This was posted 1 year 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Ubisoft] Free - Assassin's Creed Syndicate @ Ubisoft


Get your free copy!

Ubisoft is pleased to offer you Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. You can claim your free game from November 28th at 00:00 to December 7th at 00:00 (your local time) and you will be able to play it at any time!

Offer valid for the PC Digital version of the game only. Age restrictions apply.

Bonus digital soundtrack (thanks slipkord)

Also, you can get the Assassin's Creed® Syndicate Soundtrack for free, which isn't mentioned anywhere on the Assassin's Creed® Syndicate game listing on the Ubisoft Store.

You can manually get it, by running the Ubisoft Connect launcher program, navigate to the Assassin's Creed® Syndicate game within your library, scroll down to the Rewards section, click on the Soundtrack thumbnail, and click the 'Get It' button.

Great! but is it worth playing?

74 Metacritic score, here's an IGN Video Review and some raw PC gameplay footage

Free Ubisoft Connect account required. This was previously known as Ubisoft Uplay so you may already have an account.

Take care and enjoy.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thank you OP. I got a copy

  • Anyone who has played it recommend downloading it or nah?

    • +11

      The last proper Assassin's Creed game, it's awesome. I haven't played Mirage yet though

      Also, nice username OP!

      • Which "proper" version are you referring to? Odyssey?

        • +12

          Syndicate was the last game in the franchise to play more as a stealth game with proper assassinations before it was turned into a run of the mill open world RPG with optional stealth elements in Origin.

          What they mean by "proper" is, the AC community was split when the franchise changed directions with the genre. People that liked how the original games played will generally call them the "proper" games or better games, and people that liked the new genre generally hate the slower feel of the older games so they avoid them like the plague.

          • @WinterStar: The only bits where this assessment seems accurate are the "boss battle" Military battle portions of Odyssey. I can't think of much difference in the way I played Origins (or the vast majority of Odyssey) versus Syndicate.

            • +2

              @ESEMCE: I don't know how you played the games but it's what actually happened, even UBI announced the change of direction with Origins at the time. It's the whole reason the community got split.

              • +2

                @WinterStar: I freely admit, I'm not the traditional gamer, and I am certainly not a skilled player so, I guess I play really cautiously and therefore favour "stealth" tactics over brazen combat that a "real" gamer might utilise.
                I'm sure you're right, but for people asking questions on the gameplay of an "old" game, it seems likely that they're more likely to be coming from a casual gaming perspective like me.

        • +4

          Sorry I meant Syndicate is the last true Assassin's Creed game, after that they went all RPGey

          I loved everything before Origins, which I don't care for. I even liked Odyssey, but it wasn't Assassin's Creed to me. Never got into Valhalla either

          • @chromium: Wholeheartedly agree with everything you've said.

            I have played and loved them all, even the 2D ones from the Chronicles series. (They missed the boat not doing a full China one, the female protagonist from the China one was awesome - and hidden blade in the shoes FTW) I ran into a game breaking bug in India though, so couldn't finish it.

            I am always a game or two behind in a series. For instance, by the time I got onto Unity, it was cheap, and all the bugs were fixed. I had one or two slight game bugs (like a dude running into the sky off a roof haha), but nothing major.

            I skipped Syndicate to play Origins when it came out, (since I never get to play current games and talk with people who are currently playing with it), and I don't regret it, I loved Origins. Then played Syndicate, and I was like WTF is this. No hidden blade? You kept getting referred to "Mysthios" (aka Mercenary)? There's basically no "planning" of how to climb, or get to your target. You literally just run in ANY direction, and hold A to climb… even towards a friggin' flag mountain surface!! This is how you evade guards, and just come back in 30 seconds. Why link it to AC at the end? Why not have a completely separate game, and then bam at the end we realise it's in the same universe as AC. Kinda like how they secretly linked Half-Life and Portal.

            Odyssey was my least favourite, followed by AC Black Flag (I know I'm going to upset a few people)

            I really should go back to AC Syndicate. I have Valhalla and Mirage to add to my list too. Will probably skip AC Red as I've already played Ghost of Tsushima and I doubt they'll top it.

    • +3

      Decent time killer. I didn't think it was anything amazing, but for $0 it's worth to mess around with for a weekend or two.

    • Dude it's free

      • +6

        I said to download it, not "get it".
        I'm sure we all have an endless list of games in our library that we haven't even started

    • I was introduced to Assassins Creed franchise through Odyssey (yeah, late to the party) enjoyed the gameplay and more importantly the varied landscapes.

      Then played Origins which IMHO wasn't as good (too much boring desert), although official reviews say it's better than Odyssey.

      Had a run through Valhalla during a free play weekend, but again it felt boring, Origins with snow instead of sand. (to be fair, I didn't get too far)

      Then purchased Syndicate (for $5 or something) as it is highly rated, but I have no idea why, worse than Origins IMHO, mostly because if find the controls extremely frustrating.

      Obviously my preferences are the exact opposite of reviewers, perhaps cause they've come into the games from early years and care about the story or something. I'm no gamer, I play on easy mode cause I'm there for the fun not the challenge/frustration.

