Sydney Trains - Tapping on for Weekend Rail Busses


Does anyone know if one officially has to tap on for the weekend train replacement busses? Saw a lot of people doing so on the weekend across many busses and this is the first time I can remember this has happened. In the past, the bus readers have been turned off.

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  • 19
    NO - Do not Tap on for train replacement busses
  • 2
    YES - Tap on for train replacement busses

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  • Yeah, I've never seen tapping on replacement buses. I have had at least one bus driver tell me not to worry. Maybe this time because so many lines were down they wanted to continue to collect revenue?

    (WTF happened this weekend? Town hall only one line operating.)

  • most of the machine on the repl. buses are not having the machine to tap, or if there is, it is not working
    so even if you want to tap you cannot

  • Some buses have finally been loaded with Opal programming for train fares. Where this is the case, the Opal reader will be on and logged in, and by law you are supposed to validate your ticket if you are able to. It's worth noting that Transport Officers can check even for rail replacement buses, and that when the Opal readers are on and logged in, real-time tracking should work too, so stats are being collected which will help improve the replacement service.

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