Hi guys,
I've asked this before and now here I am after sinking 15k into super for the FHSS.
I'm at a stage now where I'm unsure if I should sink more through salary sacrifice, because I'm not sure if it's really helping me that much.
Here is my confusion.
I'm now at 37% tax rate.
I understand that there is 15% tax for super, and when you exit you get taxed 30-37%+2% on the total amount you pull out.
Effectively (let's remove any interest earned because it complicates it) you are taxed 15% .. and then 9% on the remaining after 15% so effectively abit over 24% probably 25 or something.
Am I right to assume this is everything? Or is there more they take out?
Cause this is what I am confused and I assume next FY when your tax drops to 30% it ends up being 2% when you withdraw? Or am I wrong about everything?
Cheers in advance … I'm so confused again!!.
See here