Overeem is my favourite Tassie distillery. Both their port and and sherry CS are fantastic. They cost $300 and rarely go on sale. This is port/sherry and costs $212. I have a few bottles of this. It is very very good.
TWL is having a massive sale. Lots of independent bottlings, rums, armagnacs etc. Check it out: https://thewhiskylist.com.au/collections/bfcm23
BONUS GIFT: Every whisky order from TWL Shop in November will receive a bonus 20ml whisky sample.
EDIT: The 'next button' is very small in the bottom right. There's about 5 pages of booze. Also, the discount should automatically apply in cart, if not try BFCM20 or BFCM23 but you shouldn't need too
EDIT 2: the sale is 20% off, apologies, I should have lead with that
Another tasty cask strength tassy - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/305266486606?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mk…