Freestanding Mixer Kenwood Chef KM366 Vs Chef KVC3100W

Hi There,

I'm looking for a mixer for my mum's birthday. She makes a lot of bread, cakes and European food made from dough.

I'm leaning toward these two models. The Kenwood Chef KM336 for $249 @ TGG or Kenwood Chef KVC3100W for $329 on Amazon. Apart from the motor, is there anything majorly different between these two models? Are there any other mixers that you suggest I look at?……

I wish there were other retailers besides The Good Guys selling the KM336 at a reasonable price. I had a few bad experiences with TGG & the one in my area often leaves a lot to be desired.


  • -2

    She makes a lot of bread, cakes and European food made from dough.

    If she makes a lot, can you front up for a Kitchenaid?

    • He said she makes food from dough, not she's made of dough.

      And why would that be better?

    • +1

      Not necessary, and I'm not even convinced the price difference is anything more than marketing.
      My $40 Marketplace Kenwood churns through 1.8Kg of bread dough at least once per week perfectly happily.

      The Amazon link is more powerful and heavier 6.5 vs 7.3Kg (comparing TGG data for each)
      It also includes the Stainless Steel Whisk and Aluminium Dough Tool, wheras the KM366 has only the K beater.

      It's a no brainer if Bread mixing is the primary purpose, get the one with the dough hook.

      • +1

        The KM366 does include a Stainless Steel Whisk and Aluminum Dough Tool as well

        • Ah, so it does.

    • front up for a Kitchenaid

      Kenwoods crap all over KitchenAid

      • Didn't know kenwoods had a toilet problem

        • Depends if you have fibre available.

  • Maybe get betta to price match?
    Id go the Chef KVC3100W
    The food processor and blender attachment are good too.

  • Bought the Km336 at myer last year with 20% cash back over boxing day for about the same price.
    I make pizza dough with it, and just bought a cold press juicer from that had in my basket for days, until they sent an email offering 30% off. Got the press and 2 attachments for the front for about $180.You need the adaptor to make most of the front stuff work, cost $30.
    I make ginger beer and got 850ml of ginger from 1 kg of whole ginger. About 50%-50% waste with carrots, I'd never do again.
    For what I need, the KM336 is great, Pizza and ginger is all I need from it and never had over heating problems.

  • I'd get this one…

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