrepresentation on this website.

    The goods shown on this website may not be on show or immediately available at any Harvey Norman stores. If you wish to view the goods shown on this website in person, you should ring 1300 GO HARVEY (1300 4642 7839) before attending any complex to check to see if a Harvey Norman franchisee at that complex has those goods in store. - Source

    As HN is a franchise, you purchased from the online store, with the option of picking up at a franchise. That is why you needed a refund from online, not the store itself.

    They should have a better way to communicate to the online store to sort this issue, though. I would have asked politely for their customer service representative to contact the online store on your behalf. Sometimes, it may be best to act ignorant so they can assist you better. I guess that's why they refer to the franchise stores as 'complex' :D

    As for being banned, unless you were being aggressive, I can't see why they wouldn't accept your money now.

    • As HN is a franchise, you purchased from the online store, with the option of picking up at a franchise. That is why you needed a refund from online, not the store itself.

      My view is that it would've gone to the franchise owner. As mentioned, it was marked as "ready to pick up" and consequently why I was even at that store in the first place.

      If stock has been allocated to me by that store, I would assume that the franchise owner themselves have the money. Otherwise they'd just be giving out free stuff for the franchise

      • Otherwise they'd just be giving out free stuff for the franchise

        I don't know the exact model, but looking at my last purchase 18 months ago, the invoice is the franchisee, the customer is Harvey Norman Online, the shipping is to me.

        This tells me that Harvey Norman buys the stock from the store, presumably with a store account rather than each purchase. At the end of the billing cycle (say, 30 days), the online store will pay the account. So in your case, the franchisee wouldn't have the cash yet and would likely be refunding at a loss for the full amount (Online would want their cut too acting as the middle-middle-man).

        What makes you think you're banned anyway? Can you not enter the store? Is your online account no longer working? What steps have you taken to remedy an issue if you have one?

        • +3

          I think it has something to do with the payment processing. Im pretty sure they know the address of your payment.

          I tried my credit card and paypal. Both orders got automatically rejected.

          But regardless of their structure, I don't think it should ever be the customers responsibility to chase their own refund

    • +3

      The store itself is owned by HN so is all the inventory. The franchisee owns the department within the store, the staff in the department and the sales targets. Everything else - inventory, cash register, accounting books, warranty and claims.. is operated by HN centrally.

  • +6

    Like all private businesses, they can choose to refuse service and ban you from their property.

    • There's no indication that I've been banned from entering the store itself. But payment rejection seems to be a thing

      • If there's no explicit mention of you being banned, whether spoken or written, then you're free to enter the premise. Even if you do get banned from a particular store, how will they enforce it? Ask them. If you get told to leave, does this constitute a ban? Ask them.

        I had my online orders automatically rejected. I think I was using a VPN so I disconnected and payment was successful. If you're using a shared IP address, it could have been a false positive (HN were meant to ban someone else but mistakenly banned you).

        I wouldn't read too much into it. HN do have crap systems so I never shop here

  • +1

    You could replace 'Harvey Norman' in this with 'Samsung' and it would be just as relevant

  • +3

    How were you unable to make the recent purchase?
    I banned myself years ago.

    • +2

      Yes, automatically rejected during payment. Tried 2 payment methods (paypal and CC).

      • +4

        But after your previous experience what on earth were you doing trying to buy from them again anyway? If a shop treats me like that I never darken their door again; you should be banning them, not them you.

  • +3

    Just two points -

    Happened about 1-1.5 years ago

    My next step would've been to complain to the ombudsman and seek interest

    • +2

      What ombudsman???

    • I'm aware that there are organisations out there (I might have mixed it up with ombudsman's from other jurisdiction), that I can lodge complaints to.

      But apparently it is Fair trading that I should be complaining to in NSW. I never began the process, but if I did I wouldve certainly read more into it…

      • +2

        and Fair Trading is also useless - if the store pushes back, they will just tell you case is closed…

  • harvey norman most wanted
    you are nunber 3 on the list

  • +5

    The store rep/franchisee should've at the first instance removed the 'ready for collection' tag on the invoice/item. This way the online store could process a refund.
    If this isn't an option for them to remove the tag or change the order status then that's (another) failure of the HN process.
    Just saying can't do, won't do is not good enough.

    • +5

      Yep, I can sympathise with them to some extent if it takes longer because of their poor process.

      But throwing their hands in the air and saying that can't they can't do anything about it, and expect the customer to chase their own refund is unacceptable. Even if the store has to go through the same process as the customer, it should be up to them to resolve it.

