Picked up a box of these being run-out at Bunnings. These are proper P2 industrial type masks that can be used for sanding, fiberglass etc.
Both styles are $25 per box - You get either 10 x P2 valve or 20 x P2 non-valved. They were once on sale even cheaper but currently you would normally be paying ~ $12 per 3. The non-valved are $1.25 per mask which is good.
Both styles conform to AS/NZS 1716:2012
Cached Bunnings pages for reference:
Valved https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:aesb2x…
Non-valved https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1vivAN…
Plenty of stock about but its no longer on the website:
Valved https://nrby.in/bunnings/0401359
Non-valved https://nrby.in/bunnings/0401354
in time for JN.1