All time low on the Pro for an outright price available to the public, 38% off RRP$1299. 33% off RRP$999 on the Pixel 7.
Correct link to Pixel 7. Corrected from irrelevant post link by @alvian.
All time low on the Pro for an outright price available to the public, 38% off RRP$1299. 33% off RRP$999 on the Pixel 7.
Correct link to Pixel 7. Corrected from irrelevant post link by @alvian.
there was some deal that came up for 6 on ebay sale but it never materialised. I ended up going a 7 for $499 recently.
Im waiting for the 8 to drop in price 🥲
It already did, during Black Friday.
Unfortunately i missed that one!
IMO it ain't worth it. I got the Pro 8 on the HN/Optus deal (didn't cancel) and the phone is pretty average.
IMO 8 Pro is definitely worth it over 7 Pro, from the time I've spent with both.
It's not an $1800 phone, but if you pick it up at a discount it is very solid. Worthy of being called a flagship, which I'm not sure I could say about the 7 Pro tbh.
Used a P7 for a couple of month. Always had problems with the network, fingerprint, and Android Auto. Also the constant turning on/off of NFC to use Opal card while inside the case irked me. I know Opal card is not P7’s issue but got rid off it.
People pay that RRP for a Google phone?
Wait until you see the 8 Pro RRP lol.
People pay RRP for a phone? Ftfy
Spewing didn’t jump on the Black Friday 8 pro deals zzzzz
Any idea when Boxing Day deals will be announced?
Within the next 2 weeks….
Prob 2-3 days out so they can get the crowds going over Xmas Eve and Xmas day
this offer valid for 13th December so hopefully more deals comes oute earlier then christmas .. particularly for Pixel 8 .. !
note that the extra 5% off from the coupon expires after tomorrow, i believe.
7 is buggy af. do not buy
That hasn't been my experience using a 7 daily, what aspects are you finding buggy?
My screen turned green, they replaced it and the new one for me had been buggy.
Freezes on open finger print screen, scrolling stutters etc
I checked the settings, like nothing different from my original phone.
I'd try a factory reset and see how you go, if you're still having issues, I'd send that one back also.
Oh shit, I have had some random "greenifying" of my screen, but only noticed it when using a specific app for a long time (Hole19 - a golf app).
But yikes, now you have me worried.
probably lucky dip. i know 2 people with new pixel 7 and all they do is complain about the glitches
I had the Pixel 6 Pro and 3XL before that - never had any issues with 3XL except that the processor/RAM capacity slowed down over time so I had upgraded to 6 Pro.
The 6 was filled with issues, overheating from just regular use (no gaming), poor brightness auto control, poor battery life (in 2-3hrs, Cellular usage was chewing up 54% battery), and at random times becomes laggy. On the device screen, top half has some color shifting issues.
Looking at Pixel reviews, always seems like they launch with software bugs, since the poor P6 experience, haven't bothered to return to P7 or P8 lineup.
my 8 is perfect. seems to be a common issue on 6 and 7 though
Paid less for the pixel 7 on black friday last year. JB are a joke with their sales, just trying to clear old stoke all the time
I paid $700 and a $100 HN voucher through the HN deal last year, and they gave me the 256GB by mistake.
Hard to beat that LOL
surprisingly no deal came out from Optus after such a big disruption they caused to every customer out there .. ! :(
About $30 less than the recent Pixel 8 Pro deal with Optus.
Coupon also works for Pixel 5 Pro 512 GB - $1091.55
What’s a Pixel 5 Pro?
yes, typo "Pixel 7 Pro 512Gb"
Pixel 5 Pro $1091.55
Is that a typo?
Wait no I can one up this. Pixel 6 Pro on "clearance" with coupon $1519.05
Wtf lol
When is the pixel 6 for $380 coming