Christmas Sale Price Reduction, Final Week - Hario Cold Brew Pot reduced from $34.9 to $29.90 + $9.95 Flat Rate Shipping
Brew simple, strong, low acidic cold brew coffee with ease. Store for up to a week and drink with ease.
Christmas Sale Price Reduction, Final Week - Hario Cold Brew Pot reduced from $34.9 to $29.90 + $9.95 Flat Rate Shipping
Brew simple, strong, low acidic cold brew coffee with ease. Store for up to a week and drink with ease.
Referrer receives $5 coupon, Referee receives $10 coupon on email signup.
If you brew for 15 hours, it's quite a strong concentrate which you can use as a base concentrate and top up with water. This way it makes quite a few cups of coffee from the 1L. Video here:
Yeah we make a concentrate around 400g of coffee with 1.6-1.7L of water depending on how accurate my pouring is haha.
Not that good a deal.
Amazon JP has these for $19 a few months back
Yep got mine for $18.65 delivered
Not a valid reason for a negative vote, its $42 on Amazon now.
Oh I bought this! Its still in the box.. somewhere…
im curious do you remove the coffee after the brewing period or is it fine to leave in much longer? (ive seen ppl comment to leave it in between 8-24hours)
I leave mine in for 24 hours. I grind coffee to size 54 on Breville grinder.
I was lucky enough to get one during to Amazon Japan deal. Have the smaller 600 ml one . It fits nicely in the door or top shelf of normal fridge , or I take it on holidays and it still fits easily in bar sized fridge door.
The instructions were written in Japanese with pictures.
Thanks, reminded me I have one of these in a cupboard somewhere. Time to make some concentrate for iced coffee!
saw how they do it, its exactly like the one for my tea. sweet, saved me some money, i will just dual purpose the one for my tea.
Just check the mesh design. Cold brew with a load of sediment isn't very nice - need to watch your grind settings in any case.
thanks mate, my tea filter is a tight weave and looks similar to this hario by the pictures. i usually make espresso and i have a grinder, what do you recommend for the grind settings? this freaking hot summer is hard to drink hot ass coffee on a hot ass day, lol.
I just do really coarse and let it brew, let it brew! I go for up to a day (someone here above does the same) before carefully removing the 'exhausted' grounds. I also make a small (300ml) bottle of 'liquid' sugar to keep in the fridge for easy sweetening.
Not exactly a deal if shipping is included.…
Ordinarily, I'd agree… and for me, shipping kills this deal. In saying that, the Amazon listing is more expensive even with free shipping.
Coz last one on speical was sold so quickly LOL
A litre is a little small though unless you are going to be brewing every other day. Toddy is more expensive ($60ish) but you can make heaps.