      What made it worse, is when I came back the second time and they still said nothing can be done.

      • +3

        Or if it's open box then offer a further discount.

  • +6

    I mean out of all the stores i'd happily be banned from, this would be pretty high up the list

  • +4

    What an awful experience. I don't think I've bought something from HN in 10 years. Last thing I bought was a HL2140 and even then, the process to collect was painful.

  • +6

    You still shop at harvey norman?

  • +4

    I voluntarily banned myself from shopping at Hardly Normal.

  • +1

    Gerry is a peasant.

    • +4

      Gerry is a peasant.

      You are being to nice.

      Gerry is a douchebag.

  • +5

    I don't think you've been banned because I don't think the staff could be bothered to do actually do that!

    (But I worked for an American company and not only can you officially be banned in writing, but you can also be unofficially banned because I could enter your credit card or loyalty card number in a blacklist without telling you and which had options to block you from online, phone and/or in store purchases.)

    • +1

      Ah, thanks for your input.

      Ultimately, I don't really care if I'm banned or not. In the future I'll ask for a price match from JB HI FI or something.

      I'm more curious if it is possible for them to ban your address/card during the checkout process (I probably shouldve made that more clear in my initial post, but lost in thought after trying to remember the stuff that happened). Seems it could be the case for some companies

    • +1

      It depends how abusive or obnoxious he was in store, it is absolutely possible to be banned, though they would normally tell you. I had a friend that was banned, but in fairness to HN he was a self entitled obnoxious prick and it wasn't the first store he was banned from.

      • With friends like that…

  • -1

    Gerry for PM!!!

    Over the past 20 years I bought around 20 computer items there.
    9 of them were with a manufacturing defect, all 9 of them had all warranties rejected.
    Turns out the franchisee lives around the corner of the senior staff from OFT dealing with all his complaints and they are known to party together.

    Oh my almighty God Gerry! I will worship you forever!

  • +22

    HN staff here,
    Store cannot refund as online pays the store after you take the item.
    However to get a refund we send a refund form through to online which takes 1 minute,
    Also changing the online order to be fulfilled by another store takes 2 seconds.
    Franchisees usually rotate every couple of years, so hopefully someone decent has taken over your local.

    • Franchisees usually rotate every couple of years, so hopefully someone decent has taken over your local.

      I think this says what we're all thinking. Its not only the customers who have a bad time, Gerry screws the franchisees also. Why would you leave a profitable business after only a few years…

      • when i mean franchisees rotate, i mean they may get offered a better store or a closer store.

  • +11

    You shopped at HN?
    You paid the Karma tax

  • Mate, i would have just done a chargeback at your bank and explained the situation.

  • +7

    Congratulations on your HN ban.
    You just became OzBargain Platinum

  • -4

    basically starting pointing criticism at them for stuffing up and not take any responsibility whatsoever. This went on for about 40 minutes,

    If you complained for 40 minutes then probably banned. I would ban you if you ranted for that long.

    • You think it's a rant that I need to talk to them until I get a resolution?

      Do you understand the implication of what was being said to me?

      • Store says they cant process the refund, refer it to online
      • Online says they can't process the refund because it is ready to collect at store.
      • Store is adamant that they can't process the refund

      The implication being, that I don't get my money back because apparently no one can process the refund.

      So am I supposed to walk away and accept my loss, just to let them off?

      • That's only the implication you've considered.

        When ordered, you ordered from HN online. Your $2.5k is/was there. The poor (employees of a different company) at the store can't give you your money - they don't have it.

        Could the store staff have done something to in the overall HN system to allow/expedite a refund? Don't know, but it seems likely.

        Inevitably your issue was with the company you made the order from, and paid - HN online - not the franchisee at the store.

        Assuming you couldn't get HN Online to play ball, it would seem the perfect situation for a reversing a credit card charge.

        • +2

          Could the store staff have done something to in the overall HN system to allow/expedite a refund? Don't know, but it seems likely.

          Inevitably your issue was with the company you made the order from, and paid - HN online - not the franchisee at the store.

          If you read the employee/associated post that you upvoted, you'd see that they've attributed the issue on the employees who are employed by the franchisee.

          What are you even trying to get at? That I shouldn't push to get my money back from the store?

          • -2

            @Butt Scratcher: There is pushing and there is ranting at an employee for 40 minutes. If you can’t tell the difference then presumably you are one of the reasons why stores now have to put up signs asking customers to respect the employees and not be rude or threaten them.