      • +2

        If you're going through the games in backwards order (other than Valhalla) then of course they're going to feel more janky. I love the series due to the huge open worlds and how much you can learn, while enjoying a fun fictional story of assasins.

        • +3

          Haha yeah, the first Assassin's Creed game I finished was Odyssey, which I really enjoyed. I tried to get into Origins, but it was boring.

          Then a couple of years ago I went through ALL of them from the start back to back. Had an absolute blast and then got to Origins and got bored again lol

          Syndicate was one of my favourites, but they're all brilliant pre-Origins

  • +10

    Ubisoft patched in ads for their sales into their old AC games. Pull your map up? Ad!

    • +3

      True….Ubisoft being Ubisoft

    • -5

      Thanks faux news

        • -7

          Did you get more than halfway through reading the title of the video you posted or was it too many words?

          • +5

            @King Steuart: You think they 'accidentally' put ads into the menu system of their game?
            They got called out for aggressive and intrusive advertising, then they quickly patched it out of the game and said it was a 'technical issue' to save face. This is the indistinguishable from the response they would have if they'd intentionally added the advertising and then got a negative user response blowback.

            If it were a games company with a reputation for honesty and good customer service then I may give them the benefit of the doubt - but it's Ubisoft, lol.

            • -2


              'fans' claiming something doesn't make it true. They've said it was meant to pop up in the main menu but popped up elsewhere instead. It's a story where you get to choose your path, and I'm believing Ubi on this one. MS, Sony and EA are worse for ads.

              • +3

                @King Steuart: Is that the best source you could find that matches your opinion? A biased low-quality Indian news outlet?

                A company (Ubisoft) claiming something also doesn't make it true, especially when they have a history of dishonesty. Best to think more about your sources.

                • -1

                  @mellow: Shrug, just google searched and grabbed a top result. It provides primary source quotes from Ubisoft.

                  • @King Steuart: "Did you get more than halfway through reading the title of the [article] you posted or was it too many words?"

                    • -2

                      @divineiniquity: I did actually. You'll see I wrote 'It provides primary source quotes from Ubisoft.'

                      • @King Steuart: I just made some enqueries and have updated information. "This was no mistake, we tried to open a new revenue stream by putting ads into core game functions, it backfired. So we've shelved that plan…for now…" [source from Ubisoft]

    • +1

      technical issue like Optus. how did that get there.

  • +1

    added to my account, thanks OP, probably not going to play though, it is a 2015 game.

    • It still holds up fairly well.

    • +3

      The Witcher 3 is a 2015 game and is still one of the best games out there

    • +2

      I played it a couple of years ago as part of an Assassin's Creed binge where I played them all from the start back to back. Syndicate was awesome. The binge ended part way through Origins though, it just wasn't the Assassin's Creed I had grown to love.

  • +6

    @Magical Sound Shower - I suggest you should mark your deal post as a Freebie.

    Also, you can get the Assassin's Creed® Syndicate Soundtrack for free, which isn't mentioned anywhere on the Assassin's Creed® Syndicate game listing on the Ubisoft Store.

    You can manually get it, by running the Ubisoft Connect launcher program, navigate to the Assassin's Creed® Syndicate game within your library, scroll down to the Rewards section, click on the Soundtrack thumbnail, and click the 'Get It' button.

    • +2

      Thanks I forgot about that button! I never post freebies lol.

      And thank you for the soundtrack tip, I've added it to the post. Cheers.

  • Can anyone else not log in with iPhone?

    • I’m using iPhone and works just fine…

      • The website sucks. I had to use my laptop instead.

  • +2

    Website is absolutely trashed right now for me, extremely slow loading and buttons don't work

  • Hmm already had it. Must have been free some other time, never bought an AC game

  • Mother trucker, I just bought all the old assassins' creed games on BF. Syndicate was the most expensive in the bunch. oh well atleast i got the dlc atleast.

    • Jack the Ripper DLC well worth it. I think the other famous figure stories are DLC too? Dickens & Darwin? Can't remember

  • +4

    Is there a way to tell if its been successfully added to your account without installing Ubisoft connect? I don't have it installed on this PC and don't want to install it at the moment. I can't find any record of this being added to my account on their website.

    • I got a page that says:

      "HAVE FUN!
      The game has been successfully added to your Ubisoft Connect PC library."

      Then providing options to launch, or download Ubisoft Connect

      • Yeh, same, but no other evidence that it's available in my account anywhere that I can find.

        • +2

          Just for you, I downloaded the Ubisoft Connect, verified it was available in my library with no further action. Then uninstalled Ubisoft Connect ;)
          It will be there ready for you to play in your account, when you have time/resources to do so.

    • You can see it in your games list on the website. Click the image of the person in the top right hand corner.

      • Oops, I was wrong. The website only shows last played games. I seem to have 23 Ubisoft games and I have no idea if any of them are worth playing, other than South Park which I've played.