            • +2

              @dtc: What is this complete intellectual dishonesty?

              You completely ignore the context surrounding the conversation, and assume that I'm abusing and being rude to them.

              Under those assumptions, you expect me to walk away 2.5k out of pocket

            • @dtc: If a company effectively steals $2.5k from a customer they have no grounds to complain about said customer tearing them a new one!

  • -1

    private business so can deny service and charge with tresspass if on their private property

    why you purchase laptops from them is beyond my understanding

  • Another punter leaving Harvey Whoreman unsatisfied.

  • +1

    Getting banned from Dodgy Gerry Harvey's HN stores ? Count me in…. Where do I sign?

  • Just as Gerry Harvey intended.

  • +1

    I would have just asked for some free stuff to make up for it being opened, then accept it. But I'm easy.

  • Having previously worked at HN in the 2000s for multiple years across multiple stores and known multiple proprietors, I can promise you there isn’t a single one who wouldn’t want to take your hard earned cash, no matter how much of a (reasonable) ass you think you were. You are not banned, at least not intentionally.

  • Based on my bad experience I think it might be possible. Also worst experience.

    Cliff notes is I ordered a laptop online, they took my money then and waited and waited. There was plenty of stock around.

    Called up and said they didn't accept my order. I asked if they had issued and refund and they had not. They weren't able to provide a reason for anything.

    So not only didi they not accept my order. They didn't tell me about it or organise a refund when they did and had to wait for me to contact them.

    Got a refund only after a few weeks and I reported them.

  • +3

    I think a similar thing may have happened to me. Years ago I purchased a toaster through their online store for delivery and they sent the wrong toaster. I was happy to send it back at their cost for a replacement, which they said was not possible and the only way for me to either get a refund or the right toaster was to take it back to their store, which was about an hour away.

    I refused to waste my time for their incompetence and initiated a credit card chargeback, got my money back, but ever since then I’ve been unable to order through the online store with that card. It just always declines with a ‘processing error’.

  • as soon as any shop stuffs you around, get appropriate evidence and go straight to bank CHARGE BACK

  • +1

    Harvey Norman is a dinosaur and can only survive in country like Australia. Their staff show hardly any interest in anything.
    I’m really surprised people are still going there to buy laptop in 2023.

    • I’m really surprised people are still going there to buy laptop in 2023

      It could be due to the fact that lots of companies have contract with HN for salary sacrficing.

      • LOL sounds like more than salary they are sacrificing.

  • I dont know how anyone could get banned.

    Your perception of having just a chat may have been part of the problem.

  • What happened is the model was end of life and they packaged up the demo. Other stores were running low and did the same thing. You buy retail, that's what happpens

  • Large Australian chain stores are super incompetent when it comes to online CS. I had a similar bad experience with Big W. The manager in-store would wash her hands off anything to do online. Even going so far as to throw them under the bus like as if this sort of situation happens all the time. Not only was she unsympathetic but super defensive about her position. I’ve leant my lesson - if you plan to order something from a large Australian retailer online, NEVER pay for an item valued over $200 no matter how good the discount is. Not worth the shitty experience

  • +6

    Our online system isn't the best, there's a number of things that can be made to make the whole process better for the customer, can I do anything about that, unfortunately not.

    As someone mentioned above, stock is given out to customers on an account to HN Online, meaning the store doesn't receive any money for a number of weeks after the goods have been picked up. If you don't pickup your goods the store doesn't get paid. So technically the store can't go giving you a refund.

    We remove the display flag off laptops/desktops that are clearance to get these online orders. If we get one, the customer is contacted & advised and offered something extra as an incentive to take the display. Don't want it? No problems we'll attempt to get in a new one or reroute the order to another store.

    Do I believe your instance could've been handled better - abso-(profanity)-lutely. It's bad enough that Gerry gets out & runs his mouth off stuffing up peoples thoughts of the place, individual stores shouldn't go adding to it.

    I won't go into details but the store most definitely could've sorted it out for you without themselves actually giving you money and even then there's ways of sorting it out so you did get your money (I'm also not taking into account method of payment here). And that's a shame, cause they've lost you as a customer probably for ever & you've come on here and told your story.

    I can only apologise for your dealings and say not all stores are like that.

    Are you banned though? No, not unless you're a known thief, though you may not go back to that store.

    • +9

      They lost me and my partner in 2007 over a laptop that was faulty when opened. Almost had a stand up fight with the franchisee as they wanted to send it to Toshiba. I refused and they refused a refund.

      As it was a brand new store in Chatswood I heard that King Gerry himself was coming to the store on Thursday night to officially open it. I had a typed letter to hand to him complaining about the refusal for a refund. The franchisee was there in looking smug until I told him what I was there for.

      I had my refund in 4 minutes.

  • +1

    First mistake was buying anything from HN.

    My parents bought a new TV from them and was to be delivered. A week later no TV, they called and were told it was still in the warehouse. On that same day by chance my aunty bought the same TV from JB (she looked in to the new TV and decided to buy one too). My aunty had the TV within 2 days whilst my parents had to wait another week and made countless more enquiries. They literally could have cancelled the HN order, bought it from JB and had it sooner.

  • If you paid by CC, just do a chargeback for non-delivery of goods and let the store argue it out with the bank. Much more satisfying!

  • I reckon Harvey Norman would be about as competent at banning people from their stores as they are at everything else.

  • Need a poll… and if this happened quite a while back… what makes you think you might be banned.. :\
    How can they even ban you anyway.. like in store and online? :\
    I mean.. you should BAN them if anything.

  • For Hardly Normal, your experience was pretty normal. Like @KaTst3R said, banning you is actually doing you a favor.

  • +2

    There's a rule of thumb I told people when I did IT was never deal with Hardley Normal. It was HN that pioneered the supplier rebate system for retailing in Oz. Any laptop or PC sold at HN will be different to everything else on the market, even if it's the exact same model. Toshiba were notorious for supplying HN specific laptops to HN in the early days.

  • +1

    They couldn't figure out how to refund you. How are they going to implement any system to ban you?

  • +2

    Didn’t know those shops still existed. None in my area and I don’t listen or watch commercial tv/radio

  • -2

    Lol australians still buying from HN and getting upset when they get treated like they went shopping at HM.

    I bought a $2,500 robotic lawn mower from amazon. Then realised I can in no way afford a $2500 robot lawn mower, so I returned it. No problem. Bought a $3,000 Asus laptop instead, local price was $4,300.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Keeping shopping at HN.

    Hey afterwards, why dont you stop in at Clarks Rubber? After the reaming you get at aussie retail, Im sure Clarks Rubber would have a nice plug for your arse.

    • I bought a thermos from Amazon. Opened package, noticed it was covered in small scratches so I went online looking for how to refund it. Amazingly easy. They sent another one straight away and all I had to do was take my package to an aus post shop and they’d print off the return shipping label for me.

      • bargains on amazon? lol

        koalabargains: The returned lawn mover cost that business selling on Amazon a $2500 sale - now the've got a used $2500 mower they can't sell for $2500. You probably cost an Australian business $500.

        Leviathain: Amazon sold you a secondhand thermos. that isn't ok.

        • Nope they resold it for cheaper. Two years later I got an email from a shop in qld asking me if my lawn mower had been stolen because their customer was trying to register it. I said no, I returned it.

          Amazon is 1,000 years ahead of Australian businesses. Returns are INSURED. They then sell the old yucky products that someone else has touched to smaller businesses who trade in such things. So amazon wins 3 times. THey got my loyalty, they got their insurance payment, and they still sell the product.

          Also NEVER ever buy from a business selling on Amazon. Only buy from Amazon.JP. Those are true amazon. The customer service reps can do anything, ANYTHING. Do not buy from local yahoos selling on amazon.

      • +1

        I had a very similar experience with Amazon recently when I purchased a thermos (THERMOcafe by Thermos). It had scratches, a dent and arrived without any packaging. I was annoyed as you could save a few dollars if you bought a used one from Amazon and paid extra for a new one (couldn't believe they sell used ones - I'd hope they're new returns though). Sent Amazon pictures and asked for them to arrange a courier to pick it up from my house (I don't have an Australia Post all that close by and can't get there because of my work hours) but they said their provider couldn't currently do a pick up and that I'd have to drive to an Australia Post to return it. I complained as why should I have to take time off work and waste my fuel to rectify their mistake for a $15 item - they ended up just refunding it and telling me to throw it away. I then bought another type of thermos from Amazon.

        I also had a similar experience buying a pair of Razer smart glasses/sunglasses from Amazon (sent by Amazon US). Paid extra for new ones and a used pair arrived. I was happy to send it back as I had time off from work but Amazon just told me to keep it and they'd give me a full refund (probably because it came from overseas). Not bad as they cost about $130 AUD.

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