  • The poster on ubisoft website says for PC, PS4 (digital) and Xbox (digital). Can somebody explain how to install it on xbox digitally? Thanks.

    • +1

      have you downloaded Ubisoft connect on your console and had a look on there?

      • +1

        No, Actually I've odered xbx from black friday deal and waiting for it to arrive. It's my first xbox (been a PC user) so I didn't knew that there is ubisoft connect app for consoles as well.

        • +1

          yeah it's in the store

          • @mulishajp: Are you saying you can buy the game from Ubisoft Connect app on Xbox store on console? Why don’t you buy it from the store directly?

    • +1

      It is for PC only.

      Assassin's Creed Syndicate - FREE GAME OFFER

      Get Assassin's Creed Syndicate for FREE from November 27th, 2023 at 1PM UTC until December 6th, 2023 at 1PM UTC. Offer valid for the PC Digital version of the game only. Age restrictions apply.

  • +5

    Thanks, I forgot I even had a ubisoft game library lol

  • Cheers added to the library

  • Can we play coop in this game ?

    • Does Assassins Creed Syndicate have multiplayer?
      Unlike its predecessor, the game has no multiplayer mode

  • +1

    Anyone else having trouble with Ubisoft's 2FA? It keeps saying it'll send the code to my email but there's no sign of it, checked junk mail and everything. The recovery option is to use one of the pre-generated keys but it either doesn't accept it, or the email verification code field isn't the right place to put it?

    • +1

      yes i had that problem a few months back actually had to message Ubisoft to get it fix now i don't use the 2FA lol in case it fails again

      • +5

        Good to know, thanks.

        EDIT: LOL, well this is dumb. I need to login to submit a support case for my issues with login.

        • Same here, Q&A asked me login (need verification code) and go to manage account to fix my verification code issue.

    • Not even my bank has 2FA but Ubisoft does! It felt wrong so I opted out and used my game specific throwaway email.

      • +1

        I don't think it's "wrong" at all.

        Someone managed to steal my PSN account which I was never able to recover (they won't do anything without a confirmation of my DOB, but I signed up when I was a child with a random DOB that made me an adult (I have no idea why I didn't just use my real birthday with an earlier year…).

        I've lost the (probably pretty valuable - even though you presumably aren't technically allowed to sell them) ID and something like $100 worth of games. I don't really care about my Ubisoft account, but highly recommend you use 2FA anywhere you can!

        • +1

          Fair call.

          I always write down the fake details I give to each company in my password manager.

    • Same here, created case at support, no update for 2 days. If nothing comes back I may just creat a new account to claim LOL

    • +1

      So I managed to login on my Ubisoft Connect app using one of the single-use recovery codes (for some reason first one didn't work but 2nd one did - I've never used any of them before). Having logged in, I tried changing 2-step verification, but in order to do that, guess what? You have to authorise it using 2-step verification.

      However, I did manage to submit a support email. That also required email verification but that must be on a different system, 'coz that worked.

      But anyway, managed to claim the free game while I was at it, so that's a win, I guess.

  • Thank you, alredy had an account because I had the South Park games

    • +1

      Same here. I have two games now. South Park: The Fractured but Whole and Assassin's Creed Unity.

  • +1

    Jack the ripper DLC is also 75% off for $6 as well

    • +1

      Worth it!

      • the whole season pass is only $9.89 on greenmangaming now

  • Looks like i already has the account with password saved, but i can't find my step 2 verification code in my email or phone or text. I need to log in and go to manage account to adjust anything, but i can't log in without varification code…even support need to log in. Anyone know how to fix this?

    • +2

      I have the same problem, but no solution. See comments above where mulishajp suggests that you have to contact Ubisoft to have it fixed.

  • +5

    Amazing. I've never played or bought an Assassin's Creed game but I own in my Ubisoft account: Assassin's Creed I, II, III, Black Flag, Chronicles: China, India, Russia, Origins, and now Syndicate! 0.0

    • +1

      A true ozbargainer right there!

      You should play them though, they great!

  • Forgot I even had Assassin's Creed Origins for free with Prime Gaming a while back, until I opened up the Ubisoft Connect launcher for the first time in more than a year, lol.

    The website of the Ubisoft store (at least the mobile version) is such a load of dung that I couldn't find out what games I had in its library.

  • Found out I already had this in my Ubisoft account from when it was previously free. Probably when it was offered as a free Epic Games giveaway back in late February 2020.

    Yet grabbed the free soundtrack.

  • Played maybe 50% of this. Brilliant setting let down by a boring story. I haven't enjoyed any AC game to be fair

  • Enjoying this on my Enigma PC 6700XT 1440p maxxed out graphics.

    I used my wood worm umbrella today and looking at my Halo jacket.

    Dreaming of the TCL C845.


  • +1

    Downloaded and played it for maybe an hour… 60% of that was story telling. Definitely not for me.

  • OMG the 'soundtrack' is rubbish. Bunch of theatre kids trying to be funny with 2 minutes songs. How can you even call that a soundtrack.

  • +1

    Looks like it isn't free anymore.